LM308AH ,Operational AmplifiersLM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersMay1989LM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersGeneralDes ..
LM308AJ-8 ,Operational AmplifiersLM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersMay1989LM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersGeneralDes ..
LM308AM ,Operational AmplifiersLM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersMay1989LM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersGeneralDes ..
LM308AM ,Operational AmplifiersLM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersMay1989LM108A/LM208A/LM308AOperationalAmplifiersGeneralDes ..
LM308AMX ,Operational AmplifierLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM308AN ,SUPER GAIN OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIEROrder this document by LM308A/D* ** **SUPER GAINThe LM308A operational amplifier provides high inpu ..
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Operational Amplifiers
May 1989
LM108A/LM208A/LM308A Operational Amplifiers
General Description
The LM108/LM108A seriesare precision operational ampli-
fiers having specifications abouta factoroften better than
FET amplifiers over their operating temperature range.In
additiontolow input currents, thesedevices have extremely
low offset voltage, makingit possibleto eliminate offsetad-
justments,in most cases, and obtain performanceap-
proaching chopper stabilized amplifiers.
The devices operate with supply voltages from g2Vto
g18Vand have sufficient supply rejectiontouse unregulat- supplies. Althoughthe circuitis interchangeablewithand
usesthe same compensationasthe LM101A,an alternate
compensation scheme canbe usedto makeit particularly
insensitiveto power supply noise andto make supplyby-
pass capacitors unnecessary.
Thelow current errorofthe LM108A series makes possible
many designsthatare notpracticalwith conventional ampli-
fiers.In fact,it operates from10 MX source resistances,
introducing less error than deviceslikethe709 with10kX
sources. Integrators with drifts less than 500 mV/sec and
analog time delaysin excessofone hourcanbe madeus-
ing capacitorsno larger than1mF.
The LM208Ais identicaltothe LM108A, except thatthe
LM208Ahasits performance guaranteed overa b25§Cto
a85§C temperature range, insteadof b55§Cto a125§C.
The LM308A devices have slightly-relaxed specifications
and performances overa 0§Cto a70§C temperature range.
Features Offset voltage guaranteed less than0.5mV Maximum input bias currentof3.0nA over temperature Offset current less than400pA over temperature Supply currentof only300mA, evenin saturation Guaranteed5 mV/§Cdrift
Compensation Circuits
Standard Compensation Circuit
Cft R1CO
**Bandwidthand slewrateareproportional to1/Cf. **Bandwidthandslewrateare proportionalto 1/Cs.
Alternate* FrequencyCompensation
*Improves rejectionof power supply
noisebya factoroften.
Feedforward Compensation
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.