AD592CN ,Low Cost, Precision IC Temperature Transducerapplications, the AD592 is immune tovoltage drops and voltage noise over long lines due to its high ..
AD592CN ,Low Cost, Precision IC Temperature TransducerSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Resul ..
AD592CNZ , Low Cost, Precision IC Temperature Transducer
AD5933YRSZ ,1 MSPS 12 Bit Impedance Converter, Network AnalyzerSPECIFICATIONS V = +3.0 V +/- 10%, T to T unless otherwise noted. DD MIN MAXTable 1. 1Parameter ..
AD5933YRSZ ,1 MSPS 12 Bit Impedance Converter, Network AnalyzerGENERAL DESCRIPTION imaginary data for the waveform. The real and imaginary data The AD5933 is a h ..
AD5934YRSZ ,250 kSPS 12-Bit Impedance Converter Network AnalyzerSPECIFICATIONS VDD = +3.0 V ± 10%. TMIN to TMAX unless otherwise noted. Table 1. 1 B Version Para ..
AD9854ASQ ,CMOS 300 MHz Quadrature Complete-DDSCHARACTERISTICSI and Q DAC Quad. Phase Error 25
Low Cost, Precision IC Temperature Transducer
Low Cost, Precision ICemperature Transducer
High Precalibrated Accuracy: 0.58C max @ +258C
Excellent Linearity: 0.158C max (08C to +708C)
Wide Operating Temperature Range: –258C to +1058C
Single Supply Operation: +4 V to +30 V
Excellent Repeatability and Stability
High Level Output: 1mA/K
Two Terminal Monolithic IC: Temperature In/
Current Out
Minimal Self-Heating Errors
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD592 is a two terminal monolithic integrated circuit tem-
perature transducer that provides an output current propor-
tional to absolute temperature. For a wide range of supply
voltages the transducer acts as a high impedance temperature
dependent current source of 1μA/K. Improved design and laser
wafer trimming of the IC’s thin film resistors allows the AD592
to achieve absolute accuracy levels and nonlinearity errors previ-
ously unattainable at a comparable price.
The AD592 can be employed in applications between –25°C
and +105°C where conventional temperature sensors (i.e., ther-
mistor, RTD, thermocouple, diode) are currently being used.
The inherent low cost of a monolithic integrated circuit in a
plastic package, combined with a low total parts count in any
given application, make the AD592 the most cost effective tem-
perature transducer currently available. Expensive linearization
circuitry, precision voltage references, bridge components, resis-
tance measuring circuitry and cold junction compensation are
not required with the AD592.
Typical application areas include: appliance temperature sens-
ing, automotive temperature measurement and control, HVAC
(heating/ventilating/air conditioning) system monitoring, indus-
trial temperature control, thermocouple cold junction compen-
sation, board-level electronics temperature diagnostics,
temperature readout options in instrumentation, and tempera-
ture correction circuitry for precision electronics. Particularly
useful in remote sensing applications, the AD592 is immune to
voltage drops and voltage noise over long lines due to its high
impedance current output. AD592s can easily be multiplexed;
the signal current can be switched by a CMOS multiplexer or
the supply voltage can be enabled with a tri-state logic gate.
The AD592 is available in three performance grades: the
AD592AN, AD592BN and AD592CN. All devices are pack-
aged in a plastic TO-92 case rated from –45°C to +125°C. Per-
formance is specified from –25°C to +105°C. AD592 chips are
also available, contact the factory for details.
*Protected by Patent No. 4,123,698.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSWith a single supply (4 V to 30 V) the AD592 offers
0.5°C temperature measurement accuracy.A wide operating temperature range (–25°C to +105°C)
and highly linear output make the AD592 an ideal sub-
stitute for older, more limited sensor technologies (i.e.,
thermistors, RTDs, diodes, thermocouples).The AD592 is electrically rugged; supply irregularities
and variations or reverse voltages up to 20 V will not
damage the device.Because the AD592 is a temperature dependent current
source, it is immune to voltage noise pickup and IR
drops in the signal leads when used remotely.The high output impedance of the AD592 provides
greater than 0.5°C/V rejection of supply voltage drift and
ripple.Laser wafer trimming and temperature testing insures
that AD592 units are easily interchangeable.Initial system accuracy will not degrade significantly over
time. The AD592 has proven long term performance
and repeatability advantages inherent in integrated cir-
cuit design and construction.
– µA
1An external calibration trim can be used to zero the error @ +25°C.
