74HCT1G66GV ,74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66; Bilateral switchFEATURES DESCRIPTION• Wide operating voltage range from 2.0 to 9.0 V The 74HC1G/HCT1G66 is a high-s ..
74HCT1G66GW ,Bilateral switchPin configuration. Fig.2 Logic symbol.Yhandbook, halfpageE1handbook, halfpage1214 # V VCC CCX1MN ..
74HCT1G86GV ,2-input EXCLUSIVE-OR gateLogic diagram6. Pinning information6.1 Pinning74HC1G86BV 1 5CCA 2GND 3 4 Y001aaf055Fig 4. Pin config ..
74HCT1G86GW ,2-input EXCLUSIVE-OR gateFEATURES QUICK REFERENCE DATAGND = 0 V; T =25 °C; t =t = 6.0 ns.amb r f• Wide operating voltage ran ..
74HCT20D ,Dual 4-input NAND gateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT20DB ,74HC/HCT20; Dual 4-input NAND gateFEATURES• Output capability: standard• I category: SSICC
74VHC240M ,OCTAL BUS BUFFER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS (INVERTED)74VHC240 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsOctober 1992Revised March 199974VHC240 Octal ..
74VHC240MTCX ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesachieves high speed operation similar to equivalent BipolarSchottky TTL while maintaining t ..
74VHC240MTCX ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsGeneral Descriptionand input voltages.The VHC240 is an advanced high speed CMOS octal busbuffer fab ..
74VHC240MX ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesachieves high speed operation similar to equivalent BipolarSchottky TTL while maintaining t ..
74VHC240N ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs74VHC240 Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsOctober 1992Revised March 199974VHC240 Octal ..
74VHC240SJ ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesachieves high speed operation similar to equivalent BipolarSchottky TTL while maintaining t ..
Single-pole single-throw analog switch
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
FEATURES Wide operating voltage range from 2.0to 9.0V Very low ON-resistance:
–45 Ω (typical)at VCC= 4.5V
–30 Ω (typical)at VCC= 6.0V
–25 Ω (typical)at VCC= 9.0V. High noise immunity Low power dissipation Very small 5 pins package Output capability: non standard.
DESCRIPTIONThe 74HC1G/HCT1G66 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS
The 74HC1G/HCT1G66 provides an analog switch. The
switch has two input/output pins (Y and Z) and an active
HIGH enable inputpin (E). When pinEis LOW, the analog
switch is turned off.
The non standard output currents are equal compared to
the 74HC/HCT4066.
QUICK REFERENCE DATAGND=0 V; Tamb =25 °C; tr =tf= 6.0 ns.
Notes CPD is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PDin μW). =CPD× VCC2×fi+∑ ((CL +CS)× VCC2×fo) where:= input frequency in MHz;= output frequency in MHz;= output load capacitance in pF;= maximum switch capacitance in pF;
VCC= supply voltage in Volts; ((CL +CS)× VCC2×fo)= sum of outputs. For HC1G the condition is VI= GNDto VCC.
For HCT1G the condition is VI= GNDto VCC− 1.5V.
Note H= HIGH voltage level;= LOW voltage level.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
LIMITING VALUES accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134); voltages are referencedto GND (ground=0 V);
see note1.
Notes To avoid drawing VCC current out of pin Z, when switch current flows in pin Y, the voltage drop across the
bidirectional switch must not exceed 0.4 V. If the switch current flows into pin Z, no VCC current will flow out of
terminal Y. In this case there is no limit for the voltage drop across the switch, but the voltage at pinsY and Z may
not exceed VCC or GND. Above 55 °C the value of PD derates linearly with 2.5 mW/K.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Family 74HC1G66At recommended operating conditions; voltages are referenced to GND (ground=0V).
Note All typical values are measured at Tamb =25 °C.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Family 74HCT1G66At recommended operating conditions; voltages are referenced to GND (ground=0V).
Note All typical values are measured at Tamb =25 °C.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Family 74HC1G66 and 74HCT1G66For 74HC1G66: VCC= 2.0, 4.5, 6.0or 9.0 V; note1.
For 74HCT1G66: VCC= 4.5V.
Notes At supply voltages approaching2V, the analog switch ON-resistance becomes extremely non-linear. Thereforeitis
recommended that these devices be used to transmit digital signals only, when using this supply voltage. All typical values are measured at Tamb =25 °C.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Type 74HC1G66GND=0 V; tr =tf=6 ns.
Note All typical values are measured at Tamb =25 °C.
Type 74HCT1G66GND=0 V; tr =tf=6 ns; Vis is the input voltage at pins Yor Z, whichever is assigned as an input. Vos is the output
voltage at pins Yor Z, whichever is assigned as an output.
Note All typical values are measured at Tamb =25 °C.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Bilateral switch 74HC1G66; 74HCT1G66
Type 74HC1G66 and 74HCT1G66At recommended conditions and typical values. GND=0 V; tr =tf= 6.0 ns. Vis is the input voltage at pins YorZ,
whichever is assigned as an input; Vos is the output voltage at pinsYor Z, whichever is assigned as an output.
Notes Adjust input voltage Vis is 0 dBm level (0 dBM=1 mW into 600 Ω). Adjust input voltage Vis is 0 dBm level at Vos for 1 MHz (0 dBM=1 mW into 50 Ω).