ACS108-6S ,Overvoltage protected AC switchFeatures■ Needs no external protection snubber or varistor■ Enables equipment to meet IEC 61000-4-5 ..
ACS108-6SA ,Overvoltage protected AC switchAbsolute maximum ratings (T = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)ambSymbol Parameter Value UnitT = 6 ..
ACS108-6SA ,Overvoltage protected AC switchApplicationsV , V 600 and 800 VDRM RRMI 10 mAGT Alternating current on/off static switching in app ..
ACS108-6SA-TR ,Overvoltage protected AC switchFeaturesOUT Enables equipment to meet IEC 61000-4-5 surge with overvoltage crowbar technology Hig ..
ACS108-6SN-TR ,Overvoltage protected AC switchACS108Overvoltage protected AC switch (ACS™)Datasheet - production dataDescriptionCOMThe ACS108 bel ..
ACS108-6SN-TR ,Overvoltage protected AC switchElectrical characteristics (T = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)jSymbol Test conditions Quadrant ..
AD8031ARZ-REEL , 2.7 V, 800 muA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers
AD8031ARZ-REEL , 2.7 V, 800 muA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers
AD8031ARZ-REEL7 , 2.7 V, 800 muA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers
AD8031BR ,2.7 V, 800 uA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiersapplications,Circuit Diagramfrom battery-operated systems with large bandwidth requirementsFigure 1 ..
AD8031BR-REEL ,2.7 V, 800 uA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICS = 10 kW +0.05 +0.02 +0.05 +0.02 VOutput Voltage Swing Low RLOutput Voltage Swing Hi ..
AD8032AN ,2.7 V, 800 uA, 80 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O AmplifiersSPECIFICATIONS +2.7 V Supply (@ T = +258C, V = +2.7 V, R = 1 kV to +1.35 V, R = 2.5 kV unless other ..
ACS108 6S-ACS1086S-ACS1-086S-ACS108-6S
Overvoltage protected AC switch
June 2012 Doc ID 11962 Rev 4 1/12
ACS108-6SOvervoltage protected AC switch (ACS™)
Datasheet − production data
Features Needs no external protection snubber or
varistor Enables equipment to meet IEC 61000-4-5 Reduces component count by up to 80% Interfaces directly with the micro-controller Common package tab connection supports
connection of several alternating current
switches (ACS) on the same cooling pad Integrated structure based on A.S.D.®
technology Overvoltage protection by crowbar technology High noise immunity - static dV/dt > 500 V/µs
Applications Alternating current on/off static switching in
appliances and industrial control systems Drive of low power high inductive or resistive
loads like: relay, valve, solenoid, dispenser, door lock pump, fan, low power motor
DescriptionThe ACS108-6S belongs to the AC line switch
family. This high performance switch can control a
load of up to 0.8 A.
The ACS108-6S switch includes an overvoltage
crowbar structure to absorb the overvoltage
energy, and a gate level shifter driver to separate
the digital controller from the main switch. It is
triggered with a negative gate current flowing out
of the gate pin.
Figure 1. Functional diagram ®: A.S.D. is a registered trademark of STMicroelectonics
TM: ACS is a trademark of STMicroelectronics
Table 1. Device summary
Characteristics ACS108-6S2/12 Doc ID 11962 Rev 4
1 Characteristics
Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings (Tamb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) according to test described by IEC 61000-4-5 standard and Figure19
Table 3. Electrical characteristics (Tj = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified) Minimum IGT is guaranteed at 10% of IGT max For both polarities of OUT referenced to COM
ACS108-6S CharacteristicsDoc ID 11962 Rev 4 3/12
Table 4. Static electrical characteristics For both polarities of OUT referenced to COM
Table 5. Thermal resistance
Characteristics ACS108-6S4/12 Doc ID 11962 Rev 4
Figure 2. Maximum power dissipation
versus on-state rms current
(full cycle)
Figure 3. On-state rms current versus tab
temperature (full cycle)
Figure 4. On-state rms current versus
ambient temperature
(free air convection)
Figure 5. Relative variation of thermal
impedance junction to ambient
versus pulse duration
Figure 6. Relative variation of, holding and
latching current versus junction
Figure 7. Releative variation of IGT and VGT
versus junction temperature
ACS108-6S CharacteristicsDoc ID 11962 Rev 4 5/12
Figure 8. Non repetitive surge peak on-state
current versus number of cycles
Figure 9. Non repetitive surge peak on-state
current for a sinusoidal pulse, and
corresponding value of I²t
Figure 10. On-state characteristics (maximal
Figure 11. Relative variation of critical rate of
decrease of main current versus
junction temperature
Figure 12. Relative variation of static dV/dt
immunity versus junction
Figure 13. Relative variation of the maximal
clamping voltage versus junction
temperature (min. value)
Characteristics ACS108-6S6/12 Doc ID 11962 Rev 4
Figure 14. Relative variation of critical rate
ofdecrease of main current (di/dt)c
versus (dV/dt)c
Figure 15. Thermal resistance junction to
ambient versus copper surface
under tab