90SQ035 ,35V 9A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageBulletin PD-2.222 rev. C 12/0190SQ... SERIESSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 9 AmpDescription/
90SQ040 ,40V 9A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThe 90SQ axial leaded Schottky rectifier series has beenCh ..
90SQ045 ,45V 9A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThe 90SQ axial leaded Schottky rectifier series has beenCh ..
91201 , 912MHz SAW Filter 6MHz Bandwidth
9202-12-10 , Surface Mount Reed Relays
926882-3 , Pins and Sockets standard version
A43L2616V-7 , 1M X 16 Bit X 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM
A43L3616V-6 , 2M X 16 Bit X 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM
A43L3616V-7 , 2M X 16 Bit X 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM
A43L8316V-8 , 128K X 16 Bit X 2 Banks Synchronous DRAM
A4447SLJTR-T , High Voltage Step Down Regulator
35V 9A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR package
liait, Rectifier
Bulletin PD-2.222 rev.C 12/01
Major Ratings and Characteristics
Characteristics 9080... Units
IHAV) Rectangular 9 A
VRRM range 35 to 45 V
|FSM @tp=5pssine 2150 A
VF @9Apk,TJ=125°C 0.42 V
T: range -55to 150 "C
The 90SQ axial leaded Schottky rectifier series has been
optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate
leakage.The proprietarybarriertechnology allowsforreliable
operation up to 150°Cjunction temperature. Typical applica-
tions are in switching power supplies, converters, free-
wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
150° C TJ operation
High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
Very low forward voltage drop
High frequency operation
Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
6.35 (0.250)
6.10 (0.240)D'A'
9.52 (0.375)
9.27 (0265)
27.94 (1.10) MIN.
2 PLCS.)
1.32 (0.052)
1.22 (0048) DIA.
(2 nos.)
27 94 (L10) MIN
(2 mom
9 52 (0 375)
9.27 it) 365)
2.54 (0 IOC) MAX
I FLASH (2 ms;
132 (o (152) d L
1.22 IO 045) 0"
(2 PLCS 1 l
(t 5.35 (0.250;
Ci 610(0 2401”"
Conforms to JEDEC Outline DO - 204AR
Dimensions in millimeters and inches
90SQ. .. Series
Bulletin PD-2.222 rev. C 12/01 IDR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 90SQ035 90SQ040 90SQ045
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V)
. 35 40 45
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 90SQ Units Conditions
IFW) Max.Average Forward Current 9 A 50% duty cycle@TC=69°C, rectangularwavefonn
* See Fig. 5
IFSM Max. PeakOne Cycle Non-Repetitive 2150 5ps Sine or 3ps Rect. pulse .Foilt.owing..i1.ny rated
. A . load condition and
Surge Current * See Fig. 7 340 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse with rated vRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 12 mJ Tr-25 "C, |AS=1.8Amps, L=7.4 mH
|AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 1.8 A Currentdecayinglinearlyto zeroin1 psec
Frequencylimited byT, max.VA=1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 90SQ Units Conditions
Vo, Max. Forward Voltage Drop (1) 0.48 V @ 9A T, = 25 °C
* See Fig. 1 0.57 V @ 18A
0.42 V @ 9A TJ = 125''C
0.52 V @ 18A
IRM Max. Reverse Leakage Current (1) 1.75 mA T J = 25 ''C
. VR = rated VR
* See Fig. 2 70 mA T, = 125 "C
c, Max. Junction Capacitance 900 pF VR = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25 "C
Ls Typical Series Inductance 10.0 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from body
dv/dt Max.Voltage Rate of Change 10000 VI us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse VWdth < 300ps, Duty Cycle < 2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 90SQ Units Conditions
T J Max.Junction Temperature Range -55to150 ''C
Tstg Max.StorageTemperature Range -55to 150 "C
RthJL Max.ThermaI Resistance Junction 8.0 "CA/V DC operation *See Fig.4
to Lead 1/8 inch lead leangth
RWA TypicalThermalResistance, 44 r’CNV
Junction to Air
wt Approximate Weight 1.4(0.049) g(oz.)
CaseStyle DO-204AR JEDEC