80EPF04 ,400V Fast Recovery Diode in a TO-247AC packageapplications are both:output rectification and freewheeling ininverters, choppers and convertersand ..
80EPF06 ,600V Fast Recovery Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 80EPF.. fast soft recovery QUIETIR rectifierseries has been optimized for combined shor ..
80EPF10 ,1000V Fast Recovery Diode in a TO-247AC packageapplications are both:output rectification and freewheeling ininverters, choppers and convertersand ..
80EPF12 ,1200V Fast Recovery Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 80EPF.. fast soft recovery QUIETIR rectifierseries has been optimized for combined shor ..
80EPS08 ,800V 80A Std. Recovery Diode in a TO-247ACpackageapplications are in input rectification and theseproducts are designed to be used with I ..
80EPS12 ,1200V 80A Std. Recovery Diode in a TO-247ACpackageI2123 rev. B 11/99SAFEIR Series80EPS..INPUT RECTIFIER DIODEV < 1.17V @ 80AF= 1450AIFSMV 800 to ..
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200V Fast Recovery Diode in a TO-247AC package
Bulletin 12110 rev. B 04/99
International QUIETIR Series
191% Rectifier 80EPF..
trr = 70ns
VRRM 200 to 600V
The 80EPF.. fast soft recovery QUIETIR rectifier
series has been optimized for combined short reverse
recovery time and low forward voltage drop.
The glass passivation ensures stable reliable
operation in the most severe temperature and power
cycling conditions.
Typical applications are both:
[I output rectification and freewheeling in
inverters, choppers and converters
n and input rectiMations where severe
restrictions on conducted EMI should be met.
Major Ratings and Characteristics Package Outline
Characteristics 80EPF.. Units
IHAV) Sinusoidal waveform 80 A
VRRM range 200to 600 V
IFSM 1000 A “‘1
vF @40A,TJ=25°C 1.1 v _ x
trr @1A,-100A/ps 70 ns
TJ range -40t0150 °C
80EPF.. QUIETIR Series International
Bulletin 12110 rev.A 06197 IEER Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
VRRM , maximum VRSM, maximum non repetitive |RRM
Part Number peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage 150°C
V V mA
80EPF02 200 300 17
80EPF04 400 500
80EPF06 600 700
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 80EPF.. Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.AverageForwardCurrent 80 A @TC=95°C,18O°conduction half sine wave
|FSM Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 850 A 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRM applied
Surge Current 1000 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
Izt Max. Pt for fusing 3610 A25 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRM applied
5100 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
|2\/t Max. |2\lt for fusing 51000 tiss t=0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 80EPF.. Units Conditions
Va, Max. Forward Voltage Drop 1.25 V @ 80A, T, = 25°C
rt Forward slope resistance 3.5 mf2 Tu = 125°C
Woo) Threshold voltage 0.85 v
IRM Max. Reverse LeakageCurrent 0.1 mA TJ = 25 "C VR = rated VRRM
17 TJ = 150 °c
Recovery Characteristics
Parameters 80EPF.. Units Conditions
trr Reverse Recovery Time 190 ns ' @ 40Apk _ Irr. .-."
Irr Reverse Recovery Current 3.4 A @ 25A/ us i RN _ L
rr Reverse Recovery Charge 0.5 pC @ 25°C 't5ciF rr
S Snap Factor 0.5 ""MREC)