70HFL100S05 ,1000V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) packageapplications
(OHF L... in DC power supplies, inverters, converters, choppers,
ultrasonic system ..
70HFL40S05 ,400V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) packageapplications
(OHF L... in DC power supplies, inverters, converters, choppers,
ultrasonic system ..
70HFL60S02 ,600V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) packageFeatures
I Short reverse recovery time
I Low stored charge.
lFSM 1151 I Wide current range.
70HFL60S10 ,FAST RECOVERY DIODESBulletin PD-2.093 revB 10/0440HFL, 70HFL, 85HFL SERIESFAST RECOVERY DIODESStud VersionMajor Ra ..
70HFL80S05 ,800V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) packageFeatures
I Short reverse recovery time
I Low stored charge.
lFSM 1151 I Wide current range.
70HFLR40S05 ,400V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) packageData Sheet No. PD-2.093
40A, 70A ..
74F153PC ,Dual 4-Input MultiplexerGeneral DescriptionThe F153 is a high-speed dual 4-input multiplexer withcommon select inputs and i ..
74F153SCX ,Dual 4-Input MultiplexerGeneral DescriptionThe F153 is a high-speed dual 4-input multiplexer withcommon select inputs and i ..
74F153SCX ,Dual 4-Input MultiplexerFunctional DescriptionThe F153 is a dual 4-input multiplexer. It can select two bitsSelect Inputs I ..
74F153SJ ,Dual 4-Input MultiplexerFunctional DescriptionThe F153 is a dual 4-input multiplexer. It can select two bitsSelect Inputs I ..
74F153SJ ,Dual 4-Input Multiplexer54F/74F153Dual4-InputMultiplexerDecember199454F/74F153Dual4-InputMultiplexerGeneralDescriptionThe’F ..
74F153SJX ,Dual 4-Input MultiplexerGeneral DescriptionThe F153 is a high-speed dual 4-input multiplexer withcommon select inputs and i ..
1000V Fast Recovery Diode in a DO-203AB (DO-5) package
Data Sheet No. PD-2.093
40A, 70A, 85A Fast Recaver'y Rectifiers
Major Ratings and Characteristics
40HF L... 70HF L... 85HF L... Units
IHAW 40 70 85 A
tii) Max TC 75 l 75 75 oc
'sr 50Hz 400 700 1 1 00 A
60Hz 420 730 1151 A
I2 50H: 800 2450 6050 A23
60Ha 730 2240 5523 A2s
12/ 11 300 34 650 85 560 AVE
trr range see table
VRRM range 100 to 1000 v
TJ range -40 to 125 "
17.450188! MAX,
This range of fast recovery diodes is designed far applications
in DC power supplies, inverters, converters, choppers,
ultrasonic systems and for use as a free wheeling diode.
I: Short reverse recovery time
0 Low stored charge.
ll Wide current range.
tt Excellent surge capabilities.
" Stud cathode and stud anode versions.
I Types up to 1000V VRRM'
A-- t3.t ilifi2)MAX40HFL 4.00
14.8(0.58)MAX mm, BSHFL "ll!)
