74F545 ,Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs54F/74F545OctalBidirectionalTransceiverwithTRI-STATEOutputsMay199554F/74F545OctalBidirectionalTrans ..
74F545 ,Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74F545 is an 8-bit, 3-STATE, high-speed transceiver. It Higher drive than 8304provides ..
74F545PC ,Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with TRI-STATEE OutputsFeaturesThe 74F545 is an 8-bit, 3-STATE, high-speed transceiver. It Higher drive than 8304provides ..
74F545SC ,Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs54F/74F545OctalBidirectionalTransceiverwithTRI-STATEOutputsMay199554F/74F545OctalBidirectionalTrans ..
74F545SCX ,Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/OutputsFeaturesThe 74F545 is an 8-bit, 3-STATE, high-speed transceiver. It Higher drive than 8304provides ..
74F552QC ,Octal Registered Transceiver with Parity and FlagsFeaturesThe 74F552 octal transceiver contains two 8-bit registers 8-Bit bidirectional I/O Port wit ..
74LCX244MTC ,Low Voltage Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and OutputsFeaturesThe LCX244 contains eight non-inverting buffers with
Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs
May 1995
54F/74F545 Octal Bidirectional
Transceiver with TRI-STATEÉ Outputs
General Description
The ’F545isan 8-bit, TRI-STATE, high-speed transceiver.It
provides bidirectional drivefor bus-oriented microprocessor
and digital communications systems. Straight through bidi-
rectional transceiversare featured, with24mA(20mAMil)
bus drive capabilityontheA portsand64mA(48mAMil)
bus drive capabilityontheB ports.
One input, Transmit/Receive (T/R) determinesthe direction logic signals throughthe bidirectional transceiver. Trans-
mit enables data fromA portstoB ports; Receive enables
data fromB portstoA ports.The Output Enable inputdis-
ables bothAandB portsby placing themina TRI-STATE
Features Higher drive than 8304 8-bit bidirectional data flow reduces system package
count TRI-STATE inputs/outputsfor interfacing with bus-ori-
ented systems24mA(20mAMil) and64mA(48mA Mil)bus drive
capabilityonAandB ports, respectively Transmit/Receive and Output Enable simplify control
logic Guaranteed 4000V minimum ESD protectionPinforPin compatible with Intel 8286
Commercial Military Package Package DescriptionNumber
74F545PC N20A 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Dual-In-Line
54F545DM (Note2) J20A 20-Lead CeramicDual-In-Line
74F545SC (Note1) M20B 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, JEDEC
74F545SJ (Note1) M20D 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, EIAJ
54F545FM(Note2) W20A 20-Lead Cerpack
54F545LM (Note2) E20A 20-Lead CeramicLeadless Chip Carrier,TypeC
Note 1:Devicesalso availablein13×reel. UsesuffixeSCXandSJX.
Note 2:Militarygrade devicewith environmentaland burn-in processing.Use suffixe DMQB, FMQBandLMQB.
Logic Symbols
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.