AD584SH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage Referencespecifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface aretested on all production un ..
AD584SH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electricaltest. Result ..
AD584TH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceSpecifications subject to change without notice.
AD584TH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Resul ..
AD585AQ ,High Speed, Precision Sample-and-Hold Amplifierspecifications.on-chip TTL reference level is provided for TTL compatibility.REV. AInformation furn ..
AD585JP ,High Speed, Precision Sample-and-Hold AmplifierAPPLICATIONSData Acquisition SystemsData Distribution SystemsAnalog Delay & StoragePeak Amplitude M ..
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AD9814JR ,Complete 14-Bit CCD/CIS Signal Processorfeatures a 3-channel architecture de-3-Channel Operation Up to 10 MSPS signed to sample and conditi ..
AD9814JR ,Complete 14-Bit CCD/CIS Signal ProcessorSpecifications.2The Gain Error specification is dominated by the tolerance of the internal differen ..
AD9814JRRL ,Low Power 14-Bit, 3-Channel CCD Signal Processor with Progammable Serial Interface and Byte-Wide Data Output FormatSPECIFICATIONS (T to T , AVDD = +5 V, DRVDD = +5 V, 3-Channel CDS Mode, f = 6 MHz, f = f =MIN MAX A ..
AD9814KR ,Complete 14-Bit CCD/CIS Signal ProcessorSPECIFICATIONS (T to T , AVDD = +5 V, DRVDD = +5 V)MIN MAXParameter Symbol Min Typ Max UnitsCLOCK P ..
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Pin Programmable Precision Voltage Reference
8-Pin TO-99
Pin Programmable
Precision Voltage Reference
Four Programmable Output Voltages:
10.000 V, 7.500 V, 5.000 V, 2.500 V
Laser-Trimmed to High Accuracies
No External Components Required
Trimmed Temperature Coefficient:
5 ppm/8C max, 08C to +708C (AD584L)
15 ppm/8C max, –558C to +125°C (AD584T)
Zero Output Strobe Terminal Provided
Two Terminal Negative Reference
Capability (5 V & Above)
Output Sources or Sinks Current
Low Quiescent Current: 1.0 mA max
10 mA Current Output Capability
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD584 is an eight-terminal precision voltage reference of-
fering pin-programmable selection of four popular output volt-
ages: 10.000 V, 7.500 V, 5.000 V and 2.500 V. Other output
voltages, above, below or between the four standard outputs, are
available by the addition of external resistors. Input voltage may
vary between 4.5 and 30 volts.
Laser Wafer Trimming (LWT) is used to adjust the pin-pro-
grammable output levels and temperature coefficients, resulting
in the most flexible high precision voltage reference available in
monolithic form.
In addition to the programmable output voltages, the AD584
offers a unique strobe terminal which permits the device to be
turned on or off. When the AD584 is used as a power supply
reference, the supply can be switched off with a single, low-
power signal. In the “off” state the current drain by the AD584
is reduced to about 100μA. In the “on” state the total supply
current is typically 750 μA including the output buffer amplifier.
The AD584 is recommended for use as a reference for 8-, 10- or
12-bit D/A converters which require an external precision refer-
ence. The device is also ideal for all types of A/D converters of
up to 14-bit accuracy, either successive approximation or inte-
grating designs, and in general can offer better performance
than that provided by standard self-contained references.
The AD584J, K and L are specified for operation from 0°C to
+70°C; the AD584S and T are specified for the –55°C to
+125°C range. All grades are packaged in a hermetically sealed
eight-terminal TO-99 metal can; the AD584 J and K are also
available in an 8-pin plastic DIP.
*. Patent No. 3,887,863; RE 30,586
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSThe flexibility of the AD584 eliminates the need to design-
in and inventory several different voltage references. Fur-
thermore one AD584 can serve as several references
simultaneously when buffered properly.Laser trimming of both initial accuracy and temperature co-
efficient results in very low errors over temperature without
the use of external components. The AD584LH has a maxi-
mum deviation from 10.000 volts of ±7.25 mV from 0°C to
+70°C.The AD584 can be operated in a two-terminal “Zener”
mode at 5 volts output and above. By connecting the input
and the output, the AD584 can be used in this “Zener” con-
figuration as a negative reference.The output of the AD584 is configured to sink or source
currents. This means that small reverse currents can be tol-
erated in circuits using the AD584 without damage to the
reference and without disturbing the output voltage (10 V,
7.5 V and 5 V outputs).The AD584 is available in versions compliant with MIL-
STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products
Databook or current AD584/883B data sheet for detailed
METALIZATION PHOTOGRAPHDimensions shown in inches and (mm).
