AD5273BRJ10-REEL7 ,64-Position, One-Time-Programmable (OTP) Digital Potentiometerapplications that require dynamic adjustment of resistance 2using a 2-wire, I C compatible digital ..
AD5280BRU20 ,+15V, I2C Compatible Digital PotentiometersSpecifications apply to all VRs Resolution N 8 Bits 4Integral Nonlinearity INL RAB=20KΩ , 50KΩ ..
AD5282BRU50 ,+15V, I2C Compatible Digital Potentiometersapplications, see completely programmable value of resistance, between the A AD5203/AD5204/AD5206/A ..
AD5290YRMZ10 ,Compact +30V/±15V 256-Position Digital PotentiometerCHARACTERISTICS—POTENTIOMETER DIVIDER MODE Resolution N 8 Bits 4 Differential Nonlinearity ..
AD5300BRM ,+2.7 V to +5.5 V, 140 uA, Rail-to-Rail Output 8-Bit DAC in an SOT-23Specifications subject to change without notice. t1SCLKt8t2tt3 7t4SYNCt6t5DB0DIN DB15Figure 1. Seri ..
AD5300BRT ,+2.7 V to +5.5 V, 140 uA, Rail-to-Rail Output 8-Bit DAC in an SOT-23applications.to 30 MHz and is compatible with standard SPI™, QSPI™,3. The on-chip output buffer amp ..
AD9071BR ,10-Bit, 100 MSPS A/D ConverterSPECIFICATIONSTest AD9071BRParameter Temp Level Min Typ Max UnitsRESOLUTION 10 BitsDC A ..
AD9100AD ,Ultrahigh Speed Monolithic Track-and-HoldSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. BAD9100APERTURE+2VDELAY(0.8ns)ANALOG0VINPU ..
AD9100JD ,Ultrahigh Speed Monolithic Track-and-HoldCHARACTERISTICSS S LOAD IN1Test AD9100JD/AD/SDParameter Conditions Temp Level Min Typ Max Units ..
AD9119BBCZ , 11-/14-Bit, 5.6 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converter
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AD9125BCPZ , Dual, 16-Bit, 1000 MSPS, TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
64-Position, One-Time-Programmable (OTP) Digital Potentiometer
64-Position OTP Digital Potentiometer
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD5273 is a 64-position, one-time-programmable (OTP)
digital potentiometer4 that employs fuse link technology to achieve
the permanent program setting. This device performs the same
electronic adjustment function as most mechanical trimmers and
variable resistors. It allows unlimited adjustments before perma-
nently setting the resistance values. The AD5273 is programmed
using a 2-wire, I2C compatible digital control. During the write
mode, a fuse blow command is executed after the fi nal value is
determined, thereby freezing the wiper position at a given setting
(analogous to placing epoxy on a mechanical trimmer). When
this permanent setting is achieved, the value will not change,
regardless of the supply variations or environmental stresses under
normal operating conditions. To verify the success of permanent
programming, Analog Devices patterned the OTP validation such
that the fuse status can be discerned from two validation bits in
the read mode.
FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMIn addition, for applications that program the AD5273 at the
factory, Analog Devices offers device programming software2
running on Windows NT®, 2000, and XP operating systems. This
software application effectively replaces any external I2C control-
lers, which in turn enhances users’ systems’ time-to-market.
The AD5273 is available in 1 k�, 10 k�, 50 k�, and 100 k�
resistances, in a compact SOT-23 8-lead standard package, and
operates from –40°C to +105°C.
Along with its unique OTP feature, the AD5273 lends itself well to
general digital potentiometer applications due to its effective
resolution, array resistance options, small footprint, and low cost.
An AD5273 evaluation kit and software are available. The kit
includes the connector and cable that can be converted for factory
programming applications.
For applications that require dynamic adjustment of resistance
settings with nonvolatile EEMEM, users should refer to the AD523x
and AD525x families of nonvolatile memory digital potentiometers.
NOTESOne-Time-Programmable—unlimited adjustments before permanent setting.ADI cannot guarantee the software to be 100% compatible in all systems due to
the wide variations in computer confi gurations.Applies to 1 k� parts only.The terms digital potentiometer, VR, and RDAC are used interchangeably.
64 Positions
OTP (One-Time-Programmable)1 Set-and-Forget
Resistance Setting—Low Cost Alternative Over EEMEM
Unlimited Adjustments Prior to OTP Activation
1 k�, 10 k�, 50 k�, 100 k� End-to-End Terminal Resistance
Compact SOT-23-8 Standard Package
Ultralow Power: IDD = 5 �A Max
Fast Settling Time: tS = 5 �s Typ in Power-Up2C® Compatible Digital Interface
Computer Software2 Replaces �C in Factory Programming
Wide Temperature Range: –40�C to +105�C
6 V Programming Voltage
Low Operating Voltage: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
OTP Validation Check Function
Systems Calibrations
Electronics Level Settings
Mechanical Potentiometers and Trimmers Replacement
Automotive Electronics Adjustments
Transducer Circuits Adjustments
Programmable Filters up to 6 MHz BW3Purchase of licensed I2C components of Analog Devices or one of its sublicensed
Associated Companies conveys a license for the purchaser under the Philips I2C
Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided that the system
conforms to the I2C Standard Specifi cation as defi ned by Philips.