DM74164N ,7 V, 8-bit serial in/parallel out shift registerNational _
8-Blt Serial ln/Parallel Out Shift Registers
Gener ..
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7 V, 8-bit serial in/parallel out shift register
National _
8-Blt Serlal In/Parallel Out Shift Registers
General Deaerlptlon
These 8-blt shift registers feature gated aerial Inputs and an
asynchronous clear. A low logic level at elther serial Input
Inhlblte entry of the new data, and resets the first fllp-flop to
the low level at the next clock pulse, thus providing com-
plete control over Incoming data. A high Ioglc level on elther
input enables the other Input, whlch wlll then determine the
state of the first flip-tlop. Data at the serial inputs may be
changed while the clock Is high or low, but only information
meeting the setup and hold time requirements will be en-
tered. Clocking occurs on the Iow-to-high level transition of
the clock input. All inputs are diode-clamped to minimize
transmission-Iine effects.
I: Gated (enabIe/dlsable) serlel inputs
1: Fully buffered clock and eedal Inputs
" Asynchronous clear
a Typical clock frequency 36 MHz
1: Typical power dissipation 185 mW
Connection Diagram Function Table
D Mn-Une Packe e
ua g Inputs Outputs
OUTPUTS Clear Clock A B 0A ths OH
vcc th, cc, a; GE CLEAR CLOCK L X X X L L ... L
114 " " " 10 I 9 " A0 BO HO
H t H H H QAn QGn
H t X L L QAn Can
H = High Level (steady state), L = Low Level (steady state)
X '* Don't Care (any input. including transitions)
< t = Transition tram law to high level
tus, (2so, 0H0 = The level of tb, os, or CH, respectively, before the
indicated steady-state input conditions were established.
OAn, as,, = The level of CA or ths before the most recent t transition of
the clock; indicates a one-bit shift.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A B tia 03 tht 00 GND
Order Number 54164DMQB, 54164FMOB or DM74164N
See NS Package Number J14A, N14A or W148
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note)
" MIlltaryfAerospaee trptstrlfied devices are required,
please contact the National Semlttttndutttor Sales
offlee/DlMrlbutttrtt for availability and spetMeatlons.
Note: The "Absolute Maximum Ratings" are those values
beyond which the safety of the device cannot be guaran-
teed. The de vice should not be operated at these limits. The
parametric values defined in the "Electrical Characteristics"
table are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The ''Ratmrnendad Operating Conditions" table will define
the conditions for actual device operation.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Voltage 5.5V
Operating Free Air Temperature Range
54 - 590 to + 125°C
DM74 ty'C to + 7ty'C
Storage Temperature Range
-65''C to + 150''C
Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter 54164 DM74164 Units
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
VCC Supply Voltage 4.5 5 5.5 4.75 5 5.25 V
" High Level Input Voltage 2 2 V
" Low Level Input Voltage 0.8 0.8 V
10H High Level Output Current -0.4 -0.4 mA
IOL Low Level Output Current 8 8 mA
fCLK Clock Frequency (Note 4) 25 O 25 MHz
tw Pulse Width Clock 20 20
(Note 4) Clear 20 20 ns
tsu Data Setup Time (Note 4) 15 15 ns
tH Data Hold Time (Note 4) 0 5 ns
TA Free Air Operating Temperatae - 55 125 0 70 "C
Electrical Characteristics over recommended operating free airtemperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 1)
V. Input Clamp Voltage Vcc = Min, II = --14 mA - 1.5 V
VOH High Level Output Vcc = Min, km = Max 2 4 3 2 V
Voltage VI. = Max,1hH = Min . .
VOL Low Level Output Vcc = Min, IOL = Max 0 2 0 4 V
Voltage VIH = Min, VIL = Max . .
ll Input Current © Max VCC = Max, VI = 5.5V
Input Voltage
Im High Level InputCurrent Vcc = Max, VI = 2.4V 40 HA
'lL Low Level Input Current VCC = Max, V. = 0.4V -1.6 mA
los Short Circuit VCC = Max 54 - 10 -27.5 m A
Output Current (Note 2) DM74 _ 9 -27.5
ICC Supply Current VCC = Max (Note 3) 37 54 mA
Note 1: All typicals are at Vcc = 5V, TA = 25°C.
Note 2: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time.
Note 3: ICC is measured with all outputs open. SERIAL inputs grounded, the CLOCK input at 2.4V, and a momentary ground, then 4.5V. applied to the CLEAR input.
Note 4: TA = 25°C and Vcc = 5V.
Switching Characteristics at Vcc = 5V and TA = 25''C (See Section 1 for Test Waveforms and Output Load)
RL = Mon
Ftom (Input)
Symbol Parameter To (Output) th. = " pF A. = 50 pF Units
Mln Max Min Max
fMAx Maximum Clock Frequency 25 MHz
tpLH Propagation Delay Time Clock to 27 30 ns
Low to High Level Output Output
tpHL Propagation Delay Time Clock to 32 37 ns
High to Low Level Output Output
tPHL Propagation Delay Time Clear to 36 42 ns
High to Low Level Output Output
Logic Diagram
ms I1(2) 'R 0,. n on R ac
nag mug an! CLEAR meg
a 00 n 05 Ln tV n tht n At
soaisthr'steistxreesrae 30F_.-‘SOQ so"
(3)} I ‘l
to) (5) tttl (IO) (‘1) (‘2) (13b
Ju att 0c 00 0: 0: co tht
Timing Diagram
r A -"""'"""-1-r-1
_ r,-..--,-)
QC CCY, r""-ii""-'1,
tht :3 f-""'""'"")-.).,
OUTPUTS -.... -
thi TC", I c) L
ttr LL", I_l
tta :3 I l-
Qt4 :21 cl,
TL/ F/6552-3
4-1 69
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
54164DMQB - product/54164dmqb?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
54164FMQB - product/54164fmqb?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df-pf-nulI-wwe
DM74164N - product/dm74164n?HQS=TI-nulI-null-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe