80EPS12 ,1200V 80A Std. Recovery Diode in a TO-247ACpackageI2123 rev. B 11/99SAFEIR Series80EPS..INPUT RECTIFIER DIODEV < 1.17V @ 80AF= 1450AIFSMV 800 to ..
80EPS16 , Input Rectifier Diode, 80 A
80SQ035 ,35V 8A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageapplications are inI Rectangular 8 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes ..
80SQ035TR ,35V 8A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageFeaturesThe 80SQ axial leaded Schottky rectifier series has beenoptimized for low reverse leakage a ..
80SQ040 ,40V 8A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageBulletin PD-2.047 rev. E 12/0180SQ... SERIESSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER8 AmpMajor Ratings and Characte ..
80SQ045 ,45V 8A Schottky Discrete Diode in a DO-204AR packageapplications are inI Rectangular 8 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes ..
93LC66AI/P , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
93LC66A-I/P , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
93LC66A-I/P , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
93LC66AI/SN , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
93LC66A-I/SN , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
93LC66A-I/SN , 4K Microwire Compatible Serial EEPROM
800V 80A Std. Recovery Diode in a TO-247ACpackage
ISQR Rectifier
The 80EPS rectifierSAFEl R series has been optimized
for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage.
The glass passivation technology used has reliable opera-
tion up to 150° C junction temperature.
Typical applications are in input rectification and these
products are designed to be used with International
Rectifier Switches and Output Rectifiers which are
available in identical package outlines.
Major Ratings and Characteristics
12123 rev. B 11/99
.17v @ 80A
IFSM = 1450A
vRRM 800 to 16OOV
Package Outline
Characteristics 80EPS.. Units
IF(AV) Sinusoidal 80 A
VRRM 800t01600 V
IFSM 1450 A
VF @80A,TJ=25°C 1.17 V
T J -40to150 ''C
80EPS.. SAFEIR Series
I2123 rev. B 11/99
TOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
VRFWI , maximum VRSM, maximum non repetitive G,
Part Number peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage 150°C
V V mA
80EPS08 800 900 1
80EPS12 1200 1300
80EPS16 1600 1700
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 80EPS.. Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.AverageForwardCurrent 80 A @ TC=100°C,180°conduction halfsinewave
G, Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 1450 A 10msSinepulse, ratedVrmMapplied
SurgeCurrent 1500 10msSine pulse,novoltagereapplied
|2t Max. i2tiorfusing 10500 2 1OmsSinepulse,ratedVHHMapplied
14000 10msSinepulse,novoltagereapplied
|th Max. i2Vttorfusing 105000 ANs t=0.1to10ms,novoltagereapplied
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 80EPS.. Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 1.17 V © 80A, Tu = 25°C
l Forward slope resistance 3.17 mg
T J = 150°C
VF(TO) Threshold voltage 0.73 V
IRM Max. Reverse LeakageCurrent 0.1 T J = 25 "C
mA v,, = rated VHHM
1.0 T J = 150 °c
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 80EPS.. Units Conditions
TJ Max.JunctionTemperatureRange -40to150 ''C
stg Max.StorageTemperatureRange -40to150 ''C
mo Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 0.35 °C/W DCoperation
RmJA Max.ThermaIResistanceJunction 40 °C/W
Rmcs TypicalThermalResistance,Caseto 0.2 TYW Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
wt ApproximateWeight 6(0.21) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 6(5) Kg-cm
Max. 12(10) (Ibf-in)
Case Style TO-247AC JEDEC