74VHC164 ,Serial-In, Parallel-Out Shift RegisterFeaturesYLow power dissipation:The VHC164 is an advanced high-speed CMOS device fab-e eI 4 mA (max) ..
74VHC164FT ,74VHC CMOS logic IC seriesabsolute maximum ratings, even briefly, lead to deterioration in IC performance or evendestruction. ..
74VHC164M ,8-Bit Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift RegisterFunctional Description Function TableThe VHC164 is an edge-triggered 8-bit shift register withOpera ..
74VHC164MTC ,8-Bit Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift Registerfeatures an asynchronousMaster Reset which clears the register, setting all outputsLOW independent ..
74VHC164MTCX ,8-Bit Serial-In Parallel-Out Shift RegisterFeaturesThe VHC164 is an advanced high-speed CMOS device
Serial-In, Parallel-Out Shift Register
October 1995
Serial-In, Parallel-Out Shift Register
General Description
The VHC164isan advanced high-speed CMOS devicefab-
ricated with silicon gate CMOS technology.It achievesthe
high-speed operation similarto equivalent Bipolar Schottky
TTLwhile maintainingthe CMOSlow power dissipation.The
VHC164isa high-speed 8-bit serial-in/parallel-out shiftreg-
ister. Serial datais entered througha 2-input AND gate syn-
chronous withthe Low-to-High transitionofthe clock.The
device featuresan asynchronous Master Reset which
clearsthe register, settingall outputs Low independentof
the clock.An input protection circuit insuresthat0Vto7V
canbe appliedto theinputpins withoutregardtothe supply
voltage. This devicecanbe usedto interface5Vto3Vsys-
temsandtwo supply systems suchas battery backup. This
circuit prevents device destructiondueto mismatched sup-
plyand input voltages.
Features Low power dissipation:
ICCe4mA (max)atTAe 25§C High noise immunity: VNIHe VNILe 28% VCC (min)All inputsare equipped witha power down protection
function Balanced propagation delays: tPLHj tPHL Low noise: VOLPe 0.8V (max)Pinand function compatible with 74HC164
Commercial Package Number Package Description
74VHC164M M14A 14-LeadMoldedJEDECSOIC
74VHC164SJ M14D 14-LeadMoldedEIAJ SOIC
74VHC164MTC MTC14 14-LeadMoldedJEDECType1 TSSOP
74VHC164N N14A 14-LeadMoldedDIP
Note: Surface mount packagesarealso availableon TapeandReel. Specifyby appendingthe suffixletter‘‘X’’to theorderingcode.
Logic Symbol
Pin Names DescriptionB Data Inputs Clock Pulse Input (ActiveRising Edge) Master Reset Input(ActiveLow)
Q0–Q7 Outputs
Connection Diagram
Pin Assignmentfor
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M125/PrintedinU.S.A.