5962-8778201YA ,Hi-Rel Fixed Voltage 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 Volt V = 10V, I = 500mA, -55°C T 125°C (unless otherwise specifie ..
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Hi-Rel Fixed Voltage 3-Terminal Positive Regulator
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5 Volt V = 10V, I = 500mA, -55°C T 125°C (unless otherwise specified)IN o AParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Max. UnitOutput Voltage V T = 25°C 4.92 5.08 VOUT AV = 7.5V to 20V • 4.85 5.15 VINI = 5mA to 1.0A, P < 20 WO Line Regulation V V = 7.5V to 20V 5 mVRLINE IN(Note 1) • 12 mV(Note 4) V = 8.0V to 12V 4 mVIN• 10 mVLoad Regulation V I = 5mA to 1.5 Amp 12 mVRLOAD O (Note 1) I = 5mA to 1.0Amp • 25 mVO I = 250mA to 750 mA 6 mVO • 15 mVStandby Current Drain I 6mASCD• 6.5 mAStandby Current Drain DI V = 7.5V to 20V • 0.8 mASCD IN Change With Line (Line)Standby Current Drain DI I = 5mA to 1000mA • 0.5 mASCD OChange With Load (Load)Dropout Voltage V T = 25°C, DV = 100mV, I = 1.0A 2.5 VDO A OUT OPeak Output Current I T = 25°C 1.5 3.3 AO (pk) AShort Circuit Current I V = 35V 1.2 ADS IN(Note 2) • 2.8 ARipple Rejection DV f =120 Hz, DV = 10V 66 dBIN IN3.3DV (Note 3) • 60 dBOUTOutput Noise Voltage N T = 25°C, f =10 Hz to 100KHz 40 μV/VO A(Note 3) RMSLong Term Stability DV T = 25°C, t = 1000 hrs. 75 mVOUT A(Note 3) DtNotes:1. Load and Line Regulation are specified at a constant junction temperature. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects must be taken into account separately.2. Short Circuit protection is only assured up to V = 35V.IN3. If not tested, shall be guaranteed to the specified limits. The • denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range.4. Minimum load current for full line regulation = 5.0 mA.3.3 - 52OM1805NKM - OM1815NKM