AD626 ,Low Cost, Single Supply Differential AmplifierAPPLICATIONS The amplifi er’s inputs are protected against continuous overload of Current Sensing up ..
AD626AN ,Low Cost, Single Supply Differential AmplifierSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. CAD626(@ +V = 65 V and T = +258C)DUAL SUPP ..
AD626AR ,Low Cost, Single Supply Differential AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSSINGLE SUPPLY(@ +V = +5 V and T = +258C)S AModel AD626A AD626BParameter Condition Min ..
AD626BN ,Low Cost, Single Supply Differential Amplifierfeatures a CMR of 90 dB typ.2516014020100G = 10,1006V FOR SINGLECM15V = +5VS AND DUAL SUPPLIES80G = ..
AD627 ,Micro-power Instrumentation Amplifier Offers Superior PerformanceSpecifications subject to change without notice–2– REV. BAD627(Typical @ 25C Dual Supply, V = 5 V ..
AD627AN ,Micropower, Single and Dual Supply Rail-to-Rail Instrumentation AmplifierApplicationsfrequency to a minimum by providing excellent CMRR overLow Power Medical Instrumentatio ..
AD9958BCPZ ,2-Channel 500 MSPS DDS with 10-Bit DACsCharacteristics ....... 11 Instruction Byte Description ....... 30 Application Circuits ........ 14 ..
AD9961BCPZ , 10-/12-Bit, Low Power, Broadband MxFE
AD9963BCPZ , 10-/12-Bit, Low Power, Broadband MxFE
AD9974BBCZ , Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, CCD Signal Processor with Precision Timing Core
AD9974BBCZ , Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, CCD Signal Processor with Precision Timing Core
AD9974BBCZRL , Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, CCD Signal Processor with Precision Timing Core
Low Cost, Single Supply Differential Amplifier
Low Cost, Single-Supply
Differential Amplifi er
Pin Selectable Gains of 10 and 100
True Single-Supply Operation
Single-Supply Range of +2.4 V to +10 V
Dual-Supply Range of �1.2 V to �6 V
Wide Output Voltage Range of 30 mV to 4.7 V
Optional Low-Pass Filtering
Excellent DC Performance
Low Input Offset Voltage: 500 �V Max
Large Common-Mode Range: 0 V to +54 V
Low Power: 1.2 mW (VS = +5 V)
Good CMR of 90 dB Typ
AC Performance
Fast Settling Time: 24 �s (0.01%)
Includes Input Protection
Series Resistive Inputs (RIN = 200 k�)
RFI Filters Included
Allows 50 V Continuous Overload
Current Sensing
Interface for Pressure Transducers, Position Indicators,
Strain Gages, and Other Low Level Signal Sources
PROD UCT DE SCRIP TIONThe AD626 is a low cost, true sin gle-sup ply dif fer en tial am pli fi er
de signed for am pli fy ing and low-pass fi ltering small dif fer en tial
voltages from sources having a large common-mode voltage.
The AD626 can operate from either a single supply of +2.4 V to
+10 V, or dual supplies of ±1.2 V to ±6 V. The input common-mode
range of this amplifi er is equal to 6 (+VS – 1 V) which pro vides a
+24 V CMR while operating from a +5 V sup ply. Fur ther more,
the AD626 features a CMR of 90 dB typ.
The amplifi er’s inputs are protected against continuous overload of
up to 50 V, and RFI fi lters are included in the attenuator network.
The output range is +0.03 V to +4.9 V using a +5 V sup ply. The
amplifi er provides a preset gain of 10, but gains be tween 10 and
100 can be easily con fi g ured with an external re sis tor. Fur ther -
more, a gain of 100 is available by connecting the G = 100 pin to
analog ground. The AD626 also offers low-pass fi lter capability by
connecting a ca pac i tor between the fi lter pin and analog ground.
The AD626A and AD626B operate over the industrial tem per a ture
range of –40°C to +85°C. The AD626 is available in two 8-lead
packages: a plastic mini-DIP and SOIC.
Figure 1. Common-Mode Rejection vs. Frequency
Figure 2. Input Common-Mode Range vs. Supply
8-Lead Plastic Mini-DIP (N)
and SOIC (R) PackagesREV. D
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily ac cu mu late
on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the AD626 features
proprietary ESD pro tec tion circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy
electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD pre cau tions are rec om mend ed to avoid per for mance
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+36 V
Internal Power Dissipation2
Peak Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+60 V
Maximum Reversed Supply Voltage Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . .–34 V
Output Short Circuit Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indefi nite
Storage Temperature Range (N, R) . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +125°C
Operating Temperature Range
AD626A/AD626B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 60 sec) . . . . . . . . .+300°C
METALLIZATION PHOTOGRAPHDimensions shown in inches and (mm).
NOTESStresses above those listed under Absolute Max i mum Ratings may cause per ma nent
damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device
at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of
this specifi cation is not implied. Exposure to ab so lute maximum rating con di tions
for extended periods may affect device re li abil i ty.8-Lead Plastic Package: �JA = 100°C/W; �JC = 50°C/W.
8-Lead SOIC Package: �JA = 155°C/W; �JC = 40°C/W.
Model AD626AN
TPC 1. Input Common-Mode Range vs. Supply
TPC 2. Positive Output Voltage Swing vs. Supply Voltage
TPC 3. Negative Output Voltage Swing vs. Supply Voltage
TPC 4. Positive Output Voltage Swing vs. Resistive Load
TPC 5. Negative Output Voltage Swing vs. Resistive Load
TPC 6. Change in Input Offset Voltage vs. Warm-Up Time
AD626TPC 7. Closed-Loop Gain vs. Frequency
TPC 8. Common-Mode Rejection vs. Frequency
TPC 9. Common-Mode Rejection vs. Input Common-
Mode Voltage for Single-Supply Operation
TPC 10. Common-Mode Rejection vs. Input
Common- Mode Voltage for Dual-Supply Operation
TPC 11. Common-Mode Rejection vs. Input Source
Resistance Mismatch
0.0TPC 12. Additional Gain Error vs. Source
Resistance Mismatch