74F251 ,8-Input Multiplexer with 3-STATE OutputsFunctional Description Truth TableThis device is a logical implementation of a single-pole, 8-Input ..
74F251 ,8-Input Multiplexer with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74F251A is a high-speed 8-input digital multiplexer. It Multifunctional capabilityprov ..
74F251 ,8-Input Multiplexer with 3-STATE Outputs74F251A 8-Input Multiplexer with 3-STATE OutputsApril 1988Revised August 199974F251A8-Input Multipl ..
74F251A ,8-input multiplexer 3-State54F/74F251A8-InputMultiplexerwithTRI-STATEOutputsNovember199454F/74F251A8-InputMultiplexerwithTRI-S ..
74F251APC ,8-Input Multiplexer with TRI-STATE OutputsFunctional Description Truth TableThis device is a logical implementation of a single-pole, 8-Input ..
74F251ASC ,8-Input Multiplexer with TRI-STATE OutputsFunctional Description Truth TableThis device is a logical implementation of a single-pole, 8-Input ..
74HCT574D ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT574DB ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT574DB ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateGENERAL DESCRIPTION The 8 flip-flops will store the state oftheir individual D-inputs that meet the ..
74HCT574N ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateapplications. A clock (CP)CCthe “564”, but has non-invertingand an output enable (OE) input areoutp ..
74HCT574PW ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT574PW ,Octal D-type flip-flop; positive edge-trigger; 3-stateapplications Si-gate CMOS devices and are pinthe LOW-to-HIGH CP transition.compatible with low powe ..
Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with TRI-STATE Outputs
June 1995
Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with TRI-STATEÉ Outputs
General Description
The ’F245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional buffers
with TRI-STATE outputs andis intendedfor bus-oriented
applications. Current sinking capabilityis24mA(20mAMil)theA ports and64mA(48mAMil)attheB ports.The
Transmit/Receive (T/R) input determinesthe directionof
dataflow through thebidirectional transceiver. Transmit(ac-
tive HIGH) enables data fromA portstoB ports; Receive
(active LOW) enables data fromB portstoA ports. The
Output Enable input, when HIGH, disables bothAandB
portsby placing themina HighZ condition.
Features Non-inverting buffers Bidirectional data pathA outputs sink24mA(20mAMil)B outputs sink64mA(48mAMil) Guaranteed 4000V minimum ESD protection
Commercial Military Package Package DescriptionNumber
74F245PC N20A 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Dual-In-Line
54F245DM (Note2) J20A 20-Lead Ceramic Dual-In-Line
74F245SC (Note1) M20B 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, JEDEC
74F245SJ(Note1) M20D 20-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, EIAJ
74F245MSA(Note1) MSA20 20-Lead Molded Shrink Small Outline, EIAJ TypeII
54F245FM (Note2) W20A 20-Lead Cerpack
54F245LM (Note2) E20A 20-Lead Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier, TypeC
Note 1:Devicesalso availablein13×reel. Usesuffixe SCX,SJXand MSAX.
Note 2:Military gradedevicewith environmentaland burn-in processing.Use suffixe DMQB, FMQBand LMQB.
Logic Symbols
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.