1At Pin 1.
2Calculated as average over the operating temperature range.
3H = Hermetic Metal Can; N = Plastic DIP.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical
test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min
and max specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are
tested on all production units.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSInput Voltage VIN to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40V
PowerDissipation @ +25°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 mW
Operating Junction Temperature Range . . . .–55°C to +125°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . .+300°C
Thermal Resistance
Junction-to-Ambient (H-08A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150°C/W
(@ VIN = +15 V and 258C)
NOTESAt Pin 1.Calculated as average over the operating temperature range.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min
and max specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are tested on all production units.
AD584range will be about 20 V even for large values of R1. R2 should
not be omitted; its value should be chosen to limit the output to
a value which can be tolerated by the load circuits. If R2 is zero,
adjusting R1 to its lower limit will result in a loss of control over
the output voltage. If precision voltages are required to be set at
levels other than the standard outputs, the 20% absolute toler-
ance in the internal resistor ladder must be accounted for.
Alternatively, the output voltage can be raised by loading the
2.5V tap with R3 alone. The output voltage can be lowered by
connecting R4 alone. Either of these resistors can be a fixed
resistor selected by test or an adjustable resistor. In all cases the
resistors should have a low temperature coefficient to match the
AD584 internal resistors, which have a negative T.C. less thanppm/°C. If both R3 and R4 are used, these resistors should
have matched temperature coefficients.
When only small adjustments or trims are required, the circuit
of Figure 2 offers better resolution over a limited trim range.
The circuit can be programmed to 5.0 V, 7.5 V or 10 V and ad-
justed by means of R1 over a range of about ±200 mV. To trim
the 2.5 V output option, R2 (Figure 2) can be reconnected to
the bandgap reference (Pin 6). In this configuration, the adjust-
ment should be limited to ±100mV in order to avoid affecting
the performance of the AD584.
Figure 2. Output Trimming
Figure 3. Schematic Diagram
APPLYING THE AD584With power applied to Pins 8 and 4 and all other pins open, the
AD584 will produce a buffered nominal 10.0 V output between
Pins 1 and 4 (see Figure 1). The stabilized output voltage may
be reduced to 7.5 V, 5.0 V or 2.5 V by connecting the program-
ming pins as follows:
The options shown above are available without the use of any
additional components. Multiple outputs using only one
AD584, are also possible by simply buffering each voltage pro-
gramming pin with a unity-gain noninverting op amp.
Figure 1.Variable Output Options
The AD584 can also be programmed over a wide range of out-
put voltages, including voltages greater than 10 V, by the ad-
dition of one or more external resistors. Figure 1 illustrates the
general adjustment procedure, with approximate values given
for the internal resistors of the AD584. The AD584 may be
modeled as an op amp with a noninverting feedback connection,
driven by a high stability 1.215 volt bandgap reference (see Fig-
ure 3 for schematic).
When the feedback ratio is adjusted with external resistors, the
output amplifier can be made to multiply the reference voltage
by almost any convenient amount, making popular outputs of
10.24 V, 5.12 V, 2.56 V or 6.3 V easy to obtain. The most
general adjustment (which gives the greatest range and poorest
resolution) uses R1 and R2 alone (see Figure 1). As R1 is ad-
justed to its upper limit the 2.5 V Pin 3 will be connected to the
output, which will reduce to 2.5 V. As R1 is adjusted to its
lower limit, the output voltage will rise to a value limited by R2.
For example, if R2 is about 6 kΩ, the upper limit of the output
PERFORMANCE OVER TEMPERATUREEach AD584 is tested at three temperatures over the –55°C to
+125°C range to ensure that each device falls within the Maxi-
mum Error Band (see Figure 4) specified for a particular grade
(i.e., S and T grades); three-point measurement guarantees per-
formance within the error band from 0°C to +70°C (i.e., J, K,
or L grades). The error band guaranteed for the AD584 is the
maximum deviation from the initial value at +25°C. Thus, given
the grade of the AD584, the designer can easily determine the
maximum total error from initial tolerance plus temperature
variation. For example, for the AD584T, the initial tolerance isl0mV and the error band is ±15mV. Hence, the unit is guar-
anteed to be 10.000 volts ±25mV from –55°C to +125°C.
