74F14SJ ,Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger54F/74F14HexInverterSchmittTriggerDecember199454F/74F14HexInverterSchmittTriggerGeneralDescriptionT ..
74F14SJ ,Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger74F14 Hex Inverter Schmitt TriggerMarch 1988Revised September 200074F14Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger ..
74F14SJ ,Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger54F/74F14HexInverterSchmittTriggerDecember199454F/74F14HexInverterSchmittTriggerGeneralDescriptionT ..
74F14SJ ,Hex Inverter Schmitt TriggerElectrical CharacteristicsVSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units ConditionsCCV Positive-Going Threshol ..
74F14SJ ,Hex Inverter Schmitt TriggerGeneral Descriptionback to effectively speed-up slow input transition, and pro-The 74F14 contains s ..
74F14SJX ,Hex Inverter Schmitt TriggerElectrical CharacteristicsVSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units ConditionsCCV Positive-Going Threshol ..
74HCT244BQ ,74HC/HCT244; Octal buffer/line driver; 3-stateGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 74HC/HCT244 are high-speed Si-gate CMOS devicesand are pin compatible with l ..
74HCT244D ,74HC/HCT244; Octal buffer/line driver; 3-stateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT244DB ,Octal buffer, line driver; 3-stateINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT244N ,Octal buffer, line driver; 3-statePin configuration DIP20, SO20, (T)SSOP20 Fig 5.
74HCT244PW ,Octal buffer, line driver; 3-stateGeneral descriptionThe 74HC244; 74HCT244 is an 8-bit buffer/line driver with 3-state outputs. The d ..
74HCT245D ,74HC/HCT245; Octal bus transceiver; 3-stateGeneral descriptionThe 74HC245; 74HCT245 is a high-speed Si-gate CMOS device and is pin compatiblew ..
Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger
December 1994
Hex Inverter Schmitt Trigger
General Description
The ’F14 containssix logic inverters which accept standard
TTL input signalsand provide standard TTL output levels.
Theyare capableof transforming slowly changing inputsig-
nalsinto sharply defined, jitter-free output signals.In addi-
tion, they havea greater noise margin than conventional
Each circuit containsa Schmitt trigger followedbya Darling-
ton level shifteranda phase splitter drivinga TTL totem-
pole output. The Schmitt trigger uses positive feed backto
effectively speed-up slowinputtransition,and provide differ-
ent input threshold voltagesfor positiveand negative-going
transitions. This hysteresis betweenthe positive-going and
negative-going input thresholds (typically800 mV)is deter-
mined internallyby resistor ratiosandis essentially insensi-
tiveto temperatureand supply voltage variations.
Features Guaranteed 4000V minimum ESD protection Standard Military Drawing 5962-88752
Commercial Military Package Package DescriptionNumber
74F14PC N14A 14-Lead (0.300× Wide)Molded Dual-In-Line
54F14DM (Note2) J14A 14-Lead CeramicDual-In-Line
74F14SC (Note1) M14A 14-Lead (0.150× Wide)Molded SmallOutline, JEDEC
74F14SJ (Note1) M14D 14-Lead (0.300× Wide)Molded SmallOutline, EIAJ
54F14FM(Note2) W14B 14-Lead Cerpack
54F14LM (Note2) E20A 20-Lead CeramicLeadless Chip Carrier,TypeC
Note1: Devicesalso availablein13×reel.Use SuffixeSCXandSJX.
Note2: Militarygrade device withenvironmentaland burn-in processing.Use suffixe DMQB, FMQBand LMQB.
Logic Symbol
Connection Diagrams
Pin Assignment
DIP,SOICand Flatpak
Pin Assignment
for LCC
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.