AD215AY ,120 kHz Bandwidth, Low Distortion, Isolation Amplifierspecifications are pre-served and to maintain the isolated supply full load ripple below the specif ..
AD215BY ,120 kHz Bandwidth, Low Distortion, Isolation AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS SAD215AY/BYParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsGAIN1Range 1 10 V/VError G = 1 V/V, ..
AD22050N ,Single-Supply Sensor Interface AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA S CM LParameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsINPUTS (Pins 1 and 8)+CMR Positive ..
AD22050R ,Single-Supply Sensor Interface AmplifierSpecifications subject to change without notice.ORDERING GUIDEModel Temperature Range Package Descr ..
AD22057 ,Single Supply Sensor Interface AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA S CM LParameter Comments Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsINPUTS (PINS 1 AND 8)+CMR ..
AD22057R ,Single-Supply Sensor Interface AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA S CM LParameter Comments Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsINPUTS (PINS 1 AND 8)+CMR ..
AD8403ARZ1-REEL , 1-/2-/4-Channel Digital Potentiometers
AD8403ARZ50 , 1-/2-/4-Channel Digital Potentiometers
AD840JN ,Wideband, Fast Settling Op AmpSpecifications subject to change without notice.1ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Plastic DIP (N) PackageSu ..
AD840KN ,Wideband, Fast Settling Op AmpFEATURESCONNECTION DIAGRAMSWideband AC PerformancePlastic DIP (N) PackageGain Bandwidth Product: 40 ..
AD840KQ ,Wideband, Fast Settling Op AmpCHARACTERISTICS Differential ModeInput Resistance 30 30 30 kΩInput Capacitance 2 2 2 pFINPUT VOLTAG ..
AD841JN ,Wideband, Unity-Gain Stable, Fast Settling Op AmpCHARACTERISTICSVoltage R ≥ 500 ΩLOADT –T ±10 ±10 ±10 VMIN MAXCurrent V = ±10 V 50 50 50 mAOUTOUTPUT ..
120 kHz Bandwidth, Low Distortion, Isolation Amplifier
120 kHz Bandwidth, Low Distortion,
Isolation Amplifier
Isolation Voltage Rating:1,500 V rms
Wide Bandwidth:120 kHz, Full Power (–3 dB)
Rapid Slew Rate:6 V/ms
Fast Settling Time:9 ms
Low Harmonic Distortion: –80 dB @ 1 kHz
Low Nonlinearity:60.005%
Wide Output Range:610 V, min (Buffered)
Built-in Isolated Power Supply:615 V dc @ 610 mA
Performance Rated over –408C to +858C
High Speed Data Acquisition Systems
Power Line and Transient Monitors
Multichannel Muxed Input Isolation
Waveform Recording Instrumentation
Power Supply Controls
Vibration Analysis
Flexible Input and Buffered Output Stages:An uncommit-
ted op amp is provided on the input stage of the AD215 to
allow for input buffering or amplification and signal condition-
ing. The AD215 also features a buffered output stage to drive
low impedance loads and an output voltage trim for zeroing the
output offset where needed.
High Accuracy:The AD215 has a typical nonlinearity of
±0.005% (B grade) of full-scale range and the total harmonic
distortion is typically –80 dB at 1 kHz. The AD215 provides
designers with complete isolation of the desired signal without
loss of signal integrity or quality.
Excellent Common-Mode Performance:The AD215BY
(AD215AY) provides 1,500 V rms (750 V rms) common-mode
voltage protection from its input to output. Both grades feature
a low common-mode capacitance of 4.5 pF inclusive of the
dc/dc power isolation. This results in a typical common-mode
rejection specification of 105 dB and a low leakage current of
2.0μA rms max (240 V rms, 60 Hz).
Isolated Power:An unregulated isolated power supply of
±15 V dc @ ±10 mA is available at the isolated input port of
the AD215. This permits the use of ancillary isolated front-end
amplifiers or signal conditioning components without the need
for a separate dc/dc supply. Even the excitation of transducers
can be accomplished in most applications.
Rated Performance over the –408C to +858C Temperature
Range:With an extended industrial temperature range rating,
the AD215 is an ideal isolation solution for use in many indus-
trial environments.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD215 is a high speed input isolation amplifier designed to
isolate and amplify wide bandwidth analog signals. The innova-
tive circuit and transformer design of the AD215 ensures wide-
band dynamic characteristics while preserving key dc performance
The AD215 provides complete galvanic isolation between the
input and output of the device including the user-available
front-end isolated power supplies. The functionally complete
design, powered by a ±15 V dc supply, eliminates the need for a
user supplied isolated dc/dc converter. This permits the designer
to minimize circuit overhead and reduce overall system design
complexity and component costs.
