MC33661D ,LIN Enhanced Physical InterfaceBlock Diagram 33661 MOTOROLA ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DEVICE DATA2 For More Information On This P ..
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LIN Enhanced Physical Interface
Document order number: MC33661
Rev 3.0, 10/2004Advance Information
LIN Enhanced Physical InterfaceLocal Interconnect Network (LIN) is a serial communication protocol
designed to support automotive networks in conjunction with Controller Area
Network (CAN). As the lowest level of a hierarchical network, LIN enables
cost-effective communication with sensors and actuators when all the features
of CAN are not required.
The 33661 is a Physical Layer component dedicated to automotive LIN sub-
bus applications. It offers slew rate selection for optimized operation at kbps and 20 kbps, fast baud rate (above 100 kbps) for test and
programming modes, excellent radiated emission performance, and safe
behavior in the event of LIN bus short-to-ground or LIN bus leakage during
low-power mode.
Features Operational from VSUP 6.0 V to 18 V DC, Functional up to 27 V DC, and
Handles 40 V During Load Dump Active Bus Waveshaping Offering Excellent Radiated Emission
Performance 5.0 kV ESD on LIN Bus Terminal
30 kΩ Internal Pullup Resistor LIN Bus Short-to-Ground or High Leakage in Sleep Mode -18 V to +40 V DC Voltage at LIN Terminal
8.0 µA Standby Current in Sleep Mode Local and Remote Wake-Up Capability Reported by INH and RXD
Terminals 5.0 V and 3.3 V Compatible Digital Inputs Without Any External
Components Required
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.