AD667KP ,Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A ConverterSPECIFICATIONSRef In to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±12 V(All Mode ..
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AD667SE ,Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A ConverterFEATURESComplete 12-Bit D/A FunctionDouble-Buffered LatchOn Chip Output AmplifierHigh Stability Bur ..
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ADC0834CCJ ,8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Multiplexer OptionADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838 8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Multiplexer OptionsJuly 2002AD ..
Microprocessor-Compatible 12-Bit D/A Converter
12-Bit D/A Converter
Complete 12-Bit D/A Function
Double-Buffered Latch
On Chip Output Amplifier
High Stability Buried Zener Reference
Single Chip Construction
Monotonicity Guaranteed Over Temperature
Linearity Guaranteed Over Temperature: 1/2 LSB max
Settling Time: 3 ms max to 0.01%
Guaranteed for Operation with 612 V or 615 V
Low Power: 300 mW Including Reference
TTL/5 V CMOS Compatible Logic Inputs
Low Logic Input Currents
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD667 is a complete voltage output 12-bit digital-to-analog
converter including a high stability buried Zener voltage refer-
ence and double-buffered input latch on a single chip. The
converter uses 12 precision high speed bipolar current steering
switches and a laser trimmed thin-film resistor network to pro-
vide fast settling time and high accuracy.
Microprocessor compatibility is achieved by the on-chip double-
buffered latch. The design of the input latch allows direct inter-
face to 4-, 8-, 12-, or 16-bit buses. The 12 bits of data from the
first rank of latches can then be transferred to the second rank,
avoiding generation of spurious analog output values. The latch
responds to strobe pulses as short as 100 ns, allowing use with
the fastest available microprocessors.
The functional completeness and high performance in the
AD667 results from a combination of advanced switch design,
high speed bipolar manufacturing process, and the proven laser
wafer-trimming (LWT) technology. The AD667 is trimmed at
the wafer level and is specified to ±1/4 LSB maximum linearity
error (K, B grades) at +25°C and ±1/2 LSB over the full operat-
ing temperature range.
The subsurface (buried) Zener diode on the chip provides a low
noise voltage reference which has long-term stability and tem-
perature drift characteristics comparable to the best discrete ref-
erence diodes. The laser trimming process which provides the
excellent linearity, is also used to trim the absolute value of the
reference as well as its temperature coefficient. The AD667 is
thus well suited for wide temperature range performance with1/2 LSB maximum linearity error and guaranteed monotonic-
ity over the full temperature range. Typical full-scale gain TC is
5 ppm/°C.
*Protected by Patent Numbers 3,803,590; 3,890,611; 3,932,863; 3,978,473;
4,020,486; and others pending.The AD667 is available in five performance grades. The
AD667J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C tem-
perature range and are available in a 28-pin molded plastic DIP
(N) or PLCC (P) package. The AD667S grade is specified for
the –55°C to +125°C range and is available in the ceramic DIP
(D) or LCC (E) package. The AD667A and B are specified for
use over the –25°C to +85°C temperature range and are avail-
able in a 28-pin hermetically sealed ceramic DIP (D) package.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS1. The AD667 is a complete voltage output DAC with voltage
reference and digital latches on a single IC chip.
2. The double-buffered latch structure permits direct interface
to 4-, 8-, 12-, or 16-bit data buses. All logic inputs are TTL
or 5 volt CMOS compatible.
3. The internal buried Zener reference is laser-trimmed to 10.00
volts with a ±1% maximum error. The reference voltage is
also available for external application.
4. The gain setting and bipolar offset resistors are matched to
the internal ladder network to guarantee a low gain tempera-
ture coefficient and are laser-trimmed for minimum full-scale
and bipolar offset errors.
5. The precision high speed current steering switch and on-board
high speed output amplifier settle within 1/2 LSB for a 10 V
full-scale transition in 2.0 μs as when properly compensated.
6. The AD667 is available in versions compliant with MIL-
STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products
Databook or current AD667/883B data sheet for detailed
TIMING SPECIFICATIONS(All Models, TA = +25°C, VCC = +12 V or +15 V, VEE = –12 V or –15 V)
AD667–SPECIFICATIONS(@ TA = +258C, 612 V, 615 V power supplies unless otherwise noted)NOTESThe digital input specifications are 100% tested at +25°C, and guaranteed but not tested over the full temperature range.
