AD632AD ,Internally Trimmed Precision IC Multiplierspecifications and a fully differential high(AD632T) are guaranteed over the extended temperature r ..
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Internally Trimmed Precision IC Multiplier
Internally Trimmed
Precision IC Multiplier
H-Package TO-100
D-Package TO-116
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD632 is an internally-trimmed monolithic four-quadrant
multiplier/divider. The AD632B has a maximum multiplying
error of ±0.5% without external trims.
Excellent supply rejection, low temperature coefficients and
long term stability of the on-chip thin film resistors and buried
zener reference preserve accuracy even under adverse condi-
tions. The simplicity and flexibility of use provide an attractive
alternative approach to the solution of complex control func-
The AD632 is pin-for-pin compatible with the industry standard
AD532 with improved specifications and a fully differential high
impedance Z-input. The AD632 is capable of providing gains of
up to X10, frequently eliminating the need for separate instru-
mentation amplifiers to precondition the inputs. The AD632
can be effectively employed as a variable gain differential input
amplifier with high common-mode rejection. The effectiveness
of the variable gain capability is enhanced by the inherent low
noise of the AD632: 90 μV rms.
Pretrimmed to ±0.5% Max 4-Quadrant Error
All Inputs (X, Y and Z) Differential, High Impedance for
[(X1–X2)(Y1–Y2)/10] + Z2 Transfer Function
Scale-Factor Adjustable to Provide up to X10 Gain
Low Noise Design: 90 mV rms, 10 Hz–10 kHz
Low Cost, Monolithic Construction
Excellent Long-Term Stability
High Quality Analog Signal Processing
Differential Ratio and Percentage Computations
Algebraic and Trigonometric Function Synthesis
Accurate Voltage Controlled Oscillators and Filters
Guaranteed Performance Over TemperatureThe AD632A and AD632B are specified for maximum multi-
plying errors of ±1.0% and ±0.5% of full scale, respectively at
+25°C and are rated for operation from –25°C to +85°C.
Maximum multiplying errors of ±2.0% (AD632S) and ±1.0%
(AD632T) are guaranteed over the extended temperature range
of –55°C to +125°C.
High ReliabilityThe AD632S and AD632T series are also available with
MIL-STD-883 Level B screening and all devices are available in
either the hermetically-sealed TO-100 metal can or TO-116
ceramic DIP package.
AD632–SPECIFICATIONS(@ +258C, VS = ±15 V, R ≥ 2 kV unless otherwise noted)DYNAMICS
AD632NOTESFigures given are percent of full-scale, ±l0 V (i.e., 0.01% = 1 mV).May be reduced to 3 V using external resistor between –VS and SF.Irreducible component due to nonlinearity: excludes effect of offsets.Using external resistor adjusted to give SF = 3 V.See functional block diagram for definition of sections.
All min and max specifications are guaranteed.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
CHIP DIMENSIONS AND PAD LAYOUTDimensions shown in inches and (mm).
(Contact factory for latest dimensions.)
ORDERING GUIDE*For outline information see Package Information section.
Thermal Characteristics
Typical Performance Curves
(typical @ +258C with 6VS = 15 V)Figure 1.AC Feedthrough vs. Frequency
Figure 2.Frequency Response as a Multiplier
Figure 4.AD632 Functional Block Diagram
OPERATION AS A MULTIPLIERFigure 5 shows the basic connection for multiplication. Note
that the circuit will meet all specifications without trimming.
Figure 5.Basic Multiplier Connection
In some cases the user may wish to reduce ac feedthrough to a
minimum (as in a suppressed carrier modulator) by applying an
external trim voltage (±30 mV range required) to the X or Y
input. Curve 1 shows the typical ac feedthrough with this ad-
justment mode. Note that the feedthrough of the Y input is a
factor of 10 lower than that of the X input and should be used
in applications where null suppression is critical.
The Z2 terminal of the AD632 may be used to sum an addi-
tional signal into the output. In this mode the output amplifier
behaves as a voltage follower with a 1 MHz small signal band-
width and a 20 V/μs slew rate. This terminal should always be
referenced to the ground point of the driven system, particularly
if this is remote. Likewise the differential inputs should be refer-
enced to their respective signal common potentials to realize the
full accuracy of the AD632.
A much lower scaling voltage can be achieved without any re-
duction of input signal range using a feedback attenuator as
shown in Figure 6. In this example, the scale is such that
VOUT = XY, so that the circuit can exhibit a maximum gain of
10. This connection results in a reduction of bandwidth to
about 80 kHz without the peaking capacitor CF. In addition, the
output offset voltage is increased by a factor of 10 making exter-
nal adjustments necessary in some applications.
Feedback attenuation also retains the capability for adding a
signal to the output. Signals may be applied to the Z terminal,
where they are amplified by –10, or to the common ground
connection where they are amplified by –1. Input signals may
also be applied to the lower end of the 2.7 kΩ resistor, giving a
gain of +9.
Figure 6.Connections for Scale-Factor of Unity
OPERATION AS A DIVIDERFigure 7 shows the connection required for division. Unlike
earlier products, the AD632 provides differential operation on
both numerator and denominator, allowing the ratio of two
floating variables to be generated. Further flexibility results from
access to a high impedance summing input to Y1. As with all
dividers based on the use of a multiplier in a feedback loop, the
bandwidth is proportional to the denominator magnitude, as
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 7.Basic Divider Connection
Without additional trimming, the accuracy of the AD632B is
sufficient to maintain a 1% error over a 10 V to 1 V denomina-
tor range (The AD535 is functionally equivalent to the AD632
and has guaranteed performance in the divider and square-rooter
configurations and is recommended for such applications).
This range may be extended to 100:1 by simply reducing the X
offset with an externally generated trim voltage (range required
is ±3.5 mV max) applied to the unused X input. To trim, apply
a ramp of +100 mV to +V at 100 Hz to both X1 and Z1 (if X2 is
used for offset adjustment, otherwise reverse the signal polarity)
and adjust the trim voltage to minimize the variation in the
Since the output will be near +10 V, it should be ac-coupled for
this adjustment. The increase in noise level and reduction in
bandwidth preclude operation much beyond a ratio of 100 to 1.
*See the AD535 data sheet for more details.
OUTLINE DIMENSIONSDimensions shown in inches and (mm).
H-Package TO-100
D-Package TO-116