AD581UH ,High Precision 10 V IC ReferenceFEATURESLaser Trimmed to High Accuracy:10.000 Volts 5 mV (L and U)Trimmed Temperature Coefficient: ..
AD584 ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD584 is an eight-terminal precision voltage reference offer-ing pin-program ..
AD584JH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage Referencespecifications.REV. AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate andreliable ..
AD584JH. ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electricaltest. Result ..
AD584JN ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferenceSpecifications subject to change without notice.
AD584KH ,Pin Programmable Precision Voltage ReferencePin ProgrammableaPrecision Voltage ReferenceAD584*PIN CONFIGURATIONS
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AD9788BSVZRL , Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit 800 MSPS DAC with Low Power 32-Bit Complex NCO
AD9788BSVZRL , Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit 800 MSPS DAC with Low Power 32-Bit Complex NCO
High Precision 10 V IC Reference
High Precision
10 V IC Reference
Laser Trimmed to High Accuracy:
10.000 Volts �5 mV (L and U)
Trimmed Temperature Coefficient:
5 ppm/�C max, 0�C to +70�C (L)
10 ppm/�C max, –55�C to +125�C (U)
Excellent Long-Term Stability:
25 ppm/1000 hrs. (Noncumulative)
Negative 10 Volt Reference Capability
Low Quiescent Current: 1.0 mA max
10 mA Current Output Capability
3-Terminal TO-5 Package
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD581 is a three-terminal, temperature compensated,
monolithic bandgap voltage reference which provides a precise
10.00 volt output from an unregulated input level from 12 to 30
volts. Laser Wafer Trimming (LWT) is used to trim both the
initial error at +25°C as well as the temperature coefficient,
which results in high precision performance previously available
only in expensive hybrids or oven-regulated modules. The 5 mV
initial error tolerance and 5 ppm/°C guaranteed temperature co-
efficient of the AD581L represent the best performance combi-
nation available in a monolithic voltage reference.
The bandgap circuit design used in the AD581 offers several ad-
vantages over classical Zener breakdown diode techniques. Most
important, no external components are required to achieve full
accuracy and stability of significance to low power systems. In
addition, total supply current to the device, including the output
buffer amplifier (which can supply up to 10 mA) is typically
750 µA. The long-term stability of the bandgap design is equiva-
lent or superior to selected Zener reference diodes.
The AD581 is recommended for use as a reference for 8-, 10- or
12-bit D/A converters which require an external precision refer-
ence. The device is also ideal for all types of A/D converters up
to 14-bit accuracy, either successive approximation or integrat-
ing designs, and in general can offer better performance than
that provided by standard self-contained references.
The AD581J, K, and L are specified for operation from 0°C to
+70°C; the AD581S, T, and U are specified for the –55°C to
+125°C range. All grades are packaged in a hermetically sealed
three-terminal TO-5 metal can.
*Covered by Patent Nos. 3,887,863; RE 30,586.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSLaser trimming of both initial accuracy and temperature
coefficient results in very low errors over temperature
without the use of external components. The AD581L
has a maximum deviation from 10.000 volts of ±7.25 mV
from 0°C to +70°C, while the AD581U guarantees
±15 mV maximum total error without external trims
from –55°C to +125°C.Since the laser trimming is done on the wafer prior to sepa-
ration into individual chips, the AD581 will be extremely
valuable to hybrid designers for its ease of use, lack of
required external trims, and inherent high performance.The AD581 can also be operated in a two-terminal
“Zener” mode to provide a precision negative 10 volt
reference with just one external resistor to the unregu-
lated supply. The performance in this mode is nearly equal
to that of the standard three-terminal configuration.Advanced circuit design using the bandgap concept
allows the AD581 to give full performance with an un-
regulated input voltage down to 13 volts. With an exter-
nal resistor, the device will operate with a supply as low
as 11.4 volts.The AD581 is available in versions compliant with MIL-
STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Prod-
ucts Databook or current AD581/883B data sheet for
detailed specifications.
NOTESSee Figure 7.