2Adjustable to zero.FSR means “Full-Scale Range” and is 20 V for ±10 V range and 10 V for the ±5 V range.A minimum power supply of ±12.5 V is required for a ±10 V full-scale output and ±11.4 V is required for all other voltage ranges.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical
test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min and
max specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are tested
on all production units.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSVCC to Power Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 V to +18 V
VEE to Power Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 V to –18 V
Digital Inputs (Pins 11–15, 17–28)
to Power Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–1.0 V to +7.0 V
Ref In to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±12 V
Bipolar Offset to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±12 V
10 V Span R to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±12 V
20 V Span R to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±24 V
WRITE CYCLE #1(Load First Rank from Data Bus; A3 = 1)
WRITE CYCLE #2(Load Second Rank from First Rank; A2, A1, A0 = 1)
*Refer to AD667/883B military data sheet.For details on grade and package offerings screened in accordance with MIL-STD-
883, refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current AD667/
883B data sheet.
2D = Ceramic DIP; E = Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier; N = Plastic DIP;
P = Plastic Leaded Chip.
OVER THE FULL TEMPERATURE RANGELINEARITY ERROR: Analog Devices defines linearity error as
the maximum deviation of the actual, adjusted DAC output
from the ideal analog output (a straight line drawn from 0 to FS
– 1 LSB) for any bit combination. The AD667 is laser trimmed
to 1/4 LSB (0.006% of FS) maximum error at +25°C for the K
and B versions and 1/2 LSB for the J, A and S versions.
MONOTONICITY: A DAC is said to be monotonic if the
output either increases or remains constant for increasing digital
inputs such that the output will always be a nondecreasing func-
tion of input. All versions of the AD667 are monotonic over
their full operating temperature range.
quires that the differential linearity error be less than 1 LSB
both at +25°C and over the temperature range of interest. Dif-
ferential nonlinearity is the measure of the variation in analog
value, normalized to full scale, associated with a 1 LSB change
in digital input code. For example, for a 10 volt full-scale out-
put, a change of 1 LSB in digital input code should result in a
2.44 mV change in the analog output (1 LSB = 10 V × 1/4096 =
2.44 mV). If in actual use, however, a 1 LSB change in the
input code results in a change of only 0.61 mV (1/4 LSB) in
analog output, the differential linearity error would be –1.83 mV,
or –3/4 LSB. The AD667K and B grades have a max differential
linearity error of 1/2 LSB, which specifies that every step will be
at least 1/2 LSB and at most 1 1/2 LSB.
Table I.Output Voltage Range Connections
ANALOG CIRCUIT CONNECTIONSInternal scaling resistors provided in the AD667 may be connected
to produce bipolar output voltage ranges of ±10, ±5 or ±2.5 V or
unipolar output voltage ranges of 0 V to +5 V or 0 V to +10 V.
Gain and offset drift are minimized in the AD667 because of the
thermal tracking of the scaling resistors with other device com-
ponents. Connections for various output voltage ranges are
shown in Table I.
Figure 1.Output Amplifier Voltage Range Scaling Circuit
UNIPOLAR CONFIGURATION (Figure 2)This configuration will provide a unipolar 0 volt to +10 volt out-
put range. In this mode, the bipolar offset terminal, Pin 4, should
be grounded if not used for trimming.
Figure 2.0 V to +10 V Unipolar Voltage Output
Turn all bits OFF and adjust zero trimmer R1, until the output
reads 0.000 volts (1 LSB = 2.44 mV). In most cases this trim is
not needed, and Pin 4 should be connected to Pin 5.
Turn all bits ON and adjust 100 Ω gain trimmer R2, until the
output is 9.9976 volts. (Full scale is adjusted to 1 LSB less than
nominal full scale of 10.000 volts.)
BIPOLAR CONFIGURATION (Figure 3)This configuration will provide a bipolar output voltage from
–5.000 to +4.9976 volts, with positive full scale occurring with
all bits ON (all 1s).
Turn OFF all bits. Adjust 100 Ω trimmer R1 to give –5.000
volts output.
Figure 3.±5 V Bipolar Voltage Output
INTERNAL/EXTERNAL REFERENCE USEThe AD667 has an internal low noise buried Zener diode refer-
ence which is trimmed for absolute accuracy and temperature
coefficient. This reference is buffered and optimized for use in a
high speed DAC and will give long-term stability equal or superior
to the best discrete Zener reference diodes. The performance of
the AD667 is specified with the internal reference driving the
DAC since all trimming and testing (especially for full-scale
error and bipolar offset) is done in this configuration.
