9602DM ,Dual Retriggerable, Resettable Monostable Multivibrator (One Shot) with Complementary OutputsElectrical Characteristics’’SupplyVoltage 7Vtable are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum rating ..
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96L02DMQB ,Dual Retriggerable Resettable Monostable MultivibratorFeaturesY lHigh speed operationÐinput repetition rate 10 MHzThese retriggerable one shots provide t ..
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Dual Retriggerable, Resettable Monostable Multivibrator (One Shot) with Complementary Outputs
June 1989
9602/DM9602 Dual Retriggerable,
Resettable One Shots
General Description
These dual resettable, retriggerableone shots havetwoin-
putsper function;one whichis active high,andone whichis
active low. This allowsthe designerto employ either lead-
ing-edgeor trailing-edge triggering, whichis independentof
input transition times. When input conditionsfor triggering
are met,a new cycle startsandthe external capacitoris
allowedto rapidly discharge and then charge again. The
retriggerable feature permits output pulse widthstobeex-
tended.Infacta continuous true outputcanbe maintained havingan input cycle time whichis shorter thantheout-
put cycle time.The output pulse may thenbe terminatedat
any timeby applyingalow logic leveltothe RESETpin.
Retriggering maybe inhibitedby either connectingtheQ
outputtoan active high input,ortheQ outputtoan active
low input.
Features70nsto% output width range Resettableand retriggerableÐ0%to 100% duty cycle TTL input gatingÐleadingor trailing edge triggering ComplementaryTTL outputs Optional retrigger lock-out capability Pulse width compensatedfor VCC and temperature
variations Alternate Military/Aerospace device (54xxx)is available.
Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distrib-
utorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 9602DMQB, 9602FMQBor DM9602N
SeeNS PackageNumberJ16A, N16Eor W16A
Function Table
Pin No’s. Operation B CLR
HxL L H Trigger
HLxH H Trigger X L ReseteHigh VoltageLeveleLow Voltage Levele Don’tCare
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.