The design of the AD215 emphasizes maximum flexibility and
ease of use in a broad range of applications where fast analog
signals must be measured under high common-mode voltage
(CMV) conditions. The AD215 has a ±10 V input/output
range, a specified gain range of 1 V/V to 10 V/V, a buffered out-
put with offset trim and a user-available isolated front-end
power supply which produces ±15 V dc at ±10 mA.
High Speed Dynamic Characteristics:The AD215 features
a typical full-power bandwidth of 120 kHz (100 kHz min), rise
time of 3 μs and settling time of 9 μs. The high speed perfor-
mance of the AD215 allows for unsurpassed galvanic isolation
of virtually any wideband dynamic signal.
AD215–SPECIFICATIONS(Typical @ +258C, VS = 615 V dc, 2 kV output load, unless otherwise noted.)
NOTESThe gain range of the AD215 is specified from 1 to 10 V/V. The AD215 can also be used with gains of up to 100 V/V. With a gain of 100 V/V a 20% reduction in the
–3 dB bandwidth specification occurs and the nonlinearity degrades to ±0.02% typical.When the isolated supply load exceeds ±1 mA, external filter capacitors are required in order to ensure that the gain, offset, and nonlinearity specifications are pre-
served and to maintain the isolated supply full load ripple below the specified 50 mV rms. A value of 6.8 μF is recommended.Nonlinearity is specified as a percent (of full-scale range) deviation from a best straight line.The isolation barrier (and rating) of every AD215 is 100% tested in production using a 5 second partial discharge test with a failure detection threshold of 150pC. All
“B” grade devices are tested with a minimum voltage of 1,800 V rms. All “A” grade devices are tested with a minimum voltage of 850 V rms.The AD215 should be allowed to warm up for approximately 10 minutes before any gain and/or offset adjustments are made.Equivalent to a 0.8 degrees phase shift.With the ±15 V dc power supply pins bypassed by 2.2 μF capacitors at the AD215 pins.Caution: The AD215 design does not provide short circuit protection of its isolated power supply. A current limiting resistor may be placed in series with the isolated
power terminals and the load in order to protect the supply against inadvertent shorts.With an input power supply voltage greater than or equal ±15 V dc, the AD215 may supply up to ±15 mA from the isolated power supplies.Voltages less than 14.25 V dc may cause the AD215 to cease operating properly. Voltages greater than ±17.5 V dc may damage the internal components of the
AD215 and consequently should not be used.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the AD215 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may
occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
–VISOFigure 1.Functional Block Diagram
ORDERING GUIDE*Typical @ +25°C, G = 1 V/V.
INSIDE THE AD215The AD215 is a fully self-contained analog signal and power
isolation solution. It employs a double-balanced amplitude
modulation technique to perform transformer coupling of sig-
nals ranging in frequency from true dc values to those having
frequencies of 120 kHz or less.
To generate the power supplies used for the isolated front-end
circuitry, an internal clock oscillator drives the primary winding
of the integral dc/dc power supply’s transformer, T2. The
resultant voltage developed across the secondary winding is
then rectified and filtered for use as the isolated power supply.
This built-in isolated dc/dc converter provides sufficient power
for both the internal isolated circuit elements of the AD215 as
well as any ancillary components supplied by the user. It saves
onboard space and component cost where additional amplifica-
tion or signal conditioning is required.
After an input signal is amplified by the uncommitted op amp,
it is modulated at a carrier frequency of approximately 430 kHz
and applied across the primary winding of the signal isolation
transformer T1.
The resultant signal induced on the secondary winding of the
transformer is then demodulated and filtered using a low-pass
Bessel response filter set at a frequency of 150 kHz. The func-
tion of the filter reconstructs the original signal as it appears on
the input.
The signal transformer design and construction allow non-
linearity to be independent of both the specified temperature
and gain ranges.
After complete reconstruction, the signal is subjected to an off-
set trim stage and final output buffer. The trim circuit allows
the designer flexibility to adjust for any offset as desired.
–0.20Figure 2.Gain Error vs. Temperature
OUTPUT VOLTAGE – VoltsFigure 3.Gain Nonlinearity vs. Output Voltage (G = 1 V/V)
Figure 4.Typical Common-Mode Rejection vs. Frequency
Figure 5.Normalized Gain as a Function of Signal
DELAY – µsFigure 6.Phase Shift and Transport Delay vs. Frequency
AD215–Performance Characteristics
(+10V STEP)
OVERSHOOTFigure 7a.Overshoot to a Full-Scale Step Input
(G = 1 V/V)
(–10V STEP)
UNDERSHOOTFigure 7b.Undershoot to a Full-Scale Input
(G = 1 V/V)
Figure 8.Output Response to Full-Scale Step Input
(G = 1 V/V)
RIPPLE – mV p-pFigure 9.±VISO Supply Ripple vs. Load
– Figure 10.±VISO Supply Voltage vs. Load