Figure 4.Typical Temperature Characteristic
OUTPUT CURRENT CHARACTERISTICSThe AD584 has the capability to either source or sink current
and provide good load regulation in either direction, although it
has better characteristics in the source mode (positive current
into the load). The circuit is protected for shorts to either posi-
tive supply or ground. The output voltage vs. output current
characteristics of the device is shown in Figure 5. Source current
is displayed as negative current in the figure; sink current is
positive. Note that the short circuit current (i.e., zero volts out-
put) is about 28mA; when shorted to +15 volts, the sink cur-
rent goes to about 20mA.
Figure 5.AD584 Output Voltage vs. Sink and Source
needed, and yet respond quickly when the power is turned on
for operation. Figure 6 displays the turn-on characteristic of the
AD584. Figure 6a is generated from cold-start operation and
represents the true turn-on waveform after an extended period
with the supplies off. The figure shows both the coarse and fine
transient characteristics of the device; the total settling time to
within ±10 millivolt is about 180 μs, and there is no long ther-
mal tail appearing after the point.
Figure 6.Output Settling Characteristic
NOISE FILTERINGThe bandwidth of the output amplifier in the AD584 can be re-
duced to filter the output noise. A capacitor ranging between
0.01μF and 0.1μF connected between the Cap and VBG termi-
nals will further reduce the wideband and feedthrough noise in
the output of the AD584, as shown in Figure 8. However, this
will tend to increase the turn-on settling time of the device so
ample warm-up time should be allowed.
Figure 7.Additional Noise Filtering with an External
USING THE STROBE TERMINALThe AD584 has a strobe input which can be used to zero the
output. This unique feature permits a variety of new applica-
tions in signal and power conditioning circuits.
Figure 9 illustrates the strobe connection. A simple NPN switch
can be used to translate a TTL logic signal into a strobe of the
output. The AD584 operates normally when there is no current
drawn from Pin 5. Bringing this terminal low, to less than
200mV, will allow the output voltage to go to zero. In this
mode the AD584 should not be required to source or sink cur-
rent (unless a 0.7V residual output is permissible). If the
AD584 is required to sink a transient current while strobed off,
the strobe terminal input current should be limited by a 100Ω
resistor as shown in Figure 9.
The strobe terminal will tolerate up to 5μA leakage and its
driver should be capable of sinking 500μA continuous. A low
leakage open collector gate can be used to drive the strobe ter-
minal directly, provided the gate can withstand the AD584 out-
put voltage plus one volt.
Figure 9.Use of the Strobe Terminal
PRECISION HIGH CURRENT SUPPLYThe AD584 can be easily connected to a power PNP or power
Darlington PNP device to provide much greater output current
capability. The circuit shown in Figure 10 delivers a precision
10 volt output with up to 4 amperes supplied to the load. The
0.1μF capacitor is required only if the load has a significant
capacitive component. If the load is purely resistive, improved
high frequency supply rejection results from removing the
The AD584 can also use an NPN or Darlington NPN transistor
to boost its output current. Simply connect the 10V output ter-
minal of the AD584 to the base of the NPN booster and take
the output from the booster emitter as shown in Figure 11. The
5.0V or 2.5V pin must connect to the actual output in this con-
figuration. Variable or adjustable outputs (as shown in Figures 1
and 2) may be combined with +5.0V connection to obtain out-
puts above +5.0V.
THE AD584 AS A CURRENT LIMITERThe AD584 represents an alternative to current limiter diodes
which require factory selection to achieve a desired current. Use
of current limiting diodes often results in temperature coeffi-
cients of 1%/°C. Use of the AD584 in this mode is not limited
to a set current limit; it can be programmed from 0.75mA tomA with the insertion of a single external resistor (see Figure
12). Of course, the minimum voltage required to drive the con-
nection is 5 volts.
Figure 11.NPN Output Current Booster
Figure 12.A Two-Component Precision Current Limiter
NEGATIVE REFERENCE VOLTAGES FROM AN AD584The AD584 can also be used in a two-terminal “Zener” mode
to provide a precision –10 volt, –7.5 volt or –5.0 volt reference.
As shown in Figure 13, the VIN and VOUT terminals are con-
nected together to the positive supply (in this case, ground).
The AD584 common pin is connected through a resistor to the
negative supply. The output is now taken from the common pin
instead of VOUT. With 1mA flowing through the AD584 in this
mode, a typical unit will show a 2 mV increase in output level
over that produced in the three-terminal mode. Note also that
the effective output impedance in this connection increases from