83CNQ100SL ,100V 80A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8-SL packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThe 83CNQ center tap Schottky rectifier module series hasb ..
83CNQ100SM ,100V 80A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8-SM packageBulletin PD-2.221 rev. F 09/0183CNQ... SERIESSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 80 AmpDescription/
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80V 80A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8 package
TGiR, Rectifier
Major Ratings and Characteristics
Bulletin PD-2.221 reV.F 09/01
80 Amp
The 83CNQ center tap Schottky rectifer module series has
Characteristics 83CNQ... Units been optimized for low reverse leakage at high temperature.
The proprietary barriertechnology allows forreliable operation
I Rectan ular 80 A upto175°Cjunctiontemperature‘Typicalapplicationsarein
F(AV) g switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes,
waveform and reverse battery protection.
VRRM range 80 to 100 V o 175 ''C To operation
. . Centertap module
IFSM @ tp - 5 ps sme 7000 A o High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
VF @40Apk’TJ=125°C 0.67 V . Lowforward voltage drop
(perleg) . Highfrequency operation
T range -55to175 "C . Gert) .r.ing for enhanced ruggedness and long term
J reliability
. Low profile, small footprint, high current package
Case Styles
83CNQ...SM 83CNQ...SL
f 2 if} i, l,
D61-8-SM D61-8-SL
83CNQ... Series
Bulletin PD-2.221 rev. F 09/01 IEER Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 83CNQ080 83CNQ100
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage(V) 100
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 80
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 83CNQ Units Conditions
IFW) Max.AverageForwardCurrent 80 A 50%dutycycle@TC=132°C,rectangularwaveform
I M .P kO l N -R - 7 . r R ct. Ise Followin an rated
FSM ax ea neCyce on epetitive 000 A Sus Smeo 3ps e pu loa d con /t'i'o7/ll/l'flvith
SurgeCurrent(PerLeg)*SeeFig.7 720 10msSineor6msRect.pulse ratedVRRMapplled
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 15 m] T J = 25°C, IAS=1Amps,L=30mH
IAR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 1 A CurrentdecayingIinearlytozeroin1usec
(PerLeg) Frequencylimited byT, max.VA=1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 83CNQ Units Conditions
VFM Max.ForwardVoltageDrop 0.81 V @ 40A T = 25°C
(PerLeg) *See Fig. 1 (1) 1.00 V @ 80A J
0.67 V @ 40A T =125 "C
0.82 v @ 80A J -
I Max.ReverseLeakageCurrent 1.5 mA T = 25°C
RM J V = ratedV
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 2 (1) 35 mA T, = 125 "C R R
c, Max. Junction Capacitance (PerLeg) 1400 pF v,, = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25''C
LS TypicalSerieslnductance (PerLeg) 5.5 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max.Voltage Rate ofChange 10,000 V/ ps
(1) Pulse 1/)fidth < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 83CNQ Units Conditions
To Max.JunctionTemperatureRange -55to175 (
Tstg Max.StorageTemperatureRange -55to175 r’C
Rch Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.85 °C/W DCoperation *SeeFig.4
toCase (Per Leg)
Rch Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.42 ''CA/V DCoperation
toCase(Per Package)
Rthcs TypicalThermalResistance,Case 0.30 "CAN Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
to Heatsink (D61-8 Only) DeviCeflatness<5mils
wt ApproximateWeight 7.8(0.28) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 12(10) Kg-cm (*)
(D61-8 Only) Max. 24(20) (lbf-in)
(*) Recommended hardware 3M stainless screw