DM74153N ,Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/MultiplexersFeaturesYPermits multiplexing from N lines to 1 lineEach of these data selectors/multiplexers conta ..
DM74153N ,Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/MultiplexersFeaturesYPermits multiplexing from N lines to 1 lineEach of these data selectors/multiplexers conta ..
DM74154 ,4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/DemultiplexerFeaturesYDecodes 4 binary-coded inputs into one of 16 mutuallyEach or these 4-line-to-16-line decod ..
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DM74155N ,V(cc): 7V; V(in): 5.5V; dual 2-line to 4-line decoder / demultiplexerDM54155/DM74155Dual2-Lineto4-LineDecoders/DemultiplexersFebruary1993DM54155/DM74155Dual2-Lineto4-Li ..
DS1743P+100 ,Y2KC nonvolatile timekeeping RAM, 100nsPIN DESCRIPTION-70 70 ns accessA0-A12 - Address Input-100 100 ns accessCE - Chip Enableblank 28-pin ..
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DS1743P-100 ,Y2KC nonvolatile timekeeping RAM, 100nsPIN DESCRIPTION-70 70 ns accessA0-A12 - Address Input-100 100 ns accessCE - Chip Enableblank 28-pin ..
DS1743P-100 ,Y2KC nonvolatile timekeeping RAM, 100nsPIN DESCRIPTION-70 70 ns accessA0-A12 - Address Input-100 100 ns accessCE - Chip Enableblank 28-pin ..
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DS1743W-120 ,Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMsPIN DESCRIPTION PIN PIN NAME FUNCTION NAME FUNCTION PDIP PowerCap PDIP PowerCap 1, 2, 3, Chip Enabl ..
Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers
June 1989
54153/DM54153/DM74153 Dual 4-Line to 1-Line
Data Selectors/Multiplexers
General Description
Eachof these data selectors/multiplexers contains invert-
ersand driversto supplyfully complementary,on-chip, bina- decoding data selectiontothe AND-OR-invert gates.
Separate strobe inputsare providedfor eachofthetwo
four-line sections.
Features Permits multiplexing fromN linesto1line Performs parallel-to-serial conversion Strobe (enable)line providedfor cascading(N linesto lines) High fan-out, low-impedance, totem-pole outputs Typical average propagation delay times
From data11ns
From strobe18ns
From select20ns Typical power dissipation 170mW Alternate Military/Aerospace device (54153)is avail-
able. Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 54153DMQB, 54153FMQB, DM54153J,
DM54153Wor DM74153N
SeeNS Package Number J16A, N16Eor W16A
Function Table
Select Data Inputs Strobe OutputInputs A C0 C1 C2 C3 G Y X XXXX H L L X X X L L H X X X L H X L X X L L X H X X L H X X L X L L X X H X L H X X X L L L X X X H L H
Select inputsAandBare common toboth sections.eHigh Level,Le LowLevel,Xe Don’tCare
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.