AD22100AR-REEL ,Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioningapplications. The signal conditioning eliminates the need for any trimming, buffering, or lineariza ..
AD22100AR-REEL7 , Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning
AD22100AT ,Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal ConditioningSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. BAD221001PIN DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM R ..
AD22100ATZ , Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning
AD22100KR ,Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal ConditioningCHARACTERISTICSNominal Output VoltageV+ = 5.0 V, T = 0°C 1.375 VAV+ = 5.0 V, T = +100°C 3.625 VAV+ ..
AD22100SR ,Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal ConditioningSPECIFICATIONSParameter Min Typ Max UnitsTRANSFER FUNCTION V = (V+/5 V) × ..
AD842KN ,Wideband, High Output Current, Fast Settling Op Ampapplications where thecircuit gain will be 2 or greater.*Covered by U.S. Patent Nos. 4,969,823 and ..
AD842SQ ,Wideband, High Output Current, Fast Settling Op AmpSpecifications subject to change without notice.REV. E–2–AD8421NOTESABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Stress ..
AD843AQ ,34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op Ampapplications such as sig-Unlike many high frequency amplifiers, the AD843 requires nonal conditioni ..
AD843BQ ,34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op AmpFEATURESAC PERFORMANCE16-Pin SOIC (R-16) Package Plastic (N-8) andUnity Gain Bandwidth: 34 MHzCerdi ..
AD843JN ,34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op AmpSPECIFICATIONSA1 AD843J/A AD843K/B AD843SModel Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ M ..
AD843JNZ , 34 MHz, CBFET Fast Settling Op Amp
Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning
Voltage Output Temperature Sensor
with Signal Conditioning
Rev. D
200°C temperature span
Accuracy better than ±2% of full scale
Linearity better than ±1% of full scale
Temperature coefficient of 22.5 mV/°C
Output proportional to temperature × V+
Single-supply operation
Reverse voltage protection
Minimal self-heating
High level, low impedance output
HVAC systems
System temperature compensation
Board level temperature sensing
Electronic thermostats
Industrial process control
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD221001 is a monolithic temperature sensor with on-chip
signal conditioning. It can be operated over the temperature
range −50°C to +150°C, making it ideal for use in numerous
HVAC, instrumentation, and automotive applications.
The signal conditioning eliminates the need for any trimming,
buffering, or linearization circuitry, greatly simplifying the
system design and reducing the overall system cost.
The output voltage is proportional to the temperature x the
supply voltage (ratiometric). The output swings from 0.25 V at
−50°C to +4.75 V at +150°C using a single +5.0 V supply.
Due to its ratiometric nature, the AD22100 offers a cost-
effective solution when interfacing to an analog-to-digital
converter. This is accomplished by using the ADC’s +5 V
power supply as a reference to both the ADC and the AD22100
eliminating the need for and cost of a precision reference (see
Figure 2). . Patent No. 5,030,849 and 5,243,319.
Figure 1.
Figure 2. Application Circuit
TABLE OF CONTENTS Specifications.....................................................................................3
Chip Specifications.......................................................................3
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................4
ESD Caution..................................................................................4
Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions...........................5
Typical Performance Characteristics.............................................6
Theory of Operation........................................................................7
Absolute Accuracy and Nonlinearity Specifications...............7
Output Stage Considerations.......................................................7
Ratiometricity Considerations....................................................8
Mounting Considerations............................................................8
Thermal Environment Effects.....................................................8
Microprocessor A/D Interface Issues.........................................9
Use with a Precision Reference as the Supply Voltage................9
Outline Dimensions.......................................................................10
Ordering Guide..........................................................................11
7/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. C to Rev. D Change to AD22100K Specifications.............................................3
Updated Outline Dimensions.......................................................10
Changes to Ordering Guide..........................................................11
6/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. B to Rev. C Changes to Format.............................................................Universal
Changes to Specifications................................................................3
Changes to Chip Specifications......................................................3
Changes to Ratiometricity Considerations Section.....................8
Changes to Ordering Guide..........................................................10
Updated Outline Dimensions.......................................................10
12/94—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. A to Rev. B SPECIFICATIONS TA = 25°C and V+ = 4 V to 6.5 V, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1. FS (full scale) is defined as the operating temperature range −50°C to +150°C. The listed maximum specification limit applies to the guaranteed temperature range.
For example, the AD22100K has a nonlinearity of (0.5%) × (200°C) = 1°C over the guaranteed temperature range of 0°C to +100°C.
CHIP SPECIFICATIONS TA = 25°C and V+ = 5.0 V, unless otherwise noted.
Table 2.
Table 3. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings
may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress
rating only and functional operation of the device at these or
any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
ESD CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on
the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features
proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy
electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance
degradation or loss of functionality.
(Not to Scale)00673-C-003
Figure 3. 3-Lead TO-92
Table 4. 3-Lead TO-92 Pin Function Descriptions
NC = NO CONNECT00673-C-004
Figure 4. 8-Lead SOIC
ec)Figure 5. Thermal Response vs. Flow Rate
250Figure 6. Thermal Resistance vs. Flow Rate