54ACTQ541W-QMLV ,Quiet Series Octal Buffer/Line Driver with TRI-STATE OutputsfeaturesGTO™ output control and undershoot corrector in addition toa split ground bus for superior ..
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Quiet Series Octal Buffer/Line Driver with TRI-STATE Outputs
Quiet Series Octal Buffer/Line Driver with TRI-STATE®
General DescriptionThe ’ACTQ541isan octal buffer and line driver with
TRI-STATE outputs designedtobe employedasa memory
and address driver, clock driver,or bus-oriented transmitter/
The ’ACTQ541is similartothe ’ACTQ244 while providing
flow-through architecture (inputson opposite sides fromout-
puts). This pinout arrangement makesthis device especially
usefulasan outputportfor microprocessors, allowing ease layoutand greaterPC board density.
The ’ACTQ541 utilizes NSC Quiet Series technologyto
guarantee quiet output switching and improved dynamic
threshold performance. FACT Quiet Series™ features
GTO™ output controland undershootcorrectorin additionto split groundbusfor superior ACMOS performance.
Features Non-inverting buffers Guaranteed simultaneous switching noise leveland
dynamic threshold performance Flow-through pinoutfor easeofPC board layout Non-inverting TRI-STATE™ outputs TTL compatible inputs CMOS power consumption Output source/sink24mA Standard Microcircuit Drawing (SMD) 5962-9682901
Connection Diagram Pin Names DescriptionOE1,OE2 Output Enable Input (Active Low)
I0–I7 Inputs
O0–O7 Outputs
Truth Table
Inputs Outputs
OE1 OE2 I ACTQ541 H H X Z X Z L L= HIGH Voltage Level= LOW Voltage Level= Immaterial=High Impedance
GTO™ isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
FACT™andFACTQuietSeries™are trademarksof FairchildSemiconductor Corporation.
Pin Assignment
DIPand CerpackDS100983-1
Pin Assignment
September 1998
Outputs 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100983