5962-8956101EA ,4-Bit Binary Counter, Asynchronous ResetFeaturesn I reduced by 50%CCLogic SymbolsPin Names DescriptionCEP Count Enable Parallel InputCET Co ..
5962-89571 ,Hermetically Sealed, Very High Speed, Logic Gate OptocouplersApplications)-a MIL-PRF-38534 Certified(5400/1 Only)Line• Pulse TransformerTruth Tables• QML-38534, ..
5962-8958101PA ,+10V Precision Voltage ReferenceSPECIFICATIONS @ V = 15 V, −55°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C for REF01A/REF01E, and 0°C ≤ T ≤ 70°C for REF01H and ..
5962-8960301EA ,8-Bit Binary Counters With 3-State Output Registers/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
5962-89615012A ,EIA-485/EIA-422A Differential Bus Transceiversfeatures lower power, extendedtemperature range, and improved specifications. The DS16F95 combines ..
5962-89642012A ,Wideband, High Output Current, Fast Settling Op AmpCHARACTERISTICSVoltage R ≥ 500 Ω 10 10 10 VLOADCurrent V = ±10 V 100 100 100 mAOUTOpen Loop 5 5 ..
7433 ,Quad 2-Input OR GateGeneral DescriptionThis device contains four independent gates each of whichperforms the logic OR f ..
7438 ,Quad 2-Input NAND Buffers with Open-Collector OutputsGeneral Description Pull-Up Resistor EquationsThis device contains four independent gates each of w ..
7438SJ ,Quad 2-Input NAND Buffers with Open-Collector OutputsGeneral Description Pull-Up Resistor EquationsThis device contains four independent gates each of w ..
744031002 , POWER-CHOKE WE-TPC
744031100 , POWER-CHOKE WE-TPC
4-Bit Binary Counter, Asynchronous Reset
54AC161• 54ACT161
Synchronous Presettable Binary Counter
General DescriptionThe ’AC/’ACT161are high-speed synchronous modulo-16
binary counters. Theyare synchronously presettableforap-
plicationin programmable dividers and havetwo typesof
Count Enable inputs plusa Terminal Count outputfor versa-
tilityin forming synchronous multistage counters. The ’AC/
’ACT161hasan asynchronous Master Reset inputthat over-
ridesall other inputsand forcesthe outputs LOW.
FeaturesICC reducedby 50% Synchronous countingand loading High-speed synchronous expansion Typical countrateof125 MHz Outputs source/sink24mA ’ACT161has TTL-compatible inputs Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD) ’AC161: 5962-89561 ’ACT161: 5962-91722
Logic Symbols Pin Names DescriptionCEP Count Enable Parallel Input
CET Count Enable Trickle Input Clock Pulse Input Asynchronous Master Reset Input
P0–P3 Parallel Data Inputs Parallel Enable Inputs
Q0–Q3 Flip-Flop Outputs Terminal Count Output
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
FACT™isatrademark ofFairchildSemiconductor Corporation.
November 1998
Counter 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100274