74F113PC ,Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-FlopGeneral Descriptionpulse.The 74F113 offers individual J, K, Set and Clock inputs.Asynchronous input ..
74F113SCX , Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-FlopGeneral Descriptionpulse.The 74F113 offers individual J, K, Set and Clock inputs.Asynchronous input ..
74F114 ,Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop w/Common Clocks and Clears
74F114 ,Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop w/Common Clocks and Clears74F114DualJKNegativeEdge-TriggeredFlip-FlopwithCommonClocksandClearsAugust199574F114DualJKNegativeE ..
74F114PC ,Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Common Clocks and ClearsGeneral DescriptionQ HIGH.The 74F114 contains two high-speed JK flip-flops withAsynchronous Inputs: ..
74F11PC ,Triple 3-Input AND GateGeneral DescriptionThis device contains three independent gates, each ofwhich performs the logic AN ..
74HCT151N ,74HC/HCT151; 8-input multiplexerLogic diagram74HC_HCT151 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. ..
74HCT153 ,Dual 4-input multiplexer
74HCT153D ,74HC/HCT153; Dual 4-input multiplexerGENERAL DESCRIPTIONdetermined by the logic levels applied is useful for implementing highlyto S and ..
74HCT153N ,Dual 4-input multiplexerFEATURES The 74HC/HCT153 have two The logic equations for the outputsidentical 4-input multiplexers ..
74HCT153N ,Dual 4-input multiplexerINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
74HCT153PW ,74HC/HCT153; Dual 4-input multiplexerINTEGRATED CIRCUITSDATA SHEETFor a complete data sheet, please also download:• The IC06 74HC/HCT/HC ..
Dual Negative JK Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop
August 1995
Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop
General Description
The ’F113 offersindividualJ,K,Set andClock inputs. When
the clock goes HIGHthe inputsare enabledand data may entered. The logic leveloftheJandK inputs maybe
changed whenthe clock pulseis HIGHandthe flip-flopwill
perform accordingtothe Truth Tableas longas minimum
setupand hold timesare observed. Input datais transferredthe outputsonthe falling edgeofthe clock pulse.
Asynchronous input:
LOW inputtoSD setsQto HIGH level
Setis independentof clock
Features Guaranteed 4000V minimum ESD protection
Commercial Package PackageDescriptionNumber
74F113PC N14A 14-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Dual-In-Line
74F113SC (Note1) M14A 14-Lead (0.150× Wide) Molded Small Outline, JEDEC
74F113SJ(Note1) M14D 14-Lead (0.300× Wide) Molded Small Outline, EIAJ
Note1: Devicesalso availablein13×reel.Usesuffixe SCXandSJX.
Logic Symbols Connection Diagram
for SOIC andDIP
TL/F/9473–3 TL/F/9473–4
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.