4N39 ,PHOTO SCR OPTOCOUPLERRev. 1.4, 26-Apr-04 34N39VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt i ..
4N40 ,PHOTO SCR OPTOCOUPLERSPHOTO SCR OPTOCOUPLERSDESCRIPTION4N39 4N40The 4N39 and 4N40 have a gallium-arsenide infraredemi ..
4N40SD ,6-Pin DIP Photo SCR Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS CATHODE ANODE• Low power logic circuits 2 56• Telecommunications equipment3 4• Portabl ..
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4N35 · General Purpose Phototransistor Optocoupler
DESCRIPTIONThis data sheet presents five families of Vishay Industry Standard
Single Channel Phototransistor Couplers. These families include the
4N25/26/27/28 types, the 4N35/36/37/38 couplers, the H11A1/A2/
A3/A4/A5, the MCT2/2E, and MCT270/271/272/273/274/275/276/
277 devices.Each optocoupler consists of Gallium Arsenide infra-
red LED and a silicon NPN phototransistor.
These couplers are Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed to comply
with a 5300 V
is accomplished through Vishay double molding isolation manufac-
turing process. Compliance to VDE 0884 partial discharge isolation
specification is available for these families by ordering option 1.
Phototransistor gain stability, in the presence of high isolation volt-
ages, is insured by incorporating a TRansparent lOn Shield
cesses and the Vishay IS09001 Quality program results in the high-
est isolation performance available for a commercial plastic
phototransistor optocoupler.
The devices are available in lead formed configuration suitable for
surface mounting and are available either on tape and reel, or in
standard tube shipping containers.
Part No. CTR % Min.4N25 20
4N26 20
4N27 10
4N28 10
4N35 100
4N36 100
4N37 100
4N38 10
H11A1 50
H11A2 20
H11A3 20
H11A4 10
H11A5 30
FEATURES Interfaces with Common Logic Families Input-output Coupling Capacitance < 0.5 pF Industry Standard Dual-in-line 6-pin Package Field Effect Stable by TRIOS 5300 V
Isolation Test Voltage Underwriters Laboratory File #E52744
APPLICATIONS AC Mains Detection Reed Relay Driving Switch Mode Power Supply Feedback Telephone Ring Detection Logic Ground Isolation Logic Coupling with High Frequency Noise
Rejection Notes:
Designing with data sheet is covered in Application Note 45.