2H = Hermetic Metal Can.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VIN = +15 V and +25�C)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSInputVoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40V
PowerDissipation @ +25°C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .600 mW
Operating Junction Temperature Range . . . .–55°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering10sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . .+300°C
Thermal Resistance
Junction-to-Ambient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150°C/W
APPLYING THE AD581The AD581 is easy to use in virtually all precision reference
applications. The three terminals are simply primary supply,
ground, and output, with the case grounded. No external com-
ponents are required even for high precision applications; the
degree of desired absolute accuracy is achieved simply by select-
ing the required device grade. The AD581 requires less than
1 mA quiescent current from an operating supply range of
12 to 30 volts.
Figure 1.AD581 Pin Configuration (Bottom View)
An external fine trim may be desired to set the output level to
exactly 10.000 volts within less than a millivolt (calibrated to a
main system reference). System calibration may also require a
reference slightly different from 10.00 volts. In either case, the
optional trim circuit shown in Figure 2 can offset the output by
up to ±30 millivolts (with the 22 Ω resistor), if needed, with
minimal effect on other device characteristics.
Figure 2.Optional Fine Trim Configuration
Figure 3.Simplified Schematic
VOLTAGE VARIATION VS. TEMPERATURESome confusion exists in the area of defining and specifying
reference voltage error over temperature. Historically, references
have been characterized using a maximum deviation per degree
Centigrade; i.e., 10 ppm/°C. However, because of nonlinearities
in temperature characteristics, which originated in standard
Zener references (such as “S” type characteristics) most manu-
facturers have begun to use a maximum limit error band approach
to specify devices. This technique involves measurement of the
output at 3, 5 or more different temperatures to guarantee that
the output voltage will fall within the given error band. The
temperature characteristic of the AD581 consistently follows the
S-curve shown in Figure 4. Three-point measurement of each
device guarantees the error band over the specified temperature
Figure 4.Typical Temperature Characteristic
The error band which is guaranteed with the AD581 is the
maximum deviation from the initial value at +25°C; this error
band is of more use to a designer than one which simply guaran-
tees the maximum total change over the entire range (i.e., in the
AD581Figure 7.Spectral Noise Density and Total rms Noise
vs. Frequency
Figure 8.Quiescent Current vs. Temperature
PRECISION HIGH CURRENT SUPPLYThe AD581 can be easily connected with power pnp or power
Darlington pnp devices to provide much greater output current
capability. The circuit shown in Figure 9 delivers a precision
10 volt output with up to 4 amperes supplied to the load. The
0.1 µF capacitor is required only if the load has a significant
capacitive component. If the load is purely resistive, improved
high frequency supply rejection results from removing the
Figure 9.High Current Precision Supply
the initial tolerance is ±10 mV, the temperature error band is15 mV, thus the unit is guaranteed to be 10.000 volts ±25 mV
from –55°C to +125°C).
OUTPUT CURRENT CHARACTERISTICSThe AD581 has the capability to either source or sink current
and provide good load regulation in either direction, although it
has better characteristics in the source mode (positive current
into the load). The circuit is protected for shorts to either posi-
tive supply or ground. The output voltage vs. output current
characteristics of the device are shown in Figure 5. Source cur-
rent is displayed as negative current in the figure; sink current is
positive. Note that the short circuit current (i.e., zero volts out-
put) is about 28 mA; when shorted to +15 volts, the sink cur-
rent goes to about 20 mA.
Figure 5.AD581 Output Voltage vs. Sink and Source Current
DYNAMIC PERFORMANCEMany low power instrument manufacturers are becoming in-
creasingly concerned with the turn-on characteristics of the
components being used in their systems. Fast turn-on compo-
nents often enable the end user to keep power off when not
needed, and yet respond quickly when the power is turned on
for operation. Figure 6 displays the turn-on characteristic of
the AD581. This characteristic is generated from cold-start
operation and represents the true turn-on waveform after an
extended period with the supplies off. The figure shows both the
coarse and fine transient characteristics of the device; the total
settling time to within ±10 millivolt is about 180 µs, and there is
no long thermal tail appearing after the point.
CONNECTION FOR REDUCED PRIMARY SUPPLYWhile line regulation is specified down to 13 volts, the typical
AD581 will work as specified down to 12 volts or below. The
current sink capability allows even lower supply voltage capabil-
ity such as operation from 12 V ±5% as shown in Figure 10.
The 560 Ω resistor reduces the current supplied by the AD581
to a manageable level at full 5 mA load. Note that the other
bandgap references, without current sink capability, may be
damaged by use in this circuit configuration.
