AD565AJR ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersSPECIFICATIONSA CC EEAD565AJ AD565AKModel Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units1DATA INPUTS (Pins 13 to 24) ..
AD565AKD ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersSpecifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Resul ..
AD565ATD ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A Converterscharacteristics comparable to the best discrete–55°C to +125°C range. The D grades are all packaged ..
AD5662ARMZ-1REEL7 , 16-Bit nanoDAC in a SOT-23
AD5663RBCPZ-3R2 , Dual 12-/14-/16-Bit nanoDAC with 5 ppm/ C On-Chip Reference
AD5664ARMZ , 2.7 V to 5.5 V, 450 μA, Rail-to-Rail Output, Quad, 12-/16-Bit nanoDACs
AD9740ACP ,10-Bit, 165 MSPS TxDAC® D/A ConverterSPECIFICATIONS coupled output, 50 doubly terminated, unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Min Typ Ma ..
AD9740AR ,10-Bit, 165 MSPS TxDAC D/A ConverterSPECIFICATIONS Output, 50 Doubly terminated, unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Min Typ Max UnitDY ..
AD9740ARUZ-RL7 , 10-Bit, 210 MSPS TxDAC D/A Converter
AD9742ACP ,12-Bit, 165 MSPS TxDAC® D/A ConverterGENERAL DESCRIPTION sated band gap reference have been integrated to provide a 1The AD9742 is a 12 ..
AD9742AR ,12-Bit, 165 MSPS TxDAC D/A ConverterSPECIFICATIONS (T to T , AVDD = 3.3 V, DVDD = 3.3 V, I = 20 mA, unless otherwise noted.)MIN MAX OUT ..
AD9742ARU ,12-Bit, 165 MSPS TxDAC D/A ConverterSPECIFICATIONS Output, 50 Doubly Terminated, unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Min Typ Max UnitDY ..
High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A Converters
High Speed 12-Bit
Monolithic D/A Converters
Single Chip Construction
Very High-Speed Settling to 1/2 LSB
AD565A: 250 ns max
AD566A: 350 ns max
Full-Scale Switching Time: 30 ns
Guaranteed for Operation with �12 V Supplies:
AD565A with –12 V Supply: AD566A
Linearity Guaranteed Over Temperature:
1/2 LSB max (K, T Grades)
Monotonicity Guaranteed Over Temperature
Low Power:AD566A = 180 mW max;
AD565A = 225 mW max
Use with On-Board High-Stability Reference (AD565A)
or with External Reference (AD566A)
Low Cost
MlL-STD-883-Compliant Versions Available
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD565A and AD566A are fast 12-bit digital-to-analog
converters that incorporate the latest advances in analog circuit
design to achieve high speeds at low cost.
The AD565A and AD566A use 12 precision, high-speed bipolar
current-steering switches, control amplifier and a laser-trimmed
thin-film resistor network to produce a very fast, high accuracy
analog output current. The AD565A also includes a buried
Zener reference that features low-noise, long-term stability and
temperature drift characteristics comparable to the best discrete
reference diodes.
The combination of performance and flexibility in the AD565A
and AD566A has resulted from major innovations in circuit
design, an important new high-speed bipolar process, and con-
tinuing advances in laser-wafer-trimming techniques (LWT).
The AD565A and AD566A have a 10–90% full-scale transition
time less than 35 ns and settle to within ±1/2 LSB in 250 ns
max (350 ns for AD566A). Both are laser-trimmed at the wafer
level to ±1/8 LSB typical linearity and are specified to ±1/4 LSB
max error (K and T grades) at +25°C. High speed and accuracy
make the AD565A and AD566A the ideal choice for high-speed
display drivers as well as fast analog-to-digital converters.
The laser trimming process which provides the excellent linear-
ity is also used to trim both the absolute value and the tempera-
ture coefficient of the reference of the AD565A resulting in a
typical full-scale gain TC of 10 ppm/°C. When tighter TC per-
formance is required or when a system reference is available, the
AD566A may be used with an external reference.
