74HCU04 ,Hex Unbuffered InverterMAXIMUM RATINGSÎÎ Symbol Parameter Value UnitThis device contains protectioncircuitry to guard agai ..
74HCU04D ,Hex inverterPin configuration DIP14, SO14 and (T)SSOP14 Fig 5.
74HCU04DB ,Hex inverterPin configuration DHVQFN1474HCU04 All information provided in this document is subject to legal dis ..
74HCU04N ,Hex inverterLogic diagram (one inverter)5. Pinning information 74HCU04terminal 1index area74HCU041Y 2 13 6A1 14 ..
74HCU04PW ,74HCU04; Hex inverterGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 74HCU04 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device and is pin compatible with low p ..
74HCU04PW ,74HCU04; Hex inverterFEATURES• Output capability: standard• I category: SSICC
7555IBA , General Purpose Timers
7555IBA , General Purpose Timers
7555IBAZ , General Purpose Timers
7555IPA , General Purpose Timers
7555IPA , General Purpose Timers
7555IPA , General Purpose Timers
Hex Unbuffered Inverter
Hex Unbuffered Inverter
High−Performance Silicon−Gate CMOSThe 74HCU04 is identical in pinout to the LS04 and the
MC14069UB. The device inputs are compatible with standard CMOSoutputs; with pullup resistors, they are compatible with LSTTL
This device consists of six single−stage inverters. These inverters
are well suited for use as oscillators, pulse shapers, and in many other
applications requiring a high−input impedance amplifier. For digital
applications, the HC04 is recommended.
Features Output Drive Capability: 10 LSTTL Loads Outputs Directly Interface to CMOS, NMOS, and TTL Operating V oltage Range: 2.0 to 6.0 V; 2.5 to 6.0 V in Oscillator
Configurations Low Input Current: 1.0 �A High Noise Immunity Characteristic of CMOS Devices In Compliance With the JEDEC Standard No. 7.0 A Requirements ESD Performance: HBM � 2000 V; Machine Model � 200 V Chip Complexity: 12 FETs or 3 Equivalent Gates These are Pb−Free Devices