ACTS630D ,Radiation Hardened EDAC (Error Detection and Correction)ACTS630MSRadiation Hardened EDAC(Error Detection and Correction)January 1996
ACU50752 , CATV/TV Cable modem Upconverter MMIC
ACU50752 , CATV/TV Cable modem Upconverter MMIC
ACU50752 , CATV/TV Cable modem Upconverter MMIC
AD102JY ,General Purpose Input Isolation Amplifierapplications where input to input isolation is required, theLow Power ConsumptionAD104 may be a mor ..
AD811JR ,High Performance Video Op Ampfeatures proprietary ESD pro-Temperature Packagetection circuitry, permanent damage may still occur ..
AD811JR-REEL ,High Performance Video Op AmpCHARACTERISTICS+Input Resistance 1.5 1.5 MW–Input Resistance 14 14 WInput Capacitance +Input 7.5 7. ..
AD811JRZ , High Performance Video Op Amp
AD811SE/883B ,High Performance Video Op AmpSPECIFICATIONS A S LOAD1 2AD811J/A AD811SModel Conditions V Min Typ Max Min Typ Max UnitsSDYNAMIC P ..
AD811SQ/883B ,High Performance Video Op AmpAPPLICATIONS–IN 4 17 +VNC 4 13 NCSVideo Crosspoint Switchers, Multimedia BroadcastNC NC5 16+IN 5 12 ..
AD812 ,Dual, Current Feedback Low Power Op AmpSPECIFICATIONSDual Supply (@ T = +258C, R = 150 V, unless otherwise noted)A LModel ..