74VHC4053 ,Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer74VHC40518-Channel,74VHC4052Dual4-Channeland74VHC4053Triple2-ChannelAnalogMultiplexersOctober199574 ..
74VHC4053M ,Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer74VHC4051 • 74VHC4052 • 74VHC4053 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer • Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer ..
74VHC4053MTC ,Triple 2-Channel Analog MultiplexerGeneral Descriptionselect lines determine which switch in each 4 channel sec-These multiplexers are ..
74VHC4053MTCX ,Triple 2-Channel Analog MultiplexerGeneral Descriptionselect lines determine which switch in each 4 channel sec-These multiplexers are ..
74VHC4053MX ,Triple 2-Channel Analog MultiplexerGeneral Descriptionselect lines determine which switch in each 4 channel sec-These multiplexers are ..
74VHC4053N ,Triple 2-Channel Analog MultiplexerGeneral Descriptionselect lines determine which switch in each 4 channel sec-These multiplexers are ..
8-Channel Analog Multiplexer
October 1995
8-Channel Analog Multiplexer
Dual 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer
Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer
General Description
These multiplexersare digitally controlled analog switches
implementedin advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology.
These switches havelow ‘‘on’’ resistance andlow ‘‘off’’
leakages. Theyare bidirectional switches, thusany analog
input maybe usedasan outputand vice-versa. Also these
switches contain linearization circuitry which lowerstheon
resistanceand increases switch linearity. These devicesal-
low controlofupto g6V (peak) analog signals with digital
controlsignalsof0to6V. Three supply pins areprovidedfor
VCC, ground,and VEE. This enablesthe connectionof 0–5V
logic signals when VCC e5Vandan analog input rangeof
g5V when VEEe5V.All three devices also havean inhibit
control which when highwill disableall switchesto theiroff
state.All analog inputs and outputsand digital inputsare
protected from electrostatic damageby diodesto VCCand
74VHC4051: This device connects togetherthe outputsof8
switches, thus achievingan8 channel Multiplexer.The bina- code placedontheA,B, andC select lines determines
whichoneofthe eight switchesis ‘‘on’’,and connectsonethe eight inputstothe common output.
74VHC4052: This device connects togetherthe outputsof4
switchesin two sets, thus achievinga pairof 4-channel
multiplexers. The binary code placedontheA,andB select
lines determine which switchin each4 channel sectionis
‘‘on’’, connectingone ofthefour inputsineach sectiontoits
common output. This enablesthe implementationofa4-
channel differential multiplexer.
74VHC4053: This device contains6 switches whose out-
putsare connected togetherin pairs, thus implementinga
triple2 channel multiplexer,orthe equivalentof3 single-
pole-double throw configurations. EachoftheA,B,orC
select lines independently controlsonepairof switches,se-
lectingoneofthetwo switchestobe ‘‘on’’.
Features Wide analog input voltage range: g6V Low ‘‘on’’ resistance:50typ. (VCC–VEEe4.5V)typ. (VCC–VEEe9V) Logic level translationto enable5V logic with g5V
analog signals Low quiescent current:80mA maximum Matched Switch characteristicPin and function compatible with the 74HC4051/
Commercial Package Package DescriptionNumber
74VHC4051M M16A 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.150× Wide)
74VHC4051WM M16B 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.300× Wide)
74VHC4051N N16E 16-LeadMoldedDIP
74VHC4052M M16A 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.150× Wide)
74VHC4052WM M16B 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.300× Wide)
74VHC4052N N16E 16-LeadMoldedDIP
74VHC4053M M16A 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.150× Wide)
74VHC4053WM M16B 16-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC (0.300× Wide)
74VHC4053N N16E 16-LeadMoldedDIP
Note: Surface mount packagesarealso availableon TapeandReel. Specifyby appendingthe suffixletter‘‘X’’to theordering code.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M125/PrintedinU.S.A.