c. 28 UNFQA
-u, o .04
10.7iOA2) 10.810431 MAX
------ 04.10 (0.16)
[51545) 11.4 (0.45! 0330 (0.15)
_ 25.4 -
Conforms to JEDEC Outline DO-ZOSAB (DO-S)
Ali Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)
Reverse voltage ratings
VRFIM- Maximum Peak VRSM. Maximum peak IFM Maximum peak reverse
repelltwe reverse vmlage "orHrrpertitnre reverse voltage current at rated VB RM-
To=-40tol25oC TJ--25to1250C “:25": TJ=125°c
Part number co V V mA mA
40HFL10St12,40HFU10SMirMHFLt0S10 100 150 0.1 IO
4OHFL20$02, 4DHFL20$05,40HFL20510 200 300 0.1 10
4OHFL4DSO2, 60HFL40St15.40HFL40S10 400 500 0.1 10
40HFLtit1S02, 40HFL60505, 40HFL60S10 600 700 0.1 10
40HF LBUSD2. 40HF LEOSOS, 40H F L80510 300 900 0.1 10
40HFL100S05,40HFL100S10 1000 1100 0.1 10
70HFu10s02,70HFL10S05,70HFu10S1t1 100 160 0.1 15 1
70H FL20802, 70HFL20505, 70HFL20$10 200 300 0.1 15
70HFL40502, 70HFL40SOS, 70HFL40$10 400 500 0.1 15
70HFL60S02. 70HFLEOSOS, 70HFL60S10 600 700 I11 15
7OHFLBDSO2, 7OHFL80$05, 70HFL80510 800 900 0.1 15
70HFL100So5, 70HFLIDOSIO 1000 1100 O.) 15
85HFL1tXi02,MHFL10S05,B5HFL10S10 100 150 (ht 20
85HFL20902, 8SHFL20S05, 85HFL20$10 200 300 D.1 20
85HFL40S02, 85HFL40805, 85HFL40$10 400 500 0.1 20
85HFL60502. 85iHFLiiOS05, 85HFL60510 600 700 0.1 20
BSHFLSDSDZ, 85HF LBOSOS, BBHF L80SI o 800 900 I 0.1 _20
®Types nsted are cathode case, for anooe case add "R" to code, Le 40HFLH20S02. 85HFLJR100S05 etc.
Reverse recovery characteristics
40HFL... 7OHFL... awn... l
Units Cunamons
$02 M5 $10 S02 305 S10 SO2 sos 1 S10 1
trr Maximumreverse 70 130 350 60 150 290 50 120 270 ns iT,---avte =1AtoVR =30V
recovery time ”IF/dt = 100A/u s
200 500 1000 200 500 1000 200 500 1000 ns Tg = 25° C, -dls/dt = 25A/us
IFM = TX rated |F(AV)
arm Maximum mvurse 160 750 3100 90 500 1600 70 340 1350 nC Ts-- 25''C. IF = IA to VR = 30V
recovered charge --til F/dt -- 100Al us
240 I300 6000 240 1300 6000 240 1300 6000 nC To=25c'C,-dl/dt--25A/us
IFM " TX rated IriAV)
Forward conduction
40HF L 70HF L 85HEL Units Conditions
tt _ h If . .
IHAV) Maximum average forward current " 7O 85 A 17--"ils2fui"ion' a 'ine wave, max
'HRMS) Maximum RMS Forward current 63 110 134 A
‘FRM Maximum peak repetitive forward current 220 380 470 A Sinusoidal half wave, MP conduction
'FSM Maximum peak, one cycie norvrepetitive 400 700 1100 A t = 10rns Sinusoidal halt-wave 100% VRHM
iorward current 420 730 1151 A t = 8.3ms reapplied, initial T., _ TJ max
475 830 1308 A t-- 10ms Sinusoidal half-wave no voltage
500 , B70 1 1369 A t = B.3ms reaonlned, initial To = T.) max
Pt Maximum I21 for fusing 800 2460 5050 ! A25 ' t = IOms 100% VRHM reapplied
730 2240 5523 A15 t = 8.3mt I initial To " To max
1130 3460 8556 A25 t = 10ms Ye yoltage reapplied
1030 1 3160 TBIO A25 1 t = 8.3ms initial T., = T.: max
Pv/T Maximum Pvrttor fusing C 11 300 1 34 650 85 560 AVE t = 0.1 to IOms, no voltage reappuea
VF(TO) Maximum value of threshold voltage 1,081 ( 1.085 1.128 V Tu = 125°C
rp Maximum value of forward slope resistance i 6.33 3.40 2.11 mf2
VFM Maximum peak forward voltage 1.95 1,85 1.75 V TJ = 25'' C, 'FM = TX 'FIAVJ
Ci) i2ttortimetx--s2V't . VQIr