2Defined as the maximum deviation from a mathematically best fit line.
3Parameter tested on all production units at +105°C only. C grade at –25°C also.
4Maximum deviation between +25°C readings after a temperature cycle between –45°C and +125°C. Errors of this type are noncumulative.
5Operation @ +125°C, error over time is noncumulative.
6Although performance is not specified beyond the operating temperature range, temperature excursions within the package temperature range will not damage the device.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min
and max specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are tested on all production units.
(typical @ TA = +258C, VS = +5 V, unless otherwise noted)
K = °C +273.158C =
(8F –32)8F =
8C +32
Typical @ VS = +5 V
–2.0AD592CN Accuracy Over Temperature
TOTAL ERROR – AD592AN Accuracy Over Temperature
AD592BN Accuracy Over Temperature
Long-Term Stability @ +85°C and 85% Relative Humidity
TIME – Hours
THEORY OF OPERATIONThe AD592 uses a fundamental property of silicon transistors
to realize its temperature proportional output. If two identical
transistors are operated at a constant ratio of collector current
densities, r, then the difference in base-emitter voltages will be
(kT/q)(ln r). Since both k, Boltzman’s constant and q, the
charge of an electron are constant, the resulting voltage is
directly Proportional To Absolute Temperature (PTAT). In the
AD592 this difference voltage is converted to a PTAT current
by low temperature coefficient thin film resistors. This PTAT
current is then used to force the total output current to be pro-
portional to degrees Kelvin. The result is a current source with
an output equal to a scale factor times the temperature (K) of
the sensor. A typical V-I plot of the circuit at +25°C and the
temperature extremes is shown in Figure 1.
– µA
298Figure 1.V-I Characteristics
Factory trimming of the scale factor to 1μA/K is accomplished
at the wafer level by adjusting the AD592’s temperature reading
so it corresponds to the actual temperature. During laser trim-
ming the IC is at a temperature within a few degrees of 25°C
and is powered by a 5V supply. The device is then packaged
and automatically temperature tested to specification.
FACTORS AFFECTING AD592 SYSTEM PRECISIONThe accuracy limits given on the Specifications page for the
AD592 make it easy to apply in a variety of diverse applications.
To calculate a total error budget in a given system it is impor-
tant to correctly interpret the accuracy specifications, non-
linearity errors, the response of the circuit to supply voltage
variations and the effect of the surrounding thermal environ-
ment. As with other electronic designs external component se-
lection will have a major effect on accuracy.
NONLINEARITY SPECIFICATIONSThree primary limits of error are given for the AD592 such that
the correct grade for any given application can easily be chosen
for the overall level of accuracy required. They are the calibra-
tion accuracy at +25°C, and the error over temperature from
0°C to +70°C and –25°C to +105°C. These specifications cor-
respond to the actual error the user would see if the current out-
resistor. Note that the maximum error at room temperature,
over the commercial IC temperature range, or an extended
range including the boiling point of water, can be directly read
from the specifications table. All three error limits are a combi-
nation of initial error, scale factor variation and nonlinearity de-
viation from the ideal 1μA/K output. Figure 2 graphically
depicts the guaranteed limits of accuracy for an AD592CN.
TOTAL ERROR – Figure 2.Error Specifications (AD592CN)
The AD592 has a highly linear output in comparison to older
technology sensors (i.e., thermistors, RTDs and thermo-
couples), thus a nonlinearity error specification is separated
from the absolute accuracy given over temperature. As a maxi-
mum deviation from a best-fit straight line this specification rep-
resents the only error which cannot be trimmed out. Figure 3 is
a plot of typical AD592CN nonlinearity over the full rated tem-
perature range.
Figure 3.Nonlinearity Error (AD592CN)
TRIMMING FOR HIGHER ACCURACYCalibration error at 25°C can be removed with a single tempera-
ture trim. Figure 4 shows how to adjust the AD592’s scale fac-
tor in the basic voltage output circuit.
950ΩFigure 4. Basic Voltage Output (Single Temperature Trim)
To trim the circuit the temperature must be measured by a ref-
erence sensor and the value of R should be adjusted so the out-
put (VOUT) corresponds to 1mV/K. Note that the trim
procedure should be implemented as close as possible to the
temperature highest accuracy is desired for. In most applications
if a single temperature trim is desired it can be implemented
where the AD592 current-to-output voltage conversion takes
place (e.g., output resistor, offset to an op amp). Figure 5 illus-
trates the effect on total error when using this technique.
