74LVX3L383QSCX ,10-Bit Low Power Bus-Exchange SwitchFeaturesY5X switch connection between two portsTheLVX3L383providestwosetsofhigh-speedCMOSTTL-Ycompa ..
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85CNQ015 ,15V 80A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8 packageapplicationsV @ 40 Apk, T = 75 °C 0.32 V Ultra low forward voltage dropF J(per leg)High frequency o ..
85CNQ015A ,15V 80A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D61-8 packageapplicationsV @ 40 Apk, T = 75 °C 0.32 V Ultra low forward voltage dropF J (per leg)High frequency ..
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85HF10 ,High Power Standard Recovery RectifiersFeaturesHigh surge current capabilityStud cathode and stud anode version85 ALeaded version availabl ..
10-Bit Low Power Bus-Exchange Switch
December 1996
10-Bit Low Power Bus-Exchange Switch
General Description
The LVX3L383 provides twosetsof high-speedCMOS TTL-
compatible bus switches. Thelowon resistanceofthe
switch allows inputstobe connectedto outputs without
adding propagation delayor generating additional ground
bounce noise.The deviceoperatesas a10-bitbus switchor 5-bitbus exchanger. Thebus exchange (BX) signal pro-
vides nibble swappingoftheABandCD pairsof signals.
This exchange configuration allows byte swappingof buses systems.Itcan alsobe usedasa quad 2-to-1 multiplexer
andto createlow delay barrel shifters.Thebus enable (BE)
signal turnsthe switcheson.
Features5X switch connection betweentwo ports Zero propagation delay Ultralow power with0.2mA typicalICC Zero ground bouncein flow-through mode Control inputs compatible with TTL level Availablein SOIC, TSSOPand QSOP (SSOP, 0.15×
body width) packages
Logic Diagram
Truth Table BX A0–A4 B0–B4 Function X High-ZState High-ZState Disconnect C0–C4 D0–D4 Connect D0–D4 C0–C4 Exchange
Connection Diagram
Pin Assignmentfor
PinNames Description Bus Switch Enable Bus Exchange
A0–A4,B0–B4 BusesA,B
C0–C4,D0–D4 Buses C,D
OrderNumber 74LVX3L383WM 74LVX3L383QSC 74LVX3L383MTC
SeeNS M24B MQA24 MTC24
Package Number
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M17/Printed inU.S.A. http://