AD28MSP02BN ,Voiceband Signal PortCharacteristics.” Refer to “Analog Input” inThe inclusion of on-chip anti-aliasing and anti-imaging ..
AD28MSP02BR ,Voiceband Signal Portspecifications.The output of the interpolation filter is fed to the DAC’s digitalSCLK O/Z Serial cl ..
AD28MSP02KN ,Voiceband Signal PortCharacteristics.” Refer to “Analog Input” inThe inclusion of on-chip anti-aliasing and anti-imaging ..
AD28MSP02KR ,Voiceband Signal Portcharacteristics of the filter, for example using a digital filter design softwareFigure 3 shows the ..
AD2S100AP ,AC Vector ProcessorGENERAL DESCRIPTIONstatus of the AD2S100. The busy period represents the conver-The AD2S100 perform ..
AD2S105AP ,Three-Phase Current ConditionerGENERAL DESCRIPTION2The AD2S105 performs the vector rotation of three-phase 120 The AD2S105 is fabr ..
AD8534AR ,Low Cost, 250 mA Output Single-Supply AmplifiersGENERAL DESCRIPTION+IN A 3 6 –IN B+IN A 3 6 –IN BThe AD8531, AD8532 and AD8534 are single, dual and ..
AD8534ARU ,Low Cost, 250 mA Output Single-Supply AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICSOffset Voltage V 25 mVOS £ +85
Voiceband Signal Port
Characteristics.” Refer to “Analog Input” inThe inclusion of on-chip anti-aliasing and anti-imaging filters, the “Design Considerations” section of this data sheet for more16-bit sigma-delta ADC and DAC, and programmable gain information.amplifiers ensures a highly integrated and compact solution toThe input multiplexer and 20 dB preamplifier are configured byvoiceband analog processing requirements. Sigma-delta conver-Bits 0 and 1 (IPS, IMS) of the AD28msp02’s control register. Ifsion technology eliminates the need for complex off-chip anti-the multiplexer setting is changed while an input signal is beingaliasing filters and sample-and-hold circuitry.processed, the ADC’s output must be allowed time to settle toThe AD28msp02’s serial I/O port provides an easy interface to ensure that the output data is valid.host DSP microprocessors such as the ADSP-2101, ADSP-2105ADCand ADSP-2111. The AD28msp02 is available in a 24-pin, 0.3"The ADC consists of a 2nd-order analog sigma-delta modulator,plastic DIP and a 28-lead SOIC package.an anti-aliasing decimation filter, and a digital high-pass filter.The sigma-delta modulator noise-shapes the signal and pro-FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONduces 1-bit samples at a 1.0 MHz rate. This bit stream, whichFigure 1 shows a block diagram of the AD28msp02.represents the analog input signal, is fed to the anti-aliasingdecimation filter.A/D CONVERSIONDecimation FilterThe A/D conversion circuitry of the AD28msp02 consists of twoThe anti-aliasing decimation filter contains two stages. The firstanalog input amplifiers, an optional 20 dB preamplifier, and4stage is a sinc digital filter that increases resolution to 16 bitsa sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The analogand reduces the sample rate to 40 kHz. The second stage is aninput signal to the AD28msp02 must be ac-coupled.IIR low-pass filter.REV. 0Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate andreliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for itsuse, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third partiesOne Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication orotherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703AD28msp02VFBNORMVINNORM16-BIT SIGMA-DELTA ADC SDOFSNORMINPUTANALOG 1 ANTI-ALIASING DIGITALAMP 16 16+20dBMUX SIGMA-DELTA DECIMATION HIGH-PASSVFB SDOAUX AMPMODULATOR FILTER FILTER1.0 8.08.0VINAUXMHzkHz kHzAUXINPUTDATA/AMP CNTRLCONTROLSERIALVOLTAGEREGISTER PORTVREFREFERENCESCLK16-BIT SIGMA-DELTA DACANALOG 1 DIGITALANTI-IMAGING 16 16VOUT 16 DIGITALPSMOOTHING SIGMA-DELTA SDIINTERPOLATION HIGH-PASS PGAFILTER MODULATOR FILTERVOUT FILTERN1.01.0 8.0 8.0MHz MHz kHz kHzOUTPUTSDIFSDIFFERENTIALAMPCSFigure 1. AD28msp02 Block DiagramThe IIR low-pass filter is a 10th-order elliptic filter with a pass- The high-pass filter is a 4th-order elliptic filter with a passbandband edge at 3.7 kHz and a stopband attenuation of 65 dB at cutoff at 150 Hz. Stopband attenuation is 25 dB. This filter has4 kHz. This filter has the following