TOTAL ERROR – Figure 5.Effect of Scale Factor Trim on Accuracy
If greater accuracy is desired, initial calibration and scale factor
errors can be removed by using the AD592 in the circuit of
Figure 6.
AD1403Figure 6.Two Temperature Trim Circuit
With the transducer at 0°C adjustment of R1 for a 0V output
nulls the initial calibration error and shifts the output from K to
°C. Tweaking the gain of the circuit at an elevated temperature
by adjusting R2 trims out scale factor error. The only error
EFFECTSThe power supply rejection characteristics of the AD592 mini-
mizes errors due to voltage irregularity, ripple and noise. If a
supply is used other than 5V (used in factory trimming), the
power supply error can be removed with a single temperature
trim. The PTAT nature of the AD592 will remain unchanged.
The general insensitivity of the output allows the use of lower
cost unregulated supplies and means that a series resistance of
several hundred ohms (e.g., CMOS multiplexer, meter coil
resistance) will not degrade the overall performance.
TOTAL ERROR – +75Figure 7. Typical Two Trim Accuracy
The thermal environment in which the AD592 is used deter-
mines two performance traits: the effect of self-heating on accu-
racy and the response time of the sensor to rapid changes in
temperature. In the first case, a rise in the IC junction tempera-
ture above the ambient temperature is a function of two vari-
ables; the power consumption level of the circuit and the
thermal resistance between the chip and the ambient environ-
ment (θJA). Self-heating error in °C can be derived by multiply-
ing the power dissipation by θJA. Because errors of this type can
vary widely for surroundings with different heat sinking capaci-
ties it is necessary to specify θJA under several conditions. Table
I shows how the magnitude of self-heating error varies relative
to the environment. In typical free air applications at +25°C
with a 5V supply the magnitude of the error is 0.2°C or less. A
common clip-on heat sink will reduce the error by 25% or more
in critical high temperature, large supply voltage situations.
Table I.Thermal Characteristics
AD592Figure 9.Average and Minimum Temperature
The circuit of Figure 10 demonstrates a method in which a
voltage output can be derived in a differential temperature
(10mV/oC)Figure 10.Differential Measurements
R1 can be used to trim out the inherent offset between the two
devices. By increasing the gain resistor (10kΩ) temperature
measurements can be made with higher resolution. If the magni-
tude of V+ and V– is not the same, the difference in power con-
sumption between the two devices can cause a differential
self-heating error.
Cold junction compensation (CJC) used in thermocouple signal
conditioning can be implemented using an AD592 in the circuit
configuration of Figure 11. Expensive simulated ice baths or
hard to trim, inaccurate bridge circuits are no longer required.
Figure 11. Thermocouple Cold Junction Compensation
Response of the AD592 output to abrupt changes in ambient
temperature can be modeled by a single time constant τ expo-
nential function. Figure 8 shows typical response time plots for
several media of interest.
TIME – sec
10020406080100120140160180200220240260280300Figure 8. Thermal Response Curves
The time constant, τ, is dependent on θJA and the thermal ca-
pacities of the chip and the package. Table I lists the effective τ
(time to reach 63.2% of the final value) for several different
media. Copper printed circuit board connections where ne-
glected in the analysis, however, they will sink or conduct heat
directly through the AD592’s solder dipped Kovar leads. When
faster response is required a thermally conductive grease or glue
between the AD592 and the surface temperature being mea-
sured should be used. In free air applications a clip-on heat sink
will decrease output stabilization time by 10-20%.
MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONSIf the AD592 is thermally attached and properly protected, it
can be used in any temperature measuring situation where the
maximum range of temperatures encountered is between –25°C
and +105°C. Because plastic IC packaging technology is em-
ployed, excessive mechanical stress must be safeguarded against
when fastening the device with a clamp or screw-on heat tab.
Thermally conductive epoxy or glue is recommended under
typical mounting conditions. In wet or corrosive environments,
any electrically isolated metal or ceramic well can be used to
shield the AD592. Condensation at cold temperatures can cause
leakage current related errors and should be avoided by sealing
the device in nonconductive epoxy paint or dips.
APPLICATIONSConnecting several AD592 devices in parallel adds the currents
through them and produces a reading proportional to the aver-
age temperature. Series AD592s will indicate the lowest tem-
perature because the coldest device limits the series current
flowing through the sensors. Both of these circuits are depicted
in Figure 9.