30CPQ050 ,50V 30A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageapplications are in switching power supplies, converters,waveformfree-wheeling diodes, and reverse ..
30CPQ060 ,60V 30A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 30CPQ... center tap Schottky rectifier has been opti-Characteristics 30CPQ... Unitsmize ..
30CPQ080 ,80V 30A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 30CPQ... center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimizedfor low reverse leakage at hig ..
30CPQ100 ,100V 30A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageapplications are in switchingI Rectangular 30 AF(AV)power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diode ..
30CPQ100PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 2 x 15 A
30CPQ100PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 2 x 15 A
40CPQ035 ,35V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageBulletin PD-2.307 rev. B 12/0140CPQ03540CPQ04040CPQ045SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER40 AmpMajor Ratings a ..
40CPQ040 ,40V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageapplications are inF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes,waveformand reve ..
40CPQ045 ,45V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 40CPQ... center tap Schottky rectifier has been optimizedCharacteristics 40CPQ... Units ..
40CPQ045PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 2 x 20 A
40CPQ045PBF , Schottky Rectifier, 2 x 20 A
40CPQ050 ,50V 40A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC packagePD-2.308 rev. A 12/9740CPQ05040CPQ060SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 40 AmpMajor Ratings and Characteristics D ..
50V 30A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a TO-247AC package
Bulletin PD-2.298 rev.B 01/04
Internohqrjol 30CPQ050
IezsR Rectifier 3OCPQ060
Major Ratings and Characteristics Description) Features
. . . The 3OCPQ... center tap Schottky rectifier has been opti-
Characteristics 3OCPQ... Units mized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate
leakage. The proprietary barrier technology allows for reli-
IF(AV) Rectangular 30 A able operation up to 150° C junction temperature. Typical
waveform applications are in switching power supplies, converters,
free-wheeling diodes, and reverse battery protection.
RRM 50 60 . 150° C To operation
IFSM @tp= 5 us sine 1020 A . Center tap TO-247 package
. High purity, high te.mp.erature epoxy en_capsulation for
V @15Apk, T --1250C 0.56 V enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance
F J . Very low forward voltage drop
(per leg) . .
. High frequency operation
TJ -55to150 ''C . Guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term
Case Styles
Anode Anode
30CPQ050, 30CPQ060
Bulletin PD-2.298 rev. B 01/04 TOR Redlflef
Voltage Ratings
Part number 30CPQO50 30CPQ060
VR Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V)
eu, Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 50 60
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameters 3OCPQ... Units Conditions
IHAV) Max. Average Forward Current 30 A 50% duty cycle @ TC = 112 ''C, rectangularwave form
* See Fig. 5
|FSM Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 1020 5ps Sine or3ps Rect. pulse Followin any rated
. A . load con ition and with
Surge Current (Per Leg) * See Fig. 7 265 10ms Sine or6ms Rect. pulse rated vRRM applied
EAS Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy 13 mJ T: = 25°C, IAS; = 1.50Amps,L= 11.5 mH
(Per Leg)
I AR Repetitive Avalanche Current 1.50 A Currentdecaying linearly to zero in 1 psec
(Per Leg) Frequency limited by T, max. VA: 1.5 xVR typical
Electrical Specifications
Parameters 3OCPQ... Units Conditions
I/m Max. Forward Voltage Drop 0.60 V @ 15A T = 25 "C
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 1 (1) 0.80 V @ 30A J
0.56 V @15A T =125 °C
0.70 v @ 30A J -
I Max. Reverse Leakage Current 0.80 mA T = 25 ''C
RM J v = rated v
(Per Leg) * See Fig. 2 (1) 45 mA TJ = 125 °c R R
c, Max. Junction Capacitance(Per Leg) 720 pF VR = 5VDC, (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25°C
LS Typical Series Inductance (Per Leg) 7.5 nH Measured lead to lead 5mm from package body
dv/dt Max. Voltage Rate of Change 10000 W us
(Rated VR)
(1) Pulse Wldth < 300ps, Duty Cycle <2%
Thermal-Mechanical Specifications
Parameters 3OCPQ... Units Conditions
T, Max. Junction Temperature Range -55 to 150 'C
Tsta Max. Storage Temperature Range -5510150 ''C
RthJC Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 2.20 °C/W DC operation * See Fig. 4
to Case (Per Leg)
Rch Max.ThermalResistanceJunction 1.10 ''CA/V DC operation
to Case (Per Package)
Rthcs Typical Thermal Resistance, Case 0.24 "CAN Mounting surface t smooth and greased
to Heatsink
wt Approximate Weight 6 (0.21) g (oz.)
T Mounting Torque Min. 6(5) Kg-cm Non-Iubricatedthreads
Max. 12(10) (Ibf-in)
Case Style TO-247AC(TO-3P) JEDEC