74ABTH16244ADGG ,74ABT16244A/74ABTH16244A; 16-bit buffer/line driver (3-State)
74ABTH16260DL ,12-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latches 3-State
74ABTH16260DL ,12-bit to 24-bit multiplexed D-type latches 3-State
74ABTH16273DL ,16-bit D-type flip-flop
74ABTH16373BDL ,16-bit transparent latch 3-StateINTEGRATED CIRCUITS74ABT16373B74ABTH16373B16-bit transparent latch (3-State)Product specification 1 ..
74ABTH16373BDL ,16-bit transparent latch 3-StateFEATURESoutputs. When nOE is High, the outputs are in the High-impedance• 16-bit transparent latc ..
74FR16245QC ,16-Bit Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputsapplications. Current sinking capability is 64 mA A and B output sink capability of 64 mA, sourceon ..
74FR16540 ,16-Bit Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74FR16540 contains sixteen inverting buffers with 3- Inverting buffersSTATE outputs de ..
74FR16540QC ,16-Bit Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74FR16540 contains sixteen inverting buffers with 3- Inverting buffersSTATE outputs de ..
74FR16541SSCX , 16-Bit Buffer/Line-Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74FR16541 contains sixteen non-inverting buffers with Non-inverting buffers3-STATE out ..
74FR240SJ ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe 74FR240 is an inverting octal buffer and line driver 3-STATE outputs drive bus lines o ..
74FR244 ,Octal Buffer Line Driver with Tri-State Outputs74FR244OctalBuffer/LineDriverwithTRI-STATEOutputsMay199574FR244OctalBuffer/LineDriverwithTRI-STATEÉ ..