Figure 10.12-Volt Supply Connection
THE AD581 AS A CURRENT LIMITERThe AD581 represents an alternative to current limiter diodes
which require factory selection to achieve a desired current.
This approach often results in temperature coefficients of
1%/°C. The AD581 approach is not limited to a defined set cur-
rent limit; it can be programmed from 0.75 mA to 5 mA with
the insertion of a single external resistor. Of course, the mini-
mum voltage required to drive the connection is 13 volts. The
AD580, which is a 2.5 volt reference, can be used in this type of
circuit with compliance voltage down to 4.5 volts.
Figure 11.A Two-Component Precision Current Limiter
NEGATIVE 10-VOLT REFERENCEThe AD581 can also be used in a two-terminal “Zener” mode
to provide a precision –10.00 volt reference. As shown in Figure
12, the VIN and VOUT terminals are connected together to the
high supply (in this case, ground). The ground pin is connected
through a resistor to the negative supply. The output is now
taken from the ground pin instead of VOUT. With 1 mA flowing
through the AD581 in this mode, a typical unit will show a 2 mV
increase in output level over that produced in the three-terminal
mode. Note also that the effective output impedance in this con-
nection increases from 0.2 Ω typical to 2 ohms. It is essential to
arrange the output load and the supply resistor, RS, so that the
net current through the AD581 is always between 1 mA and
5 mA. For operation to +125°C, the net current should be be-
tween 2 mA and 5 mA. The temperature characteristics and
long-term stability of the device will be essentially the same as
The AD581 can also be used in a two-terminal mode to develop
a positive reference. VIN and VOUT are tied together and to the
positive supply through an appropriate supply resistor. The per-
formance characteristics will be similar to those of the negative
two-terminal connection. The only advantage of this connection
over the standard three-terminal connection is that a lower pri-
mary supply can be used, as low as 10.5 volts. This type of op-
eration will require considerable attention to load and primary
supply regulation to be sure the AD581 always remains within
its regulating range of 1 mA to 5 mA (2 mA to 5 mA for opera-
tion beyond +85°C).
Figure 12.Two Terminal Negative 10-Volt Reference
OR A/D CONVERTERSThe AD581 is ideal for application with the entire AD7533
series of 10- and 12-bit multiplying CMOS D/A converters,
especially for low power applications. It is equally suitable for
the AD7574 8-bit A/D converter. In the standard hook-up, as
shown in Figure 14, the +10 volt reference is inverted by the
amplifier/DAC configuration to produce a 0 volt to –10 volt
range. If an AD308 amplifier is used, total quiescent supply
current will typically be 2 mA. If a 0 volt to +10 volt full-scale
range is desired, the AD581 can be connected to the CMOS
DAC in its –10 volt “Zener” mode, as shown in Figure 12 (the
–10 VREF output is connected directly to the VREF IN of the
CMOS DAC). The AD581 will normally be used in the
–10 volt mode with the AD7574 to give a 0 volt to +10 volt
ADC range. This is shown in Figure 14. Bipolar output applica-
tions and other operating details can be found in the data sheets
for the CMOS products.
Figure 13.Low Power 10-Bit CMOS DAC Application
THE PRECISION 12-BIT D/A CONVERTER REFERENCEAD562, like most D/A converters, is designed to operate with a
+10 volt reference element. In the AD562, this 10 volt reference
voltage is converted into a reference current of approximately
0.5 mA via the internal 19.95 kΩ resistor (in series with the ex-
ternal 100 Ω trimmer). The gain temperature coefficient of the
AD562 is primarily governed by the temperature tracking of the
19.95 kΩ resistor and the 5k/10k span resistors; gain TC is
guaranteed to 3 ppm/°C. Thus, using the AD581L (at 5 ppm/°C)
as the 10 volt reference guarantees a maximum full-scale tem-
perature coefficient of 8 ppm/°C over commercial range. The 10
volt reference also supplies the normal 1 mA bipolar offset cur-
rent through the 9.95k bipolar offset resistor. The bipolar offset
TC thus depends only on TC matching of the bipolar offset
resistor to the input reference resistor and is guaranteed to
3 ppm/°C.
Figure 14.AD581 as Negative 10-Volt Reference for
Figure 15.Precision 12-Bit D/A Converter
OUTLINE DIMENSIONSDimensions shown in inches and (mm).
3/00 (rev. B)