DM74LS283N ,4-Bit Binary Adder with Fast CarryFeaturesYFull-carry look-ahead across the four bitsThese full adders perform the addition of two 4- ..
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4-Bit Binary Adders with Fast Carry
June 1989
4-Bit Binary Adders with Fast Carry
General Description
Thesefull adders performthe additionoftwo 4-bit binary
numbers.The sum(R) outputsare providedfor eachbitand
the resultant carry (C4)is obtained fromthe fourthbit.
These adders featurefull internal look ahead acrossallfour
bits. This providesthe system designer with partial look-
ahead performanceatthe economyand reduced package
countofa ripple-carry implementation.
The adder logic, includingthe carry,is implementedinits
true form meaningthatthe end-around carrycanbe accom-
plished withoutthe needfor logicor level inversion.
Features Full-carry look-ahead acrossthe fourbits Systems achieve partial look-ahead performance with
the economyof ripple carry Typical add times
Two 8-bit words25ns
Two 16-bit words45ns Typical power dissipationper 4-bit adder95 mW Alternate Military/Aerospace device (54LS283)is avail-
able. Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumber54LS283DMQB, 54LS283FMQB,54LS283LMQB,
DM54LS283J, DM54LS283W,DM74LS283Mor DM74LS283N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A, M16A, N16Eor W16A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.