2SK3443 ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (pi-MOSV) Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter and Motor Drive ApplicationsThermal Characteristics Notice: Characteristics Symbol Max UnitPlease use the S1 pin for gate inpu ..
2SK3443 ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (pi-MOSV) Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter and Motor Drive ApplicationsApplications Low drain-source ON resistance: R = 50 mΩ (typ.) DS (ON) High forward transfe ..
2SK3444 ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (pi-MOSV) Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter Applications Motor Drive ApplicationsApplications Low drain-source ON resistance: R = 65 mΩ (typ.) DS (ON) High forward transfer ..
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Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (pi-MOSV) Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter and Motor Drive Applications
2SK3443 TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π-MOSV)
2SK3443 Switching Regulator, DC-DC Converter and Motor Drive Applications Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (ON) = 50 mΩ (typ.) High forward transfer admittance: �Yfs� = 9 S (typ.) Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 µA (VDS = 150 V) Enhancement-mode: Vth = 3.0 to 5.0 V (VDS = 10 V, ID = 1 mA)
Maximum Ratings (Ta ��� � 25°C)
Thermal Characteristics Note 1: Please use devices on condition that the channel temperature
is below 150°C.
Note 2 VDD � 50 V, Tch � 25°C (initial), L � 773 �H, RG � 25 �,
IAR � 30 A
Note 3: Repetitive rating: pulse width limited by maximum channel
This transistor is an electrostatic sensitive device. Please handle with
Unit: mm
Weight: 0.74 g (typ.)
Circuit Configuration