40TPS16 ,1600V 35A Phase Control SCR in a TO-247AC packageapplications.The glass passivation technology used has reli-able operation up to 125°C junction tem ..
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1600V 35A Phase Control SCR in a TO-247AC package
Titat, Rectifier
Bulletin 12162 reV.A 06/03
The 40TPS16 SAFEIR series of silicon controlled
rectirers are specifically designed for medium
power switching and phase control applications.
The glass passivation technology used has reli-
able operation up to 125''C junction temperature.
Low Igt parts available.
Typical applications are in input rectification (soft
start) and these products are designed to be used
with International Rectifier input diodes, switches
and output recWers which are available in identical
package outlines.
Major Ratings and Characteristics
Characteristics 40TPS16 Units
v, <1.45V@ 40A
I = 500A
V 1 600V
Package Outline
Imv) Sinusoidal 35 A
|RMS 55 A
VRRM/VDRM Range (*) 1600 V
ITSM 500 A
v, @40A,Tu=25''C 1.45 v
dv/dt 1000 V/ps
di/dt 100 Alps
T -40 to 125 ''C
(*) Contact Factory
40TPS16 SAFEIR Series
Bulletin 12162 rev. A 06/03 IEER Rectifier
Voltage Ratings
VRRMI VDRM, max. repetitive VRSM, maximum non repetitive IRRM/ lDRM
Part Number peak and off-state voltage peak reverse voltage 125°C
V V mA
40TPS16 1600 1700 10
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 40TPS16 Units Conditions
INAV) Max. Average On-state Current 35 A @ TC = 79° C, 180° conduction halfsine wave
IWRMS) Max. Continuous RMS 55
On-state Current As AC switch
ITSM Max.Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 500 A 10ms Sine pulse, rated VRRM applied Initial
Surge Current 600 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied TJ=TJ max.
A Max. Pt for Fusing 1250 A25 10ms Sine pulse, ratedVRRM applied
1760 10ms Sine pulse, no voltage reapplied
Wt Max. Wt for Fusing 12500 Azx/s t= 0.1 to 10ms, no voltagereapplied
VWO)1 Low Level Value of Threshold 1.02 V TJ =125°C
VT(TO)2 High Level Value of Threshold 1.23
rt, Low Level Value of On-state 9.74 mo
Slope Resistance
rt2 High Level Value ofOn-state 7.50
Slope Resistance
VTM Max. Peak On-state Voltage 1.85 V @110A,TJ = 25°C
di/dt Max.RateofRiseofTurnetrOnCurrent 100 Alps T J = 25''C
|H Max. Holding Current 150 mA
IL Max. Latching Current 300
I / Max.Reverse and Direct 0.5 T =25°C
RRM J o VR = rated VRRM/VDRM
|DRM Leakage Current 10 Tv-- 125 C
dv/dt Max. Rate ofRise 1000 V/ps TJ = T: max., linearto 80% VDRM , Rg-k= open
of Off-state Voltage