AD558KP ,DACPORT Low Cost, Complete uP-Compatible 8-Bit DAC
AD558TD , DACPORT Low Cost, Complete uP-Compatible 8-Bit DAC
AD5601 ,2.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 µA, 8-Bit nanoDAC™ D/A Converter, SPI Interface, SC70 PackageFEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 6-lead SC70 package VDD GNDPower-down to <100 nA @ 3 V Micropowe ..
AD5601BKS ,2.7 V to 5.5 V,GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD5601/AD5611/AD5621, members of the nanoDAC The AD5601/AD5611/AD5621 conta ..
AD5601BKSZ-500RL7 ,2.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 µA, 8-Bit nanoDAC™ D/A Converter, SPI Interface, SC70 Packageapplications. The reference for the AD5601/AD5611/AD5621 is derived from the power supply inputs a ..
AD5611AKSZ-500RL7 ,2.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 µA, 10-Bit nanoDAC™ D/A Converter, SPI Interface, SC70 PackageGeneral Description ........ 13 Using AD5601/AD5611/AD5621 with an Opto-Isolated D/A Section 13 Int ..
AD9696 ,Ultrafast TTL ComparatorsCHARACTERISTICS unless otherwise noted) 08C to +708C –558C to +1258C AD9696/AD9698 ..
AD9696KN ,Ultrafast TTL ComparatorsAPPLICATIONS1 μA. A latch enable input is provided to allow operation in ei-High Speed Line Receive ..
AD9696KN ,Ultrafast TTL Comparatorsapplications.Peak DetectorsWindow ComparatorsThe AD9696 and AD9698 are both available as commercial ..
AD9696KQ ,Ultrafast TTL Comparatorsapplications asATE, communications receivers and test instruments.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMAD9696AD9 ..
AD9696KR ,Ultrafast TTL ComparatorsSPECIFICATIONS1 2ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Operating Temperature RangeSupply Voltage (+V /–V ) . . . ..
AD9696TQ ,Ultrafast TTL ComparatorsSPECIFICATIONS1 2ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Operating Temperature RangeSupply Voltage (+V /–V ) . . . ..
DACPORT Low Cost, Complete uP-Compatible 8-Bit DAC