DM74LS279M ,Quad S-R Latches54LS279/DM54LS279/DM74LS279QuadS-RLatchesMay198954LS279/DM54LS279/DM74LS279QuadS-RLatchesGeneralDes ..
DM74LS279M ,Quad S-R Latches
DM74LS279M ,Quad S-R Latches54LS279/DM54LS279/DM74LS279QuadS-RLatchesMay198954LS279/DM54LS279/DM74LS279QuadS-RLatchesGeneralDes ..
DM74LS279N ,Quad S-R LatchesFeaturesstored in the latch and appear on the corresponding Q out-YAlternate military/aerospace dev ..
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Quad S-R Latches
May 1989
Quad S-R Latches
General Description
The ’LS279 consistsoffour individualand independentSet-
Reset Latches with activelow inputs. Twoofthefour latch- havean additonalS input ANDed withthe primaryS
input.AlowonanyS input whiletheR inputis highwillbe
storedinthe latchand appearonthe correspondingQout-
putasa high.AlowontheR input whiletheS inputis high
will cleartheQ outputtoalow. Simultaneous transistionof
theRandS inputs fromlowto highwill causetheQ outputbe indeterminate. Both inputsare voltage level triggered
andarenot affectedby transition timeofthe input data.
Features Alternate military/aerospace device (54LS279)is avail-
able. Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributorfor specifications.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumber54LS279DMQB, 54LS279FMQB,54LS279LMQB,
DM54LS279J, DM74LS279MorDM74LS279N
SeeNS Package Number E20A, J16A, M16A, N16Eor W16A
Function Table
Inputs Output
S(1) R Q H* H L Q0eHigh LeveleLow LeveleThe LevelofQ beforethe indicatedinput conditionswere established.
*This outputlevelis pseudo stable;thatis,itmaynot persist whentheSandR
inputs returntotheir inactive (high)level.
Note 1:For latcheswith double Sinputs:ebothS inputshigheoneorbothS inputslow
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.