2SK3539 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitDrain to source vo ..
2SK3541 T2L , 2.5V Drive Nch MOS FET
2SK3541T2L , 2.5V Drive Nch MOS FET
2SK3541T2L , 2.5V Drive Nch MOS FET
2SK3541-T2L , 2.5V Drive Nch MOS FET
2SK3541-T2L , 2.5V Drive Nch MOS FET
39VF040 , 512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
39VF040 , 512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
3B16-01 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 3 Hz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning Modulefeatures two simultaneous outputs, the voltage output can be Torque Transducers, Frequency Transduc ..
3B18-00 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 20 kHz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning ModuleGENERAL DESCRIPTION both voltage and current outputs. The 3B18 is a wideband (20kHz) single-channe ..
3B18-01 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 20 kHz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning Modulefeatures two simultaneous outputs, the voltage output can be without the inherent noise, non-linear ..
3B20-01 ,Non-Isolated AC Strain or Torque Input Signal Conditioning ModuleGENERAL DESCRIPTION selecting resistors, a Windows program, 3B-CUSTOM, The 3B20 is a wideband sin ..