DM74121N ,One-Shot with Clear and Complementary Outputs54121/DM54121/DM74121One-ShotwithClearandComplementaryOutputsJune198954121/DM54121/DM74121One-Shotw ..
DM74121N ,One-Shot with Clear and Complementary OutputsFunctional DescriptionThe basic output pulse width is determined by selection of few nano-seconds t ..
DM74121N ,One-Shot with Clear and Complementary OutputsFeatures few nano-seconds to 28 seconds by choosing appropriateY R andC combinations.Therearethreet ..
DM74121N ,One-Shot with Clear and Complementary Outputs54121/DM54121/DM74121One-ShotwithClearandComplementaryOutputsJune198954121/DM54121/DM74121One-Shotw ..
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One-Shot with Clear and Complementary Outputs
June 1989
54121/DM54121/DM74121 One-Shot with
Clear and Complementary Outputs
General Description
The DM54/74121isa monostable multivibrator featuring
both positiveand negative edge triggering with complemen-
tary outputs.An internal 2kX timing resistoris providedfor
design convenience minimizing component countandlay-
out problems. This devicecanbe usedwith asingleexternal
capacitor. Inputs(A)are active-low trigger transition inputs
and input(B)isan active-high transition Schmitt-triggerin-
put that allows jitter-free triggering from inputs with tran-
sition ratesas slowas1 volt/second.A high immunityto
VCC noiseof typically 1.5Vis also providedby internalcir-
cuitryatthe input stage. obtain optimumand trouble free operation please read
operating rulesand NSC one-shotapplication notes careful-and observe recommendations.
Features Triggered from active-high transitionor active-low tran-
sition inputs Variable pulse width from30nsto28 seconds Jitterfree Schmitt-trigger input Excellent noise immunity typically 1.2V Stable pulse widthupto 90% duty cycle TTL, DTL compatible Compensatedfor VCCand temperature variations Input clamp diodes Alternate Military/Aerospace device (54121)is avail-
able. Contacta National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributorfor specifications.
Functional Description
The basic output pulse widthis determinedby selectionof internal resistor RINToran external resistor (RX) and
capacitor (CX). Once triggeredthe output pulse widthisin-
dependentof further transitionsofthe inputsandisa func-
tionofthe timing components. Pulse widthcan vary froma
few nano-secondsto28 secondsby choosing appropriate andCX combinations. Thereare three trigger inputs from
the device,two negative edge-triggering(A)inputs,one pos-
itive edge Schmitt-triggering(B) input.
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumber 54121DMQB, 54121FMQB,
DM54121J, DM54121Wor DM74121N
See NSPackageNumber J14A, N14AorW14B
Function Table
Inputs Outputs A2 B Q Q H L H H L H L L H X L H v H Éß HH Éß H Éß u Éß u Éß eHigh LogicLevel eLow LogicLevel eCanBe EitherLow orHigh ePositive Going Transition eNegativeGoingTransition eAPositive Pulse eANegativePulse
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.