*Covered by Patent Nos.: 3,803,590; RE 28,633; 4,213,806; 4,136,349;4,020,486; 3,747,088.
AD565A and AD566A are available in four performance
grades. The J and K are specified for use over the 0°C to +70°C
temperature range while the S and T grades are specified for the
–55°C to +125°C range. The D grades are all packaged in a
24-lead, hermetically sealed, ceramic, dual-in-line package. The
JR grade is packaged in a 28-lead plastic SOIC.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS1. The wide output compliance range of the AD565A and
AD566A are ideally suited for fast, low noise, accurate volt-
age output configurations without an output amplifier.
2. The devices incorporate a newly developed, fully differential,
nonsaturating precision current switching cell structure
which combines the dc accuracy and stability first developed
in the AD562/3 with very fast switching times and an
optimally-damped settling characteristic.
3. The devices also contain SiCr thin film application resistors
which can be used with an external op amp to provide a
precision voltage output or as input resistors for a successive
approximation A/D converter. The resistors are matched to
the internal ladder network to guarantee a low gain tempera-
ture coefficient and are laser-trimmed for minimum
full-scale and bipolar offset errors.
4. The AD565A and AD566A are available in versions compli-
ant with MIL-STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Mili-
tary Products Databook or current /883B data sheet for
detailed specifications.
AD565A–SPECIFICATIONSNOTESThe digital inputs are guaranteed but not tested over the operating temperature range.
(TA = +25�C, VCC = +15 V, VEE = +15 V, unless otherwise noted.)
AD565A/AD566ATTL or 5 Volt CMOS
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min
(TA = +25�C, VEE = –15 V, unless otherwise noted)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSVCC to Power Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 V to +18 V
VEE to Power Ground (AD565A) . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 V to –18 V
Voltage on DAC Output (Pin 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . –3 V to +12 V
Digital Inputs (Pins 13 to 24) to
Power Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –1.0 V to +7.0 V
REF IN to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±12 V
Bipolar Offset to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±12 V
10 V Span R to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±12 V
20 V Span R to Reference Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±24 V
REF OUT (AD565A) . . . . . Indefinite Short to Power Ground
Momentary Short to VCC
Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 mW
NOTESFor details on grade and package offerings screened in accordance with MIL-
STD-883, refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current/
883B data sheet.D = Ceramic DIP, R = SOIC.
1For details on grade and package offerings screened in accordance with MIL-
STD-883, refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current/
883B data sheet.
2D = Ceramic DIP.
GROUNDING RULESThe AD565A and AD566A bring out separate reference and
power grounds to allow optimum connections for low noise and
high-speed performance. These grounds should be tied together
at one point, usually the device power ground. The separate
ground returns are provided to minimize current flow in
low-level signal paths. In this way, logic return currents are not
summed into the same return path with analog signals.
OUTPUTThe standard current-to-voltage conversion connections using
an operational amplifier are shown here with the preferred
trimming techniques. If a low offset operational amplifier
(AD510L, AD517L, AD741L, AD301AL, AD OP07) is used,
excellent performance can be obtained in many situations with-
out trimming (an op amp with less than 0.5 mV max offset
voltage should be used to keep offset errors below 1/2 LSB). If
a 50Ω fixed resistor is substituted for the 100Ω trimmer, uni-
polar zero will typically be within ±1/2 LSB (plus op amp off-
set), and full-scale accuracy will be within 0.1% (0.25% max).
Substituting a 50Ω resistor for the 100Ω bipolar offset trimmer
will give a bipolar zero error typically within ±2 LSB (0.05%).
The AD509 is recommended for buffered voltage-output appli-
cations which require a settling time to ±1/2 LSB of one micro-
second. The feedback capacitor is shown with the optimum
value for each application; this capacitor is required to compen-
sate for the 25 picofarad DAC output capacitance.