42CTQ030 ,30V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-220AB packageapplications are inI Rectangular 40 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diode ..
42CTQ030PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 2 x 20 A
42CTQ030S ,30V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D2-Pak packageFeaturesThis center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimized for veryCharacteristics Values Units ..
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42CTQ030STRR ,30V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D2-Pak packagePD-20543 rev. B 11/9942CTQ03042CTQ030S42CTQ030-1SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER40 AmpMajor Ratings and Charact ..
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30V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-220AB package
IézR Rectifier
PD-20543 rev. B 11/99
4 2 C T Q 0 3 O
Major Ratings and Characteristics
40 Amp
This center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimized for very
Characteristics Values Units low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage. The
proprietary barriertechnology allows for reliable operation upto
IF AV Rectangular 40 A 159° f junction temperature. Typical appl.icatiys gre in
( ) f switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes,
wave cm and reverse battery protection.
VRRM 30 V . 150° C Tu operation
. . Centertapconfiguration
IFSM © tp=5pssine 1100 A . Very Iowforward voltage drop
0 . High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for
VF @20Apk,TJ=125 C 0.38 V enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
(perleg) o Highfrequency operation
T range -55to150 ( . anrc-j-ring forenhanced ruggedness and long term
J reliability
Case Styles
42CTQ030 42CTQ030S 42CTQ030-1
42CT0030, 42CTQ030S, 42CTO030-1 International
PD-20543 rev. B 11/99 IEER Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
Parameters 42CTQO3OS
VH Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) 30
VRWM Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V)
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters Values Units Conditions
IHAV) Max.Average Forward (PerLeg) 20 A 50%duty cycle@TC=121°C,rectangu|ar wave form
Current 'See Fig.5 (PerDevice) 40
|FSM Max.PeakOneCycleNon-Repetitive 1100 A 5ps Sineor3ps Rectpulse $215035 'oannInyv,t,t//
SurgeCurrent (Per Leg) *See Fig.7 360 10msSineor6ms Rect.pulse rated VRRM applied
EAS Non-RepetitiveAvaIancheEnergy 13 mJ T, = 25 °C, IAS-- 3Amps, L=2.90mH
|AR RepetitiveAvalancheCurrent 3 A Current decaying linearly to zero in 1 psec
(PerLeg) Frequency limited by TJmax.VA=1.5xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters Values Units Conditions
G, Max. Forward Vol1age Drop 0.48 V © 20A T, = 25 °C
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 1 (1) 0.57 V © 40A
0.38 V © 20A T 125 °C
0.51 v © 40A J -
Ira, Max. Reverse Leakage Current 3 mA T J = 25 "C V _ rated V
i . o R _ R
(Per Leg) See Fig. 2 (1) 183 mA T, = 125 C
VHTO) Threshold Voltage 0.22 V T J = T J max.
l Forward Slope Resistance 6.76 mn
c, Max.Junction Capacitance (PerLeg) 2840 pF VR = SVDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C
LS Typical Series Inductance (PerLeg) 8.0 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10,000 V/ us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse Width < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2°/o
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters Values Units Conditions
T J Max.JunctionTemperatureRange -55to150 °C
Tstg Max.StorageTemperature Range -55to150 (
R,, Max.Therma|ResistanceJunction 2.0 ''ow DC operation
to Case (Per Leg)
Re, JC Max.ThermaIResistanceJunction 1.0 °C/W DC operation
to Case (Per Package)
Rmcs TypicaIThermalResistance,Case 0.50 ''C/W Mounting surface,smooth and greased
to Heatsink (only for TO-220)
wt ApproximateWeight 2(0.07) g(oz.)
T MountingTorque Min. 6(5) Kg-cm
Max. 12(10) (lbf-in)