The internal reference has sufficient buffering to drive external
circuitry in addition to the reference currents required for the
DAC (typically 0. 5 mA to Ref In and 1.0 mA to Bipolar Off-
set). A minimum of 0.1 mA is available for driving external
loads. The AD667 reference output should be buffered with an
external op amp if it is required to supply more than 0.1 mA
output current. The reference is typically trimmed to ±0.2%,
then tested and guaranteed to ±1.0% max error. The tempera-
ture coefficient is comparable to that of the full-scale TC for a
particular grade.
If an external reference is used (10.000 V, for example), addi-
tional trim range must be provided, since the internal reference
has a tolerance of ±1%, and the AD667 full-scale and bipolar
offset are both trimmed with the internal reference. The gain
and offset trim resistors give about ±0.25% adjustment range,
which is sufficient for the AD667 when used with the internal
It is also possible to use external references other than 10 volts.
The recommended range of reference voltage is from +8 to
+11 volts, which allows both 8.192 V and 10.24 V ranges to be
used. The AD667 is optimized for fixed-reference applications.
If the reference voltage is expected to vary over a wide range in a
particular application, a CMOS multiplying DAC is a better
Reduced values of reference voltage will also permit the ±12
volt ± 5% power supply requirement to be relaxed to ±12 volts
± 10%.
It is not recommended that the AD667 be used with external
feedback resistors to modify the scale factor. The internal resis-
tors are trimmed to ratio-match and temperature-track the other
resistors on the chip, even though their absolute tolerances are
±20%, and absolute temperature coefficients are approximately
AD667Small resistors may be added to the feedback resistors in order
to accomplish small modifications in the scaling. For example, if
a 10.24 V full scale is desired, a 140 Ω 1% low TC metal-film
resistor can be added in series with the internal (nominal) 5k
feedback resistor, and the gain trim potentiometer (between
Pins 6 and 7) should be increased to 200 Ω. In the bipolar
mode, increase the value of the bipolar offset trim potentiometer
also to 200 Ω.
GROUNDING RULESThe AD667 brings out separate analog and power grounds to
allow optimum connections for low noise and high speed perfor-
mance. These grounds should be tied together at one point,
usually the device power ground. The separate ground returns
are provided to minimize current flow in low level signal paths.
The analog ground at Pin 5 is the ground point for the output
amplifier and is thus the “high quality” ground for the AD667;
it should be connected directly to the analog reference point of
the system. The power ground at Pin 16 can be connected to
the most convenient ground point; analog power return is
preferred. If power ground contains high frequency noise be-
yond 200 mV, this noise may feed through the converter, thus
some caution will be required in applying these grounds.
It is also important to apply decoupling capacitors properly on
the power supplies for the AD667 and the output amplifier. The
correct method for decoupling is to connect a capacitor from
each power supply pin of the AD667 to the analog ground pin
of the AD667. Any load driven by the output amplifier should
also be referred to the analog ground pin.
OPTIMIZING SETTLING TIMEThe dynamic performance of the AD667’s output amplifier can
be optimized by adding a small (20 pF) capacitor across the
feedback resistor. Figure 4 shows the improvement in both
large-signal and small-signal settling for the 10 V range. In Fig-
ure 4a, the top trace shows the data inputs (DB11–DB0 tied to-
gether), the second trace shows the CS pulse (A3–A0 tied low),
and the lower two traces show the analog outputs for CF = 0 pF
and 20 pF respectively.
Figures 4b and 4c show the settling time for the transition from
all bits on to all bits off. Note that the settling time to ±1/2 LSB
for the 10 V step is improved from 2.4 microseconds to 1.6 mi-
croseconds by the addition of the 20 pF capacitor.
Figures 4d and 4e show the settling time for the transition from
all bits off to all bits on. The improvement in settling time
gained by adding CC = 20 pF is similar.Large Scale SettlingFine-Scale Settling, CF = 0 pF
c. Fine-Scale Settling, CF = 20 pFFine-Scale Settling, CF = 0 pFFine-Scale Settling, CF = 20 pF
Figure 4.Settling Time Performance
DIGITAL CIRCUIT DETAILSThe bus interface logic of the AD667 consists of four indepen-
dently addressable registers in two ranks. The first rank consists
of three four-bit registers which can be loaded directly from a
4-, 8-, 12-, or 16-bit microprocessor bus. Once the complete
12-bit data word has been assembled in the first rank, it can be
loaded into the 12-bit register of the second rank. This
double-buffered organization avoids the generation of spurious
analog output values. Figure 5 shows the block diagram of the
AD667 logic section.
The latches are controlled by the address inputs, A0–A3, and
the CS input. All control inputs are active low, consistent with
general practice in microprocessor systems. The four address
lines each enable one of the four latches, as indicated in Table II.