54LS367ADMQB ,Hex TRI-STATE Buffers54LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367AHexTRI-STATEBuffersMay198954LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367AHexTRI-STATEÉ ..
54LS367ADMQB ,Hex TRI-STATE Buffers54LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367AHexTRI-STATEBuffersMay198954LS367A/DM54LS367A/DM74LS367AHexTRI-STATEÉ ..
54LS368ADMQB ,Hex TRI-STATE Inverting BuffersFeatureswithout external resistors. When disabled, both the outputYAlternate Military/Aerospace dev ..
54LS375 , 4-Bit Latch
54LS377DMQB ,7 V, octal D flip-flop with common enable and clockFeatures
The 'LS377 is an B-bit register built using advanced low I 8-bit high speed parallel re ..
54LS379 ,Quad Parallel Register with Enablefeaturesthecommon Buffered positive edge-triggered clockEnable rather than common Master Reset. YBu ..
7016X5 , SMT LEDs 1208 Package Size
70543-0001 , 2.54mm (.100") Pitch SL™ Header, Single Row, Vertical, .120" Pocket, Shrouded, 2Circuits, 0.38μm (15μ") Gold (Au) Selective Plating, Tin (Sn) PC Tail Plating
70553-0106 , 2.54mm (.100") Pitch SL™ Header, Low Profile, Single Row, Right Angle, .120" PocketShrouded, 2 Circuits, 0.76μm (30μ") Gold (Au) Selective Plating, Tin (Sn) PC Tail
70CRU02 ,200V 35A Ultra-Fast Doubler Diode in a TO-218 packageapplications in which the switching energy is designed not to bepredominant portion of the total en ..
70CRU04 ,400V 70A Ultra-Fast Doubler Diode in a TO-218 packageapplications in which the switching energy is designed not to bepredominant portion of the total en ..
70G-IDC5S , Contact Closure DC Input Modules
Hex TRI-STATE Buffers
May 1989
Hex TRI-STATEÉ Buffers
General Description
This device containssix independent gates eachof which
performsa non-inverting buffer function. The outputs have
the TRI-STATE feature. When enabled,the outputs exhibit
thelow impedance characteristicsofa standardLS output
with additional drive capabilityto permitthe drivingofbus
lines without external resistors. When disabled, boththe
output transistorsare turnedoff presentinga high-imped-
ance statetothebus line. Thus theoutput willact neitheras significant loadnorasa driver.To minimizethe possibility
thattwo outputswill attemptto takea commonbusto oppo-
site logic levels,the disable timeis shorter thanthe enable
timeofthe outputs.
Features Alternate military/aerospace device (54LS367A)is
available. Contacta National Semiconductor salesof-
fice/distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number 54LS367ADMQB, 54LS367AFMQB, 54LS367ALMQB, DM54LS367AJ,
DM54LS367AW, DM74LS367AMorDM74LS367AN
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A, M16A, N16Eor W16A
Function TableeA
Inputs Output Y L H H Hi-ZeHigh Logic LeveleLow Logic Levele Either LoworHigh Logic Level
Hi-Ze TRI-STATE (Outputsare disabled)
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.