74HCT390 ,Dual decade ripple counter
74HCT390 ,Dual decade ripple counter
74HCT390 ,Dual decade ripple counter
74HCT390D ,74HC/HCT390; Dual decade ripple counterGENERAL DESCRIPTIONof, the divide-by-5 section. For bi-quinary decadeoperation, the nQ output is co ..
74HCT390N ,Dual decade ripple counterINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT393 ,Dual 4-bit binary ripple counter
74VHCT240A ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsGeneral Descriptiondevice can be used to interface 5V to 3V systems and twoThe VHCT240A is an advan ..
74VHCT240AMTC ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturespower dissipation. The VHCT240A is an inverting 3-STATEbuffer having two active-LOW output ..
74VHCT240AMTCX ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs74VHCT240A Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsMarch 1997Revised March 199974VHCT240A Octa ..
74VHCT240AN ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturespower dissipation. The VHCT240A is an inverting 3-STATEbuffer having two active-LOW output ..
74VHCT240AN ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsGeneral Descriptiondevice can be used to interface 5V to 3V systems and twoThe VHCT240A is an advan ..
74VHCT240ASJ ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsGeneral Descriptiondevice can be used to interface 5V to 3V systems and twoThe VHCT240A is an advan ..