74FCT162244CTPACT ,16-Bit Buffers/Drivers with 3-State OutputsMaximum RatingsPin Description(Above which the useful life may be impaired. For userName Descriptio ..
74FCT162374ATPVCT ,16-Bit Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops with 3-State OutputMaximum RatingsFunction TableInputs Outputs (Above which the useful life may be impaired. For userg ..
74FCT162374CTPACT ,16-Bit Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops with 3-State OutputFeatures:The CY74FCT16374T is ideally suited for driving• 64 mA sink current, 32 mA source currenth ..
74FCT162374CTPACT ,16-Bit Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops with 3-State OutputFeatures:need for external terminating resistors and provides for• Balanced 24 mA output driversmin ..
74FCT16245 , 16-bIT TRANSCEI
74FCT162501ATPVCT ,18-Bit Universal Bus Transceivers with 3-State OutputsElectrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range[8]Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Ty ..
74LS09 ,Quad 2-Input AND Gates with Open-Collector OutputsGeneral Description Pull-Up Resistor EquationsThis device contains four independent gates each of w ..
74LS10 ,Triple 3-Input NAND GateGeneral DescriptionThis device contains three independent gates each ofwhich performs the logic NAN ..
74LS11 ,Triple 3-Input AND GateGeneral DescriptionThis device contains three independent gates each ofwhich performs the logic AND ..
74LS112 ,Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flop with Preset/ Clear/ and Complementary OutputsSN54/74LS112ADUAL JK NEGATIVEEDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOPThe SN54/74LS112A dual JK flip-flop
16-Bit Buffers/Drivers with 3-State Outputs
Featuresoff supports partial-power-down mode operation Edge-rate control circuitry for significantly improved
noise characteristics Typical output skew < 250 ps ESD > 2000V TSSOP (19.6-mil pitch) and SSOP (25-mil pitch)
packages Industrial temperature range of –40˚C to +85˚CVCC = 5V ± 10%
CY74FCT16244T Features:
64 mA sink current, 32 mA source current Typical V OLP (ground bounce)
<1.0V at VCC = 5V, TA = 25˚CCY74FCT162244T Features:
Balanced output drivers: 24 mA Reduced system switching noise Typical V OLP (ground bounce)
<0.6V at VCC = 5V, TA = 25˚CCY74FCT162H244T Features:
Bus hold on data inputs Eliminates the need for external pull-up or pull-down
Functional DescriptionThese 16-bit buffers/line drivers are designed for usein
memory driver, clockdriver, orother bus interface applications,
where high-speed and low power are required. With
flow-through pinout and small shrink packaging board layout simplified. The three-state controls are designedto allow
4-bit, 8-bit or combined 16-bit operation.
This device is fully specified for partial-power-down
applications usingIoff. TheIoff circuitry disables the outputs,
preventing damaging current backflow through the device
when it is powered down.
The CY74FCT16244T is ideally suited for driving
high-capacitance loads and low-impedance backplanes.
The CY74FCT162244T has 24-mA balanced output drivers
with current limiting resistorsin the outputs. This reduces the
needfor external terminating resistors and providesfor mini-
mal undershoot and reduced ground bounce. The
CY74FCT162244T is ideal for driving transmission lines.
The CY74FCT162H244Tisa 24-mAbalanced output partthat
has “bus hold”on the data inputs. The device retains thein-
put’s last state whenever the input goesto high impedance.
This eliminates the needfor pull-up/down resistors and pre-
vents floating inputs.