47CTQ020 ,20V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-220AB packagePD-20540 rev. E 10/9947CTQ02047CTQ020S47CTQ020-1SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER40 AmpDescription/
47CTQ020-1 ,20V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-262 packageFeaturesMajor Ratings and CharacteristicsThis center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimized for ..
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20V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-220AB package
PD-2054O rev. E 10/99
I . l 47CTO020
memohono 47CTC1020S
1%le Rectifier 47CTO020-1
Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features
This centertap Schottky rectifier has been optimized for ultra
Characteristics Values Units low forward voltage drop specifically for 3.3V output power
supplies. The proprietary barriertechnology allows for reliable
operation up to 150 I junction temperature. Typical
|F(AV) Rectangular 40 A applications are in parallel switching power supplies,
waveform converters, reverse battery protection, and redundant power
o 150 'C T: operation
|FSM @tp=5pssine 1000 A q Centertapconfiguration
. Optimized for 3.3V application
VF @20Apk,Tu--12r'C 0.34 V . Ultralowforwardvoltagedrop
. Highfrequencyoperation
To -55to150 CC . Guardringforenhancedruggednessandlongterm
. High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
Case Styles
47CTO020 47CTQ020S 47CT0020-1
TO-220 D2PAK TO-262
47CT0020, 47CTQ020S, 47CT0020-1
PD-20540 rev. E 10/99 TOR Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Part number 47CTQ020, ..020S, ..020-1
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) @ 125° C 20
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) © 150° C 10
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 47CTQ Units Conditions
IRAV) Max.AverageForward (PerDevice) 40 A 50%dutycycle@TC=135°C,rectangularwaveform
Current (PerLeg) 20
- . . . Followin an rated
lm, Max.PeakOneCycleNon Repetitive 1000 A 5ps Sln'eor3ps Rect.pulse load congiitiox and with
SurgeCurrent(PerLeg) 250 10msSineor6msRect.pulse rated Vrrm applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvalancheEnergy 18 md T: = 25°C, |AS =3Amps, L=3mH
|AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 3 A Currentdecayinglinearlytozeroin1psec
(PerLeg) Frequencylimited byT, max.VA=1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 47CTQ Units Conditions
VFM Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.45 V © 20A Tu = 25 °C
(PerLeg) (1) 0.51 V © 40A
0.34 V @ 20A TJ = 125 'C
0.44 V © 40A
0.31 v © 20A Tv-- 150°C
0.42 V © 40A
r,,, Max. Reverse Leakage Current 3 mA T J = 25 °C
V = rated V
(PerLeg) (1) 310 mA Tu = 125 0C R R
60 mA TJ=125°C VR=5V
45 mA TJ=125°C VR=3.3V
306 mA TJ=150°C VR=10V
VF(TO) Threshold Voltage 0.188 V TJ = Tr, max.
rt Forward Slope Resistance 5.9 m9
c, Max. Junction Capacitance (PerLeg) 3000 pF VR = SVDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C
LS Typical Series Inductance (PerLeg) 5.5 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10,000 V/ us
(Rated Vn)
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications (1) Pulse Width < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
Parameters 47CTQ Units Conditions
Tu Max.JunctionTemperature Range -55to150 °C
stg Max.StorageTemperature Range -55to150 (
RthJC Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 1.5 c'C/W DCoperation
to Case (Per Leg)
RthJC Max.ThermaIResistanceJunction 0.75 'TNI DCoperation
to Case (Per Package)
Rmcs TypicalThermalResistance,Case 0.50 °CNV Mountingsurface,smoothandgreased
to Heatsink (onlyforTO-220)
wt ApproximateWeight 2(0.07) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 6(5) Kg-cm
Max. 12(